Get baited by a interesting premise

>get baited by a interesting premise
>MC has no personality so viewers can "identify" with him
>side character development is shafted so MC has more screentime to be cool and strong
>has the cutest girl after his dick just because he's so strong and cool
>second half was so bad that it makes the first half seem good
>not even the good animation and OST could save it
Why is Gurren Lagann so shit? Pic unrelated

>Why is Gurren Lagann so shit? Pic unrelated
Bravo you got me user
but on a serious note SAO is absolute cancer

>not even the good animation and OST could save it
Both had some pretty QUALITY moments though.

But user, Simón at least suffers and has development
I only saw the first ten episodes tho, currently watching, so far so cool, I'm a sucker of over the top crazy as fuck series.

>muh shitty harem
I bet you're one of the fucks who rocks out in the atleast ten best girl threads a day.

Technically so does Kirito.

Kirito also legit ended some people's lives in Aincrad and struggled to live with it for a while

>>MC has no personality so viewers can "identify" with him

Why the fuck people need this? why people cant read a story or something without the need of someone they can relate to? just be a observer of what is happening, even have empathy for the misery of the characters but stop self inserting fucking hell.

>has the cutest girl after his dick just because he's so strong and cool
>having cutest girl

That you even compare these two character developments....fucking simpletons

>interesting premise
That's when I knew you weren't talking about SAO.

But that user was implying Kirito doesnt suffer or develop at all.
Kirito develops a lot in the Aircraft arc and then stagnates into a boring self insert character halfway into the show just like Simon.
He also has that PTSD thing going on in GGO.

SAO is so bad too

took the words right out of my mouth.

i hate it when people identify themselfs as characters and post about it online. It always reminds me of people who think music artist wrote a song "just for them" when in reality the company is just aiming at the whole demographic.
but SAO and people who identify themselfs as characters are cancer.

My personal theory is that everyone looks for something that really anchors themselves into the show. For me its atmosphere and character interactions, but for a good number of other people its literally becoming the main character.

By this point I think that people mean that it's something that makes you suspend your disbelief and make the characters beliavable, because I sure as hell don't insert myself in the fiction I consume.

That's what I think it SHOULD be. There's no way to make everyone insert themselves in the character.

>A whore Kirito has only known for a month or so gets killed, and he only bothers to remember when the plot needs drama.

>Simon's long time friend ends up dying leaving him thinking he is useless until he discovers his talent is useful.

Great these are totally on the same level.

who are you quoting fampai?

His entire guild was wiped out, not just Sachi. It was why Kirito became such an edgy loner in the first place and start rejecting people until a Mary Sue forces her way into his heart just like Simon


>has the cutest girl after his dick just because he's so strong and cool
Doesn't Simon meet Nia at the lowest point in his character arc?

How can you forget her annoying speechs about how strong Simon is every episode right before the timeskip?

Sure, she thinks he strong. But that's different from falling for someone because they're strong and cool, as seen in SAO.

Kirito walks around saving women left and right while being as cool as possible. Simon meets Nia when he's being pathetic and dragging his entire group down, there's nothing cool about him. Even if Nia think she's cool, that's because she's not a normal person, not because the viewer is supposed to see Simon as cool.

I think the original point was that Simon has no personality for Nia to fall for. His development in episode 11 was all he has as a character and then suddenly Nia loves him after the timeskip.

This makes more sense, but it's pretty easy to explain. Nia's simply not a normal girl and Simon was effectively the first ordinarily person she's ever seen when he opened her pod. Since she already has strong feelings for him in particular through circumstance, they grow into love as time goes by.

Whether or not you think it is a good story element, I think it still makes sense. I don't even particularly like Gurren Lagann but it's still way better than SAO.

>TTGL is too deep for him

>Whether or not you think it is a good story element, I think it still makes sense. I don't even particularly like Gurren Lagann but it's still way better than SAO.
If I remember correctly, Asuna became interested in Kirito after she saw how he was taking it easy in a death game, while she was either raiding or sleeping and doing everything she can to beat the game.
The marriage and house bullshit was cringeworthy but I remember that element actually being pretty cute.

It makes sense that every women in SAO would be interested in Kirito on a basic level, because he's designed to be the coolest and strongest guy out there. Asuna does have slightly a bit more going on in terms of reasoning, but the other girls in his harem are there just because he's cool.

I just don't see that being the same as Simon. Sure, he's strong, but his strength comes through a long and fitting character arc where he hits some serious lows. Kirito never has a serious character arc because he's not allowed to stop being cool.

Kirito's only flaw is that he smurfed irresponsibly one time.

I feel this. In RPG's or MMO's I always make a girl character that uses my online screen name, but all my friends still make the most realistic as possible recreation of themselves and name it their first name. I just don't get hooked on that. I always name the main character "Link" in Zelda games, because that's who he is.