What anime really really really really makes you think???

What anime really really really really makes you think???

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>I injected you a dose of 10 whole marijuanas, it will kill you if I don't save you
Really makes me think......

haha memes!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!

made me think why the fuck I wasted my time watching that shit

That pseudo-philosophical mumbo-jumbo was honestly the stupidest shit I've ever watched in my life.

>u can only kill 1 person in ur life because u become someone else haha xd :---))

this thread...
really makes you think...

this post....
i think......

My eyes of mystical perception tell me that ur fucking gay lmaoo00

> NHK ni youkoso!
> Why am I watching anime about myself?

really makes you wondering

That anime actually made me snap back into a good lifestyle.

>u can only kill 1 person in ur life because u become someone else
There have been studies that show this to be true

these threads are f unny though, keep spamming 'em

[citation needed]

Same. But add some Tatami Galaxy, Oyasumi Punpun, and Evangelion.

Are you literally me

Karano No Kyoukai is the biggest pretentious pieces of shit I have ever watched. It should be renamed pretentious the animation

I love all Type Moon except KNK. I dont know why KNK is so popular its so stupid and makes Angel Egg look like a smart anime(when they are both pretentious)


Is this show any good or just edgy shit

If you liked Angel's Egg you will like it

It's got cool fight scenes and magic effects but the story is like a 10-year-old making it up as he goes, using big words to sound cool

it's entirely coherent. if you didn't get it there is no one to blame but yourself

no one says it's incoherent, just stupid

they must be projecting their own stupidity

If you want pseudo philosophical stuff you should read XxxHolic. It lacks KnK's fighting but is much better plotwise.

Kara no Kyoukai was good.

Tsukihime manga is better.

G reco because apparently retards cant comprehend the easy story thats thrown in your face.
Not saying its good but its ridiculous how people cant pay attention

Actual serious answer: Kino's Journey

>strangers can be dangerous haha xd :---))
fuck off

I can't believe I watched seven fucking movies about a "murderer" only for it to be revealed that she was just an edgy bitch

>I think about killing all the time Cockatoo
>look how hardcore I am Cockatoo

What? You were supposed to know from the 2nd chapter that it wasn't her. Do you know what a red herring is

you just posted it

Are you me?

Visuals are good but the story is appallingly bad.

Animesss I like them amimes

Cowboy bebop

explain yourself

Who Redditgahara here?


Nah man it's not her, she has a cool edgy dual split personality haha so edgy just like myself

Main character is a Mary Sue with tons of issues and epic surnatural powers but played cool and edgy for cool and edgy teens such as myself. Her "sidekick" is your typical beta male who acts as a doormat for her to abuse and be "friends" with. The story makes 0 sense and is full of
>but it was an hologram all along :--)
levels of brain damage.

>All these plebs ITT who can't understand Rakkyo


>Main character is a Mary Sue with tons of issues
>epic surnatural powers
Shiki's role is set up as that of a shikigami and a shinigami in one, so thematically speaking it's very appropriate for her to have a power like that.
>edgy for cool and edgy teens
Epic buzzwords
>Her "sidekick" is your typical beta male
How about his ever-changing ability to adapt, his unrelenting conviction, all of which that helped in shaping many of various film protagonist's views (Shiki, Tomoe, Azaka) and greatly influenced a number of antagonist's mentality and eventual defeat (Kirie, Fujino, Lio)? Again, to dismiss Kokutou as nothing but a "beta male sidekick" is a bit misguided considering how he subtly (and even blatantly) played such a huge role throughout the entire series (further emphasized in the Epilogue when his very influence and existence was described as mending the destructible inevitability of Shiki's fate, hence why the Origin offered him the chance to regain his sight from his missing eye as a form of gift/thanksgiving.
>The story makes 0 sense
It makes perfect sense if you bother to pay attention and do a little research on the concepts discussed.

Fate/stay night overall. Just tape a minute to trino about the universo ot tales place And how otero shows talke place in the same universe. The Grail corruption, the servant summoning, what exactly happens to the minds of the servants, etc.

Nasu Internet Defense Force has officially arrived

>Nasu needing a "defense force"
>on Sup Forums
I don't know where you think you are

Issues as in design flaws, not weaknesses. She has unspeakable power, the will to kill everyone, she kills for fun, abuses the shit out of Micki and never faces any stronger enemy.

>Angel Egg

Angel's Egg is not pretentious. It contains minimal amount of dialogue and action and doesn't even try to force any specific idea or philosophy on you. It's just an animated painting with its 'plot' entirely open to interpretation. How can it be pretentious?

Kara no Kyoukai, on other hand, is a big pretentious pile of shit.


She's a fucking boring deviantart-tier character but the art is pretty.

Are you hardcore enough to read this Japanese literary analysis that absolutely destroys your beloved Kinoko Nasu?


I guess you aren't, cause you're a bunch of secondary EOPs.

Consider actually trying to refute my arguments instead of rambling about power levels and deviantart.

>only reviews 1st chapter of the novels, which were almost completely rearranged for the anime
>written because the guy was butthurt over a literary professor liking KnK
>already refuted countless times

How do you refute direct examples of Nasu's poor writing? Especially when you can't read them?

That "review" was already translated on Beasts Lair and refuted countless times over there. FYI it's a bunch of grammar nitpicks, not writing criticism

>muh Beast's Lair