They really meant it when they said bad subs

They really meant it when they said bad subs

>tfw can't appreciate 7 years hand drawn work because of shit slow internet

Other urls found in this thread:

wat is dis?


Might as well kill yourself OP.

My 360p watch session is already doing the work

More like 7 months of Blender

these subs were literally done by user from a previous thread

7 years hand drawn is a meme.
They make this shit like 2 years ago.

what is this, google gives nothing?

Google reverse image algorithm is messed up right now. Instead of searching the source of the image, it searches for the content's similarity.

But, you're such a newfag if you don't know what is this.

Kill yourself.


hey cmon you

It's part one of the kizumonogatari movie. Got to see it in theaters in spring and it was pretty awesome on the big screen.

It's Kizumonogatari you baka.
And what are you going to do after know this ? You need to watch, like 9000++ episodes of bad monogatari episodes before digging into this movie.

You don't need to watch all of cat's arcs 900 times to watch Kizu.

Hey, it's chronologically the first

>year 1945+71
>not watching in broadcast order
What are you, a faggot?

Are you sure that's not just standard Nisio Isin dialogue. He loves filling entire pages with characters who sometimes aren't even properly identified just saying the same word over and over again. He also loves sentences that turn in on themselves or as his spinster fanboys call it "clever wordplay".

Quality posting as expected of a Monogatari thread


>monogatari thread
>10/9 people asking for source
By the way what animu is this?

its a moo moo

I just watched it and you're not wrong about those moo moos being there senpai.

Why did they split it into three parts again?

To get more money, baka.
I bet all the parts are finished, they're just waiting for the amount of hype to reach max capacity.

What did you expect? They're memesubs that are literally just taken from the novel.
Either read the novel yourself or watch the raws if it bothers you. It's not that complex of a movie that you can't infer shit from just watching. If you've watched enough japanese shit throughout the years you should be able to pick up on most of it yourself anyway.

My sides

user, who wanted just subs, I will upload them.

They mostly use Maya, it's an industrial standard.

Is ANYONE working on good sub? I need to know, because if it'll takes weeks I'll just watch it raw right now.

Not even the actual novel, but the shitty fan tl of the novel

some translator user from last thread said he's working on them, his ETA is this weekend

This weekend.

Just watch the raw, you'll be able to follow it for the most part.
Not that much happens in this part anyways.
Except for You're energetic, did something good happen?

Subs aren't even that shit, you faggots are never pleased.


That's what I'm going to do.
I'm already a bit disappointed to see this only last an hour.

For user who wanted only subs: I hope, you will see it.

Would anyone happen to have the original novel in Japanese?

delete this

ffs I'm just gonna edit these ones from the Vertical TL and upload it


are there any good rips yet? All I've seen was that [garbage] one that was only 1.03 GiB

is this hand colored too?

I liked when she asked if he played pokemon go

Fixing them up now and translating the french/german stills too

thanks senpai

My fucking sides
The intro was amazing too

this user is actually kinda right. I've realized that every one of those arcs was the worst thing I watched from the season