Shingeki no Kyojin

Why is always Levi who make the decisions?
Let the poor man rest. The serum is his but Bertolt is from Armin and Eren.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want Bert to get out of this alive.

Second for Annie.

Is levi in love with Erwin or something?


Who's gonna help? Operation Snark with Ymir and Hitch?

If you have to ask, the answer is always yes.

How do you think is a natural way? they can't talk about anything else than aren't their dreams in their current situation. They don't know if they are going to survive. Isayama introduced EMA to us when they were already friends, at least Armin and Eren. I think Mikasa knows how strong their relationship is and even if she can't be part of the dream, she started to make a bond with the two. In a different way with Eren because he looks at her as his older sister or mom and she and Armin have a different relationship.

It upset me the first time I saw it but now it's just cool to look at.

He didn't seem to make that much decisions before Erwin lost his arm. He has to learn it or else he just starts to blindly follow the next best person after muh Erwin kicks it.

The spoons are empty, what does it mean?

Historia or Ymir will hel her to escape.


>ever doing anything
Ymir is kill

Not that user but I can see why people find their friendship a bit bland. I like EAr, but even their ocean talk gets repetitive. I would like to see them talk about Armin's first kill while Eren was kidnapped by the first brigade. Eren learned later the others had to kill humans too, but there's no discussion about it. Something like that.

I don't think Ymir is dead seriously.

I hope this one is a joke too

Who do you think will make it to the end?

>what does it mean?
That Bert will survive while both Erwin and Armin will die while EML fight each other.

It's a totally platonic, pretty normal manly crush.

>don't think Ymir is dead
Think about it user, why would Ymir ever write a letter if she's free to go anywhere? Mule Titan pretty much ate her. That's why he's fast as fuck
Either Armin or somehow for some reason Annie.

Best boy.

>Armin first kill
Well, he talked about that with Mikasa while she was comforting him. I think there's not time for Isayama to show us those scenes but at least we know they care for each other. As I say, the only thing Armin and Eren could talk about is the dream they share.

I hope him and Sasha do

>Armin's first kill
I know you're talking about humans but did Armin ever manage to kill a single titan?

Still convinced Eren will either die by the end, or will only have so much time to live because his powers are killing him or something. So it depends.

>That's why he's fast as fuck
Not that user, but DT was fast because she was tiny and her titan form in general. Also her being allowed to write a letter could also imply the opposite.

Because she knows Historia now hates her? Maybe she wrote that letter to explain her intetions or something. Isayama has told us, with Ilse's diary extra story, that she is important.

>being allowed to write a letter
Those are her final words telling her that EH is not canon. Reiner is a better husbando

Greetings to all in this fresh thread. I just wished to express my love and admiration for our beautiful Commander. Your kind wishes and prayers are appreciated. He must live!

Armin, Mikasa, Jean and Levi. Maybe Hange and Connie.

This. The reason why I don't buy EMAs friendship is because they hardly interact like real friends.

We know they care about each other, but why exactly? Yes they been through a lot and circumstances did make them closer, but they come across as acquaintances that got stuck together rather than close friends who genuinely like each others company. You can believe what you want but I think you're failing to see this from another perspective. Yes, we know they care about each other, no one is denying that, but does their friendship actually feel genuine and real or forced for the sake of the story? That's debatable.

No he didn't. Other soldiers are way too fast for him to react first I suppose. He is weak and he knows he will have problems.

>He must live
That's Armin who is the better blonde. He's smarter, younger, would have a body that's better shape with the serum (Erwin won't regrow his arm), better haircut and of course he has to save Annie.

I don't hate Armin. I do think he's a cutie and a valuable character but certainly not on the same tier as Erwin. Besides, I rather like Erwin's stump.

>Historia now hates her

I think user is talking about what Ymir is asuming.

>First King's power brainwashes his blood relatives
>Won't affect Eren since he's not related
>Grisha temporarily took the power, passed it to Eren
>Grisha could potentially influence Eren the same way FK did
>But can't do that until Eren gets whatever is in the basement
This could be fun.

I like his stump too but he needs to learn how to cut and tie his sleeve. It's dangerous to have loose fabric flapping in the breeze like that.

t. heichou

Maybe the letter is supposed to make Historia realize she was wrong and it's her who needs her now. Either way, I think one of the reasons the letter was introduced was to bring Historia back into the story, so she won't be just doing Queen duty till the end.

That sounds way too interesting to ever happen. Or if it does, it will be off-screen or delivered in the most anticlimactic way possible.

I think Armin and Eren's friendship has lost strenght. When Armin died, I expected to see Eren more desperate and he also didn't stop Armin even if he knew he had planned to sacrifice himself. I think Eren is in a state of just following orders.
Mikasa and Eren's relationship has not changed besides she is less protective with him and on the other hand, she seems to get along better with Armin even if he is as reserved as always.

Who's best grill and why is it Hange?

Just hope he lives long enough to see the basement, but, sadly, not long enough for anything else.
I made my peace with it, so should you.

Major sweetie.

And he could never influence Eren because he is dead.

That is true. He is doing very well in coping otherwise though.

I don't think I'll ever be able to make my peace with it if Erwin dies. I'll be a mess.

FK doesn't brainwash nobody, his memories and reasons gets passed on, the Reiss who becomes the coordinate just agrees with the FK will and doesn't change anything.

I was very disappointed by Eren's lackluster reaction to Armin's death. I expected him to lose his shit and go into rage mode. Now that I think about it, he had a more emotional reaction to Thomas dying.

>FK doesn't brainwash nobody
Yeah, erasing memories sure doesn't count.

Nobody he passes his will on I meant, Uri, Frieda etc.

And Hannes.


He was in shock, he flipped his shit when he noticed Armin gasping,

I think Squirrel Sasha is finished

He was in shock at first but he started to cry in a very moderated way. Mikasa was in shock even if she knew he was still alive.


It's not like Eren to be in shock for very long. He's an expressive person who often shows his emotions clearly. Even when Levi's squad died he showed anger and sadness almost right away. Eren acted like a nameless soldier died when he saw Armin.

Also FK doesn't or cant erase memories from Reiss family members along with other families apart from Ackermans and Orientals.

Post Beardwin!

Damn that's cute as fuck desu senpai

I'm talking about when he thought Armin was 100% dead. Of course Eren would be pissed at Levi for not giving him the serum after promising him he would seconds before.

He is talking about this page. The moment he realized Armin was "dead".

He was in shock, user. He wasn't able to respond in time, very much like Mikasa was when she saw Armin herself.

Adorable. Good job user.

There's no question.

>Eren acted like a nameless soldier died when he saw Armin.
No he didn't, he "knew" Armin was ready to sacrifice himself for victory.
His best friend died so he could land the finishing blow, of course he was in shock.

Like I said it goes against Eren's personality to be in shock like that.

Armin a shit.



Not this at all. How can anyone think AA is not cute as fuck?

She deserved life

Come on. Look at his face here Eren is really calm that is almost unbelievable.
Mikasa sees Armin when he was breathing again, not when he was dead..

Well, you gotta consider Armin isn't just any person. He's extremely important to Eren, he's not going to react like he usually does when someone as important as Armin dies in front of him.

You got a pretty intense reaction once he realized the reality of it all, and that armin still got hope to live, so there's that.

>he knew he was going to die
>he was in shock that he died
You're saying two different things. How can he be in shock by his death if he was already prepared for him to die?

Is this from the stupid "most liked character" reddit shit? Please let Petra win to show how stupid this is.

As an Arminfag, hate that ship. Annie likes Eren.

Vote for her then

She definitely did not. Boring as fuck 'imouto'.

Annie is cute.
Armin is disgusting.

Indeed. She's a grill, but I don't think she cares about her gender. Like she could've been born with a benis and it wouldn't change a thing except when she's screwing you

This x100

>Annie likes Eren
That can change.
Both are qtpies.

Not you again. Annie likes Eren and Armin doesn't care about her. Deal with it.


Why didn't she kill Armin then?

>Annie liking Eren
>telling each other to fuck off when both are babbling delusions
Fuck off.

>most liked character
I actually thought it was really stupid since it usually is either from EMA until surprisingly Annie won the last one.

>inb4 newfag doesn't know leddit neckbeards like Annie
That changed a long time ago.

Because he knew Armin doesn't run from a fight even if he is going to lose, he knew he would sacrifice himself to ensure Eren had time to strike, he knew he was prepared to die.
He was in shock whe he discovered that, in fact, Armin died and all the things that he knew became reality.

Same reason she didn't want to kill Marco.

Also, Annie died in her crystal and Armin is kill next chapter.

This. EA is delusion.

Levi is shit. I miss when /snk/ loved BRA and hated Levi.

>deal with it
Oh noes! I'm gonna deal with it by posting more AA :^)

She did kill him though, and that's because he knew they were titans. Armin in the other hand didn't know shit.

She didn't kill Armin, Mikasa and she saved Connie's life as well. At least the first time she was merciful. She wanted to kill AM in the tunnel just to capture Eren.

They still like Annie because they think she's abloobloo so misunderstood and manipulated by BR. EMA are still the most popular since the autism from 77 calmed down.

Also EH and EM. Only the holy Yumikuri is canon, deal with it.