Dangan Ronpa 3

It's not gay if you think about Togami

Oh yeah, uh... murders and shit. RIP Aoi

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First for Nagito needs a hug.

OP from previous thread(and the 3 before it)

thanks for making this

I want to fuck Naegi's sister.

I'm gonna hug Nagito and never let go

>Weedman is the mastermind
>Episode 12
>Everyone dies
>Weedman is seen laughing at them like a madman
>He foresaw this all
>Helicopter comes
>Its fucking Izuru
>"Did it all go according to your predictions, weedman?"
>"You bet it did."
>the two cackle like madmen and head off into space to retrieve the burger from aliens

They're both Naegi tho

I wonder, did izuru respected junko or he thought of her as a boring piece of crap?

Boring piece of shit. He never gave a fuck about Junko and her despair. He only did things that interested him, and in DR2 he uploaded her to the Neo World to take revenge and beat her not as his overpowered Izuru self, but humiliate her as his so called worthless Hajime self.

Who's her sister?


>memories erased
>you planned on resurrecting junko
>or defeating junko face to face
>or just spending time with your old friend chiaki one last time

>somehow none of that happens and you left the simulation engaged to fucking mikan

sasuga izuru

why was her game so dumb?
why no one of the kids met the fate they deserved?

>Izuru finds Nagito boring
>But he keeps a constant vigil over Chiaki's grade
What did Kodoka MEAN by this?

Being Izuru is suffering

Izuru/Hajime x Chiaki is canon?

Real Chiaki was a mistake because of th relationship she's building with Hajime, which will be remembered by Izuru even though Izuru isn't supposed to even know whst he was before
Actually Izuru was a mistake as well
Seriously Izuru adds literally nothing to the story, if you removed him and tweaked around you don't have any need for him. Having a superman who does nothing at all is fucking bullshit

>izuru did nothing

Junko /LITERALLY/ could not have done the worst most despair inducing tragedy without Izuru

He's practically the only reason her plan worked

What is your best OST in DR?
Mine is youtube.com/watch?v=QAd41DDNwuM

Wrong, he was just another cog

>literally mankind's hope
>just another cog

Im pretty sure nobody actually cared outside of hopespeak staff

Takada is a god