Is Re:Zero the Madoka of anime?
Is Re:Zero the Madoka of anime?
Both are deconstructions, so yes.
It's the Stein;gate deconstruction of the SAO genre.
Is Nadesico the Evangelion of Evangelion?
It has the potential to be a turning point for light novels.
Or at least isekai ones.
Is Re:Zero the Re:Zero of Re:Zero?
i can't tell if it is good or bad for LN adaptions because we either get
1. a million more isekai clones like it
2. people stop adapting dogshit LN
It has one of the best, most fleshed out protagonists as far as LN adaptations go. An average commoner, rather than yet another irl otaku turning gary stu. I'd love the isekai genre to peter out finally, but this one's pretty damn good. The 2-cour series will adapt all 8 volumes that are out, but the Shinichiro's blog and web novel have enough content to last for 10-15 more novels as of now.
I wonder if they want to push the franchise with the web content and will announce the second season asap, or wait those 2 years or so for more lns to come out.
It'll be good because it basically a blatant criticism of the whole "Fantasy/Alternate Reality" genre. It paints a realistic picture on dropping an unambitious NEET in to the world of magic, and shows that a change in surrounding doesn't just automatically erase somebody's flaws.
Basically, since it's forcing NEETs to self-reflect, it'll sour their ability to suspend disbelief when watching SAO type shows, and probably deal a blow to the genre.
A WN has never been adapted directly into anime before, has it? I think it's always gotten published as an LN first.
What is Isekai?
Please don't get mad at me
That is correct. But there have been instances of adaptations wrapping up the story before their respective original sources. Re Zero, however, appears to be too big of a story to be finished in one more 2-cour season.
And Shinichiro himself claimed that Betelgeuse is a small fry compared to someone amongst the judges. Which is probably going to be a separate arc.
lurk for 2 years before posting you idiot
Neet teleported to fantasy world.
Don't cut yourself on that edge, underageanon.
When anime experts in the future look back and classify this age of anime, they will refer to 1995-2010 as the Evangelion era, 2011-2015 as Madoka era, and 2016-? as the Re:Zero era.
hey guys I just started watching it can you recomend any similar styled shows?
"Isekai" - alternate world
Both are overrated, so yes.
kill yourself retard
Mech was at it's height in popularity when Eva came out, and it killed the genre.
Moe was at it's height in popularity when Madoka came out, and it killed the genre.
I think the future is bright user.
Madoka no Evagelion
>killed moe
literally nothing will ever kill moe and it is alive and well even this season/last season
None. It's unique in its portrayal of a dysfunctional protagonist thrown amidst an alternate reality. He's weak, useless, pathetic, has no special (on-demand) powers, and brings about misfortune to those around him. It's a unique show in this and a few other regards. For shows that feature alternate dimensions just search for anything in the isekai genre.
fuck off
The Madoka of anime as in one of the most overrated, edgy and non-original shits in the anime industry? Yes.
Hopefully Re:Zero does a double wammy and knocks out both Isekai and the time redo shit like Erased and Relife which has been rearing it's ugly head recently.
Congrats on being the first tripfag I've actually ever blocked
But... SAO isn't a genre... Isekai though is a subtype...
It didn't kill it, but it stemmed the tide a bit. Pre-Madoka, moe was out of control.
it's the reddit of Sup Forums
>shit taste
As expected.
literally how do you people find this place?
I clicked the Sup Forums at the top of the page
>implying it's not the Evangelion of anime
Why do you use a trip?
Because you're so fucking vain you need people to know who you are on an anonymous imageboard?
You guys are so fucking sad.
No one cares about your opinion, so don't use a name, fuckbag.
Ill actually agree with you trip fag. This show and its fanbase is disgusting.
I don't think you know what that word means.
If you're actually disgusted by the fact that there are people who like an anime that's objectively above average I recommend you grow the fuck up.
It's a little bit of advanced shitposting. I'm surprised you haven't come across it before. Now you won't be able to tell if he's samefagging or not when he drops the trip. Just like this post.
I could be him, or I could be falseflagging.
Either way he has shit taste.
I don't get why retards like you let the joke fly right over your heads. Get
You're saying Lelouch is just an advanced shitposter?
If so why isn't his trip banned?
I think they are just needy people.
How can you be him when i'm him?
Made me laugh more than it should
Ok ill elaborate a bit. RE zero isn't horrible, but its not some master piece like all the grade schoolers here claim it to be. They are literally stuck on their silver haired waifu ,"muh" suffering which they self insert into, and the shock value of violence, blood, and gore. It's a decent show, but do we really need 10 fucking threads a day about MUH SUFFERIN and EMILIA TAN? I take what I said back, I actually think the show is decent, the fanbase on the other hand is autastic.
Woah woah woah. I think you need to get back to the other 301 re:zero threads bud. Circle jerk with your kind there please.
Lelouch's shitposting is admirable because he makes an actual effort to appear like he's not trolling, which makes for a top-notch game.
I don't know who this new guy is, but he's low effort. I've dabbled in tripping plenty so I know how it works if you want to piss people off, but this guy's pretty bad. He'll probably be gone tomorrow.
Lelouch literally can make two opposing opinions about the same topic in the matter of minutes, in two different threads. He has done it with Re: Zero itself. You can't get more obvious troll is obvious than that
>I don't know who this new guy is
Newfag detected.
Good point
Really hope it's the latter. The battle harem school clones were bad enough; we don't need to clutter up the charts with more LN garbage.
i can't figure out whether or not i should pick this up
>2 years
kill yourself degenerate nigger
Nah. Homura is far, far superior to Subaru.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
When will anime stop being dominated by isekai LN adaptations?
I like Isekai anime
>pic related
madoka without the popularity/success and adding a fedora tipper normie fanbase = reeeee:zero
>Half of post is memes and buzzwords
>Ebonics tier spelling and punctuation
It's like fucking clockwork. Re:Zero really is a dumbass filter when you ask people to offer their opinion on it. The fact that you took back what you said and admitted the show was good after giving an explanation which has nothing to do with why the show is ACTUALLY good like the deconstruction aspect and assloads of symbolism shows you're underaged.
Re: Zero is literally Sumaga, Animu form. I think it's perfect.
Nigga what? There aren't that many isekai adaptations.
>two years is long enough to lurk
Come back in 10 years and we'll talk.
Madoka is the Madoka of anime. I think you may want to rethink your phrasing and try again.
Are Re.Zero fans the redditors of anime?
Congrats, you managed to make the most newfag post in a thread full of newfag posts.
I think it's good. You can decide fairly quickly whether or not to drop. First episode (1 hour two parts) gives enough of an idea.
heh...looks like you got tricked
Re:zero is the Evangelion of our Madoka
I hope for your sake that this is either bait or full troll
Can anyone explain what the hell Isekai is? I'm not usually a denzin of Sup Forums and google is being rather unhelpful on the specifics.
"Another World"
I hope you are reporting shitposting
Gracias my fellow user.
Holy fuck, the answer is literally already in the fucking thread. Please commit sudoku.
I don't think Madoka is much of a deconstruction what with mahou shoujo being a flexible medium anyway.
but Re:Zero certainly is one
Re:Zero isn't really a deconstruction of anything.
It's important to understand the difference between deconstruction and subversion.
Re:zero certainly subverts a lot of tropes in the fantasy anime genre (specifically about the subgenre where an individual is transported into a fantasy world).
HunterxHunter does the same thing with the shonen genre.
However, both aren't deconstructions. That's because deconstruction doesn't stop at simply subverting tropes. The common tropes have to be dismantles and then formed as something new all together.
An example of a deconstruction is Evangelion because it deconstructs the mecha genre by creating a psychological narrative instead, discussing the importance of individuality.
Finally, for any of you anons who will waste no time to defend Re:zero here, let me say that a deconstruction doesn't have a show good. It's simply an observation. The discussion doesn't stop at "this show is a deconstruction." It only starts at that.
Right now Re:zero has subverted plenty of fantasy tropes and has placed characters in compromised emotional states. The reason for this is due to the external brutal events of the fantasy world.
It has not made a point about this subversion yet. So it cannot be called a deconstruction.
So Re:zero is the GoT of anime
I don't know about that. GoT is a pretty standard fantasy if you're well acquainted with the genre.
Re:Zero is the Undertale of anime
>Please don't get mad at me
Tsk tsk tsk. Faggot.
>Is Re:Zero the Madoka of anime?
I love Re:Zero while I dropped Madoka because it was shit to me. Sorry.
>Lelouch's shitposting is admirable
>Jebus Matoi is a new guy
It'll become a deconstruction when Subaru realizes that Emila-tan is an empty husk of a character. She's an empty void to project his fantasies onto, and being motivated entirely by her is pathetic as fuck which is why he is pathetic as fuck desu. The Witch's Stink will dissipate from him (hint: it smells like anus) only when he stops his creepy obsession with >Muh Princess, and settles down to marry Rem and plants baby onis inside her to begin repopulating her clan. Thus the fantasy of the creepy psychopathic otaku will become deconstructed into a morally wholesome fable of a loser transforming himself into a valuable member of society.
-t. Miyazaki
>deconstruction of majokko
I was more shocked by Minky Momo death than any thing I saw in Mado-shit.
That was pretty brutal in a majokko series for children. The protagonist's death's scene was terrible and a realisti death, unlike in Mado-shit.
it giv me bonner
>realisti death
h-hey don't trash talk ma waifu
shomin sample(?).
Same, lmao. Madoka is like deconstructing a turd. It's like a pseudo deconstruction. A rhetorical question that retards needed answered but didn't know it until they bought faggy figurines of the boring ass characters.
Seriously. Minky Momo death shocked tons of children, bringing dark content in the majokko genre for CHILDREN (not even for otaku) at least 30 years before than Madoka Magica, that can be adored only by a bunch of otaku that likes shit that pretends to bring real changes when it did nothing really new.
me too whose your waifu? rem best gril kek
emilia-tan for life
Boku no Pico
It's a good show with a mostly terrible fanbase that is overhyping it and forcing multiple simultaneous threads a day, attracting shit posters, contrarians and simply pissed anons who turn all those threads into pure fucking cancer. So yes.