Go to your Sup Forums folder and post the picture that corresponds with the last digits of the post number above you.
e.g. your Sup Forums folder has 1043 files. If post number above you is 144751030 you'd post the picture on the 1030th position. The larger your folder is the more digits you can use.
Asher Bell
I'll start.
Dandelion had some fine girls.
Nathaniel Lopez
Sodachi is love.
Gavin Diaz
I don't understand.
Lincoln Ramirez
Fucking dammit, if I get banned it's all your fault.
Chase Watson
I'm bad at math.
Lincoln Reed
All my folders are too autistically organized to do this.
At the most, my "Other" folder is the only one with more images than fifty.
Justin Campbell
Do you have an Sup Forums-related folder?
Let's say I have 1000 pics and your post was last. I take your post number and pick the 818th picture in my folder. If I had 2000 pics I'd pick the 1818th pic in my folder. Etcetera
You can potentially use the last two digits. And when it's >50 only the last one.
Jackson Evans
Sorted by name?
Aaron Nelson
They better get more spotlight in S2.
Ethan Taylor
It is for me but you can sort whichever I guess.
Luke Edwards
Yachiyo deserved that happy ending.
Michael Martinez
Justin Long
But I have my images organized by series.
Julian Myers
But I have a shittons of organized folders anons.
Cooper Jones
>Having an Sup Forums folder
No body does that, its filed like smug image folder, images with question marks folder etc but Ill try to improvise.
Carter Collins
Jace Reyes
Surprisingly, I'm still alive 3 years later. I should have done it though
Carson Allen
Pretty cute image but not that interesting I guess.
Brody Butler
Xavier Smith
Dylan Edwards
Pic no. 94
Caleb Moore
Image #29
Jayden Wood
Heres your 5
Angel Morgan
Picture no. 29
Justin Williams
Weak form
Wyatt Garcia
Wyatt Ramirez
Okay, I have no Sup Forums folder but if I only consider Sup Forums related pictures, including self made stuff, I'll use the two last digits of , image number 30 chosen from first picture folder, then continue counting in the next folder, then the next.
Maybe not exactly, it's sometimes hard to decide if something is Sup Forums related. But this will do.