History repeats itself. Standing up to bigots is an American tradition

History repeats itself. Standing up to bigots is an American tradition.

According to you so is genociding minorities

they must be protesting the FBI for keeping crime statistics, because there is no national police force

Why dont you try it. Whats the matter? scared?

If you really believe that then have them kneel for two mins in the middle of the first quarter,naw they are picking the anthem for a reason

Fuck white people.

I fucking love how shitlibs are triggered by the fact that ordinary Americans keep talking about how they're disrespecting muh flag.

Niggers and their trainers are hopping mad that even the media are all but ignoring, "muh bigger picture of oppression."

They do that to organized whites all the fucking time. Suck it down.

The first was British colonists. The other three were feral apes chimping out to the marching orders of their jewish masters. I don't see any Americans in those pictures.

Also RIP America 1776-1865.

Nah most of you faggots will be taken young at the hands of urban criminals and diabetes and other various poor people circumstances so I think I'll just wait you out

ooga booga to you as well, sir.

Boston Tea Party was protesting taxation without representation
Rosa Parks wasn't even protesting unfair seating arrangements on public buses, but rather, the murder of Emmett Till
Black students in the 60s were also pissed off about Till, but more so over their homes being blown up with dynamite by the KKK

Faggy ass 1% of American income earning football players are virtue signaling for ghetto ass niggas rightfully being arrested for slinging crack and raping grandmothers. The NFL shouldn't be a soapbox for entitled bitches to whine about felons and thugs. Not even poverty in inner cities has received the amount of so-called support players in the League have given for """""injustice"""""

Lol whites no longer ride on buses

>protesting government taxes on tea by fucking up the tea import

>protesting government mandated bus seating by refusing to sit in assigned seat on public bus

>protesting government mandated segregation in restaurants by refusing to sit in black section in public restaurant

>protesting . . . something about racial injustice . . . by . . . refusing to stand for the flag . . . at your place of employment . . . before making a million dollars by throwing a ball

In all honesty, I have no idea what the fuck they're trying to accomplish. Historically, if you want to have a successful protest, you (a) use the protest to bring attention to a specific issues and (b) you have a specific goal in mind. That's how you protest. This shit accomplishes neither. "I think blacks are harassed by police too much so I'm going to not stand for the pledge at football games" just doesn't make any fucking sense. At the very least, if you're going to protest, give me your fucking goal. Give me some end-game. Give me an idea of what it is the fuck you want.

We didn't want to be taxed on tea.

Blacks didn't want to sit at the back of buses.

Blacks wanted to eat at white lunch counters.

All of those were clear, cognizable goals. You could easily determine when they were achieved and, thus, if the protest was successful.
>we refused to sit at the back of the bus
>until they stopped trying to make us sit at the back of the bus
Here, what's the goal? Are they just going to keep protesting forever?
>i'm going to refuse to stand for the pledge until all racism is gone
Great plan. Great plan.

Damn, your a real, genuine faggot!

>>Bostonians WERE protesting import duties on tea by dumping a shipment of tea
>>Rosa Parks WAS protesting bus seating policy by violating said policy
>>Students WERE protesting lunch counter policies by sitting at a counter

>>NFL players are protesting...some vague amalgamation of racial discrimination and police brutality which they claim is omnipresent in American society. Their method? Not only refusing to participate in a tradition of honoring the flag by standing at attention - which was started by an enlisted baseball player ~1918 - but by doing the opposite and taking a resting posture, the message being "we're not going to respect the flag of a country that actively discriminates minorities"

It absolutely is about showing disrespect to the flag and the country

so then why do it during the anthem and not on a bus instead?

why the anthem?

why are liberals so fucking retarded? I mean christ


damn Ive been coding too much using c++ operator to do green text like a fucking noob

They actually were protesting tea. They were protesting the fact that the British wanted to tax the colonies by importing a surplus of East India tea.
Stupid Obamaleaf.
Damn near certain you are just a VPN faggot.

Holy shit my bad I just now noticed your flag. I'm really sorry OP I honestly don't have anything against retarded people I swear I'm so happy your special education aid helped you find this board!

>1 post by this ID

Getting on your knees is an American tradition.. yeah ok, try again you kike


cops are the good guys

Oh shit

>occupy democrats

Point nullified.

*revisionism intensifies*

Why would anyone be scared of niggers? It's not like they're subhuman savages that destroy every place they infect right?


The difference is the fact that those old events were actually related to injustice. kneeling at a football game has nothing to do with cop killings. the lunch counters, tea party, and rosa parks were good forms of protest. you know a protest is complete shit when you have to explain someone the meaning of your actions.