Magi 315

>Fish confirmed she likes Aladdin more than Alibaba
They were really nothing more than friends.
Also, how the fuck did my subhuman country translate so fast, did I miss a thread or something?

Huh. I thought I removed all of my Magi filters. Thanks for the head up, OP.




I can honestly say I did not saw this coming even though I really should have.

Thought it was going to happen simply because of how they interacted after Ugo's "death" had cooled off.

But they interacted like that with everyone else though. I mean, this is really kinda sudden, especially since they haven't talked with each other for a while. It felt more like brothers and sisters than anything romantic. It feels like the standard pair the spares type of situation, which I absolutely hate.

I thought this broad was in love with Sinbad?

MC's love interest in Ohkata's manga always has pink hair.

Aladdin is the mc. He didn't get along with Fish like his dad didn't get along with his mom.

It was obvious. I mean fuck, in the 10001 nights Aladdin marries a "princess of the East."

And Ali Baba married off his son to Morgiana in said 1001 nights. What's your point?

>Aladdin has always tried to grope other women
>Fish is the only one he hasn't tried to grope when he's had an opportunity to try
>Now has to hide the fact that his first real boner came from her

>I have the strangest boner.

Didn't read the last few chapters. What happend to Sinbad ? They didn't kill him off right ?

Haven't read since Morg masterzoned Alibaba. Is Fish princess still mind controlled?

Can't believe people are still salty about Baba getting with Mor. It was pretty obvious that they were going to end up with each other, especially after the boat chapter.

What the fuck. Well, at least she'll get her dickings since Aladdin is such a horny brat.

I dunno. I guess it's because for the most part, it had been one-sided from Mor so far. Alibaba had been getting along with numerous other people, so until the boat chapter, Alibaba had tons of options to choose from. If the boat chapter didn't happened, it wouldn't have been obvious whatsoever.

Aladdin's into tsundere chicks.

They focused on humiliating Arba

The point being, stop being a speed reader.

But they barely interacted. How exactly is citing the utter lack of development between the two of them somehow constitutes as speed reading, nevermind the fact that you fucked up on your reference to the 1001 nights stories.

So Kougyoku likes her shotas.

A woman of taste.

Way to go Aladdin, you bagged best girl.

Now that all the loose ends and the shipping is being wraped up, how do you think Sinbad/David's keikaku is going to play out?

I have a feeling there is going to be a climatic, world-spanning battle with Rem, Kou and NotJapan on Aladdin's side while Sinbad has the rest of the world. Aladdin's team will be trying to stop Sinbad from reviving Il-Ilah or something like that to gain omnipotence.

Then Ohtaka goes full Shaman King and has Sinbad become a God but spare the world because Aladdin/Baba convince him not to.

She said many chapters ago that she loved Alibaba. I'm sure she loved others, but by saying that it pretty much sealed the deal or would be been a red herring if alibaba married someone else

congrats user

Well, it depends. Sinbad wants to make a world when he calls the shots. For that he needs Solomon's Wisdom, which is the key to access the Sacred Palace. With the power of the Sacred Palace, Sinbad will be able to recreate the fate of this world, making it into the fate he decides.

I don't know what's David's plan, but it seems Arba has a plan of her own, which is to combine David, Sinbad and Illa into a totally new being, a real god.

So what's gonna happen now? Well, I doubt Alibaba and Aladdin will manage to convince Sinbad to stop trying to hijack the Sacred Palace. Sinbad is stubborn like that. That means he will fight Aladdin and Alibaba to get a hole of Solomon's Wisdom.

What happens after that, we'll have to wait and see.

>Fish confirmed she likes Aladdin more than Alibaba
Fishfags with their delusion again. They're so desperate to ship their queen with someone before the series ends. I'll laugh when she dies.

Arba plan is probably Davids plan. He created her.

Honestly, I don't mind the final pairing, but it really needs to be developed properly and not have it suddenly pop up and resolved in the final arc. I mean, the reason why Alibaba even picked Morgiana in the first place was essentially:
>I want a girlfriend!
>Morgiana is a girl...
>Morgiana can be my girlfriend!
That does not inspire confidence in the pairing.

Not the same guy but that's what she's actually saying in the translation he posted.

I don't know if Fish likes Aladdin, but I thought it was interesting (and kind of cute) that Aladdin pretty much wanted Fish to say he's better than Alibaba.

Except it isn't. At all. This is why I hate shipping. You always have some retards making their own headcanon out of misconstrued dialogue.

>MC's love interest in Ohkata's manga always has pink hair.

Which Kogyouku has not.

I'm not a shipper at all and I'm not saying the translation is correct but the one he posted pretty much implied what he said it did.

The translation from my own subhuman country was a
>Dont get ahead of yourself because of that brat!
She basically says yes in a tsundere way.

This comes out of nowhere. Really poorly written.
Morg and Ali had said they liked each other and have interacted with each other several times through the story. So it's perfectly acceptable for them to end up together.

Aladdin and Kogyoku have no interactions whatsoever.

I guess Ohtaka is going all out since she already knows fujos won't buy Magi anymore due to Alibaba being officially paired with a girl instead of the homoerotic relationship with Aladdin. Since it's ending might as well go all out.

Still it makes me mad, I like Aladdin and I like Kogyoku as characters so this garbage writing is just plain bad.

I feel Ohtaka is rushing this. Baba and Mor's canon pairing being decided in one chapter was too much as well.

I hope she is just rushing the shipping so she can focus on a good conclusion to the main plot.

Fuck off retard Alibaba has shown concern for Morgiana several times and yes there were gags in the boat but that doesn't mean he just wants Morgiana because she's a girl.

Read the fucking manga.

Eleore's own translation doesn't imply what this translation is. Whatever, I don't want to get dragged into another debate about ships. I'll just say let's wait until Sense comes out with their translation and leave it at that.

But like I said, Alibaba and Morgiana were a thing since before. Both of them admitted their feelings for each other or had thought about the other in a special way.

Aladdin and Kogyoku have ONE interaction in the entire manga, and now we're supposed to believe they're a thing.

It's bad man, I would be happy if it was developed since they're both entertaining characters but it just seems like she wanted to pair Aladdin to someone because since fujos won't be buying anymore might as well go all out.

It's lazy and it honestly leaves me with a bad taste.

I want to say she can develop their relationship enough to justify them eventually getting together but considering how much time we have left I think it's probably going to be rushed and that's why she's hurrying to hint at it so it won't be that surpring in the long run.

I thought Morgiana/Alibaba was actually done fine but I don't know how she's going to handle this.

>Ends one shipping war last chapter
>Starts another shipping war the very next one

Fucking this shippingfags are cancer.

Fair enough.

And Alibaba has shown concern for numerous other people besides Morgiana several times as well. The fact that the pairing took place during a fucking gag, and where had it been anyone but Morgiana, Alibaba would have asked them out as well, is not something I would say is a good foundation for a pairing. I'm not even sure why you even posted that image SINCE IT HAPPENS AFTER THE BOAT SCENE!

I can understand Mor x Baba but Aladdin x Fish makes zero fucking sense.

Now imagine if Morgiana got together with Hakuryuu and Alibaba gets sad and retreats to Kougyoku only to find out she like Aladdin.

I don't have a problem about Alibaba and Morgiana as a pairing since they have been hinted since the start almost. The problem I have is that it was a bit too sudden to confirm them in a single chapter after they meet again.

I would have liked a bit more subtlety first like Baba speaking to Hakuryuu a bit about their issues and maybe a small talk between Mor and Baba to hint about her intentions. This all over the course of a couple of chapters. Then there's a party and the marriage plays the same.

Now also AladdinXFish out of the blue, those two pairings just leave me with the impression that she's rushing it.

If you want a reason for Alibaba's feelings, when he proposed he said he realized Mor is the one girl who has been there for him in the hardest moments of his life, when he couldn't believe in himself and so on.

Mind you, during the boat scene he was kinda fucking around. But he got over that. He grew up. He's not hooking up with Mor just because she's a girl who likes him.

It's a shame that character growth happened off-screen though. I guess Ohtaka doesn't have much time to wrap things up.

>Morgiana got together with Hakuryuu

Good thing that would never happen.

Next thing you're going to tell me Haku went gay for titus or something.

At this point, Aladdin x revived Dunya makes more sense than Aladdin x Fish.

>Aladdin and Kogyoku have no interactions whatsoever.
Their only interactions were them squabbling while she and Hakuryuu were staying over at Sinbad's

He's reserving his homoness for Judar.

Aladdin literally remade her entire body including her mind

No reason he can't fix it so that she is in love with him

>Aladdin literally remade her entire body including her mind
Aren't you confusing Kougyoku with Hakuei?

Looking over the thread, seems like we're all in agreement here, Aladdin x Fish makes no sense whatsoever.

fuck this shit AladdinxHakuei was the otp

That is a possibility that I recognize

if that is the case then... God damnit is Sinbad still possessing her?

Oh god, please let this be the case. Because otherwise, this pairing makes no sense.

Perhaps we are over reacting and this is the beginning of their relationship intentionally and it will be left ambiguous as to where it goes?

another of my ships is dead

I'm strangely okay with this even if it came out of nowhere. Maybe Ohtaka can do something nice with them.

Considering this is the final arc and how quickly she wrapped up Morgiana x Alibaba, I honestly don't think we're over-reacting here.

It's just a tease, don't read too much into eat. Vut even then, they're both best guy/girl. I see no problems if it did happen.

I'm saying she won't wrap up Aladdin at all but leave it open to tease us.

This is Sinbad controlling her

there was no need for that, it's a battle shonen not a fucking shojo where characters wax lyrical about their feewings for half a dozen chapters

the pairing isn't perfect, l dont even like it but it had sufficient development to make sense and landwhales crying about it are clearly projecting as the alternative mor x haku pairing would have been the rushed, nonsensical one

But this tease makes no sense. That's what we're all confused about. It wasn't hint until now, the final arc. It feels less like an actual pairing and more pairing the spares for the sake of completeness.



>but it had sufficient development
what sufficient development?

>Perhaps we are over reacting
Yep they are, can't wait until these dumbasses get BTFO again.

It doesn't need previous hinting to be a tease, that it is out of nowhere is what makes it a tease.

If it had been hinted through the series and then ignored it would be unresolved not a tease.

The biggest fujobucks to be had come from Sinbad/Jafar and the Edgebros anyway.

The way Alladin asks this question is getting me confused, it's ambiguous as fuck. I mean, why would he think he's better than Alibaba just because she thinks he's a good listener? The way he said it makes you think that Fish thinks Aladdin is better than Baba in every way possible.

Hey, remember when idiots thought this was absolute, definite "proof" of a ship?

That's not a proper translation. Look at the MaruMaru watermark at the bottom.

Wow, the Magi fanbase is so full of cancerous retards it isn't even funny anymore. It even puts Naruto and Bleach fanbases to shame in how terrible it is.

But why now? Why tease an Aladdin x Fish pairing in the final arc? Why tease it when there was no such tease/foreshadow/whatever hinted in the previous chapters? Like I said, this doesn't feel like an actual pairing and more of a just pairing the spares, which makes no one except certain small group of shippers happy.

>That means he will fight Aladdin and Alibaba to get a hole of Solomon's Wisdom.

But why? He had the best opportunity earlier a year ago to fuck up Aladdin and then force him to submit solomon wisdom too him.

I really don't see the point of him choosing to fight now.

>That's not a proper translation.
It's good enough. The nip raw says the same thing.

>trying to go out with the bitch who killed your best buddy Ugo

Fuck her she should be raped by Sinbad and die alone.

>why would he think he's better than Alibaba just because she thinks he's a good listener?
Aladdin just wants Kougyoku to say he's better than Alibaba. Not because he think he's better. He just wants Kougyoku to say it. It's ship tease.

>But why? He had the best opportunity earlier a year ago to fuck up Aladdin and then force him to submit solomon wisdom too him.
I guess he didn't force him because he hoped Aladdin would side with him willingly.

>I really don't see the point of him choosing to fight now
He'll do whatever it takes to get Solomon's Wisdom.

To give you some context.
Fish tells Aladdin about how she only followed her brother and never stood up for the country herself, she feels bad for ending up on the throne even though she never did anything.
Aladdin then asked her why she didnt tell this to Alibaba, and she said she couldnt possibly tell him about this, she then implies she wouldnt tell any of her friends.
Aladdin then asks why she told him and his question can be taken as in Aladdin curious if Fish has a higher opinion of him than Alibaba.

>i am better than alibaba-kin?

My boy Aladdin is finally a real man. He will get those fish tits while baba can have his shitty waifu.

>It's good enough.
No, it isn't. By "proper", I mean an actual translation from a scan group. Not one page from one random guy.

>Aladdin comparing himself to Alibaba
>Aladdin fishing for praise
He took too many loser lessons from Alibaba.

Just shows what a fickle little faggot Aladdin is. The shitty Gary Stu who can do no wrong now wants to hop into bed with the bitch who killed the person who raised him.

What a terrible character.

>Why tease it when there was no such tease/foreshadow/whatever hinted in the previous chapters?

Can you not read? It's a tease specifically because it's out of no where. They are right now at the playful hinting stage at the very beginning of a relationship and you won't get to see if it goes anywhere that is why it is a tease.

>I guess he didn't force him because he hoped Aladdin would side with him willingly.

That clearly didn't work out when he talked with him though. This wasn't even the first time he's turned down Sinbads offer either.

If he only chooses to fight now this shit is just retarded.

I personally think he has some other method or plan to deal with this because literally waiting and letting aladdin get stronger and then choosing to fight him at his peak is stupid as shit.

in the tegaki for volume 6 fish looks at her fated person do you think it is aladdin

I'm more salty on the delivery than anything else. Add buildup to a climax if you've skipped away from the story arc for ages.

I mean it's been at least 60 chapters, so over a year since Morg and Baba last interacted.

>I personally think he has some other method or plan to deal with this because literally waiting and letting aladdin get stronger and then choosing to fight him at his peak is stupid as shit.
Is it? We don't know how strong is Sinbad right now. For all we know he got access to David's powers and knowledge.

Aladdin feels lonesome and jealous that Alibaba has a girlfriend now.

>pulled out of nowhere because the ali route is closed
Shit and I thought Morg saying she liked Ali because he freed her even though he had very little to do with it was bad. What's left for Haku, is he getting Judar?

I'd say putting their scene right after Baba and Morg makes it too obvious. Like pairing up the leftovers, I agree there's a bad taste.

If it came at some other time, I'd be interested. Instead it's jarring.