Mensa offers to setup IQ test Trump v. Tillerson
Mensa offers to setup IQ test Trump v. Tillerson
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MENSA is just a bunch of faggots. It's ridiculous these people pay money to stroke their ego.
It's like lanklets screaming "muh height".
I thought IQ didn't matter?
mensa is stupid, theyre doing it on purpose to rib each other on a national scale
but they should do it to continue the joke
This looks bad for everyone, but mostly for those autistic slackjaw-gifted Bell curved mutants.
There is nothing more sad than using your inflated processing power as a dick measuring tool.
...[But] I took the test, scored high, and became a member of Mensa.
It was not on the whole, a happy experience. I met a number of wonderful Mensans, but there were other Mensans who were brain-proud and aggressive about their IQs, who, one got the impression, would like, on being introduced, to be able to say, ’I’m Joe Doakes, and my IQ is 172,’ or, perhaps, have the figure tattooed on their forehead. They were, as I had been in my youth, forcing their intelligence on unwilling victims. In general, too, they felt underappreciated and undersuccessful. As a result, they had soured on the Universe and tended to be disagreeable.
What’s more, they were constantly jousting with each other, testing their intelligence on each other, and that sort of thing becomes wearing after awhile.
Furthermore, I became uncomfortably aware that Mensans, however high their paper IQ might be, were likely to be as irrational as anyone else. Many of them believed themselves to be part of a ‘superior’ group that ought to rule the world, and despised non-Mensans as inferiors. Naturally, they tended to be right-wing conservatives, and I generally feel terribly out of sympathy with such views.
Worse yet, there were groups among them, I found out eventually, who accepted astrology and many other pseudoscientific beliefs, and who formed ‘SIGs’ (‘special interest groups’) devoted to different varieties of intellectual trash. Where was the credit of being associated with that sort of thing, even tangentially?
... I stayed on in Mensa for years, getting more and more tired of it. ... Eventually, after both Marvin and Margot [two of the New York Mensans he acknowledged as "delightful and intelligent"] had died, I did resign.
- Isaac Asimov
I hope he actually does it,
oompah loompah detected
That would actually be fun. an intellectual fight between them. Maybe a comparison of their financial decisions. A fun fight in between his work.
Trump seems to think so.
you have to pay to join mensa, they are just more kikes
no reason trump and fill your son cant sit in a room and take a written test at the white house
This sounds unironically commie talk.
>t. moron who got rejected
"Look, okay, Mensa? Don't get me started- frankly I'm smarter than Mensa, everybody knows it. Mensa is, they're losers, they're haters, they're not smart like me. They're not smart. So- And I've been saying this, for years I've been saying this, if I was a liberal- Okay, if I was a Democrat Mensa wouldn't even- But a Republican? When you're a Republican, boy, they do a number. I don't think, you know, it wouldn't be fair, they don't like to say this but it's very unfair. IQ tests are very unfair and, frankly, I have a high IQ, one of the highest actually, but it's not- CNN, they won't even talk about it. CNN said we couldn't win, right? 'He has no path' they said 'Trump has no path' but then we did it, then I won! So I don't know, I'll have an announcement about that in about two weeks, maybe Monday."
t. mountain jew
>had to look it up to make sure it was real
classic trump: more retarded than fiction
t.6'1" nigger
how's the weather down there?
>dumbass in chief using the "IM SMART!" move
is he 12?
How racist would that be regarded if someone said that about Obama?
Who is MENSA?
I would 100% unironically support that announcement
Can we please make it a live television event with showgirls and boxing thrown into the mix. And can we please make it a death match, where the loser gets thrown into a pit of ravenous piranhas and dingos?
And yeah, IQ is only for insecure autistic faggots. I'm speaking (not even lying) as someone who tested in the top 0.001 percent last time i was tested. Trump here is only revealing the massive scale of his retardation and his failure to understand the world.
Trump can win if he marathons R&M.
Yes Trump is in fact not very smart
I put my money on the other guy. Trumps approval ratings are higher than his IQ
why do those cunts think they're relevant enough for anyone to care? stinks of arrogance
anyway tillerson is "smarter" than trump, he's an accomplished engineer who worked to the top of the largest supermajor. trump is brilliant at reading people and manipulating them, but ultimately he's just another moderately intelligent man with a good education who wouldn't be where he is without the wealth of his father.
>make 1 mil dollars into 4B dollars
>not smart
Can someone explain what Trump has against Tillerson? Been out of loop with news past few weeks.
He walked in on Tillerson fucking Bannon
At some point Tillerson called Trump a fucking moron. Trump denies that it happened, but is mad at Tillerson, so it probably happened.
How does IQ not matter? You folks shit on black people all the time because their IQ is allegedly lower on average.
I don't think Trump would win judging from how he talks. He's pretty quick-witted BUT he only talks loud, not smart.
Kim Kardashian is probably smarter than this board combined.
im starting to think donny might not be very smart
>allegedly lower on average
Objectively lower on average, and it absolutely does matter. The Donaldites are just too deep in their cult of personality, and not deep enough in actual right wing thinking to maintain the correct view here.
>iq is not reals
>but KROMPFTERS has low IQ, here, we'll prove it!
Trump is the master tactician, whether it is planned or it just manifests itself because of his ego is irrelevant, this is beyond 4d chess. Libtards are forced to sink their talking points to defeat Trump, and frankly it's fucking amazing how gladly they do it.
Not to mention the most famous mensa member is currently an ex-porn star. Its just a meme club. Real intellectuals dont bother with this cuck club
1. Mensa is a joke. My cold LSAT score qualifies me for membership and it was the easiest test I've taken in my life.
2. Tillerson is very obviously smarter than Trump.
Reminder mensa means dumb female in spanish
So, who would win?
>hurr durr what are connections.
Trump may have just inherited 1 million but he certainly had lots of connections he inherited from his father.
Also, Trump's taxes aren't available and he may not be a billionaire. Capital is different than assets. Trumps assets could be in the billions but that's not wealth. If Trump was asked to bring at least 1 billion worth of cash, it doesn't seem like he could.
Tbh I'd rather be a master manipulator than a genius. You can just make actual genius's do everything for you. Charisma is the true GOAT gift.
trump was the most succesful real-estate agent in the most expensive city on earth, also built his own business empire then became president of the united states singlehandedly.
the man is a genius with an IQ around 160+
>t. brainmanlet
Why did none of Trumps multiple siblings go on to be successful?
This would be both entertaining and informative, I hope Trump ends up doing it
I think you mean Hitler Did Nothing Wrong
>who is Maryanne Barry
>what is a federal circuit court judge
How many billions do they make?
That's the liberal position. We know that IQ does matter, so we are making them eat their own shit.
They are not gonna like the taste.
I know Mensa would claim to be bi-partisan, but SJW virtue signaling and IQ dick waving are too similar for comfort. I’m willing to bet that 98% of Mensa members are hardcore lefties
Even if Trumps iq is poor. He was still intelligent enough to become president. Not supporting js.
This, they will sabotage BOTH of them, both will end with ridiculously low IQ scores and reddit will have multiple orgasms.
Not always about money and if argue that being a non-minority circuit court judge is harder than becoming a billionaire (assuming you start with millions like the Trumps).
Trump is a petty little bitch who we all thought would actually try to be a good potus but instead is proving himself to be... a fucking moron.
Trump's manner of speaking is truly remarkable.
He's awesome.
>is he 12?
>t. Twelve Year Old
At least he can find the shift key you lazy twat.
>Real intellectuals dont bother with this cuck club
Mensa member here (took the test out of sheer curiosity).
First year in Mensa and I'm sure this will be the only one.
You're perfectly right on the IQ circlejerk. There are loud SJW (esp. Feminazis & white """"males""""), but they are a vocal minority. Some poltards too, equally loud.
Nah he definitely needed to use both hands, they're really small.
trump is mostly a social genius than an actual one
Tillerson was much better at running his businesses.
Kaczynski didn't join a stupid club, he lived in the woods and had the integrity to follow his ideals.
Be more like Ted, just without the MKULTRA and terror bombings
Trump is a fat retarded golem slave of Jews, tillerson would score higher than him.
Whatever you think about Trump, a man who can run an enormous business empire for years and then shitpost his way into the most powerful position on the planet is not an idiot and is obviously going to score significantly higher than average.
I want to see him get >130 and watch the salt flow.
Talking smart is the easiest way to find a psuedo-intellectual.
Then I want a contest of the winner against Neal Degrasse Tyson
HAHAHAHAH, black science man would score 90-100.
So if he loses they can say 'LOL DRUMPF STUPID', and if he wins they can say 'WELL IQ ISN'T AN INDICATOR OF INTELLIGENCE'...
Never compete with a liberal, they'll rig the game so either way 'they win'.
MENSA truly is a joke. Theyve talked and talked about problems for years, but all their discussions just turn into them jerking eachother off
Have you guys seen how many of their members stop acknowledging the whole mickey mouse-club in the first year?
>and if he wins they can say 'WELL IQ ISN'T AN INDICATOR OF INTELLIGENCE'...
If he comes back with a high score, it's going to piss them off so much that they won't be able to hide behind rationalising it.
Couldn't find his IQ posted anywhere on the internet. Someone with an ego like his will have done at least one IQ test, and if he hasn't posted the results then we all know why.
Neil is a faggot
IQ doesn't determine behavior.
This is why IQ nationalism is inherently flawed.
This. If I wanted to circlejerk about how smart I think I am I could just go to Reddit.
IQ correlates pretty well with impulse control
Yes, goy, pay me 200 shekels so I can stroke your ego and trick you into paying me even more!
I was in Mensa when I was younger, but gave it up when the only two people responsible for me having fun died. Also, holy fuck the number of smokers in Mensa, at least back in the '80s. Smart, my ass.
It's like the globalist training to divert the topic and avoid the question is trying to kick in, but he still gets acrost what he started out to say by the end of it while still sounding impressive. I'll admit, it doesn't make him look smart. But it's still better than any other candidate we've ever seen.
Mensa is a club for rich old white guys. If you go there you should expect it to feel like a club for old rich white guys.
>complain about Trump wasting time on X
>offer to have Trump waste his time on this
the Unabomber has an IQ of 167 and he killed 3 people with mailbombs.
Do you really want to stick to that argument you've got there bud?
The Dotard is hurt and has vaginal spergings because based Tillerson called him a dotard.
He suggest to 'compare IQ-tests'.
Should based Tillerson compare with Trumps faked IQ-test?
Should they do an IQ-battle on live-tv?
Can the Dotard finally prove he is worthy by showing his IQ of 156 under laboratory conditions??
Should he even care?
If trump can’t stack it it would become known as DENSA on Twatter for alltime
can trump be more retarded than this ??? he is out of his mind . maga my fucking ass
Shh Luigi, don't interrupt the show please!
>There is nothing more sad than using your inflated processing power as a dick measuring tool.
This. There is a ton of high IQ people out there and yet the vast majority of them achieve jack shit compared to what they are capable of. Runtime intelligence and processing power are nice but they should not be used as a way to self-identify oneself, especially as part of some group.
Why did you change your flag, and why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>Furthermore, I became uncomfortably aware that Mensans, however high their paper IQ might be, were likely to be as irrational as anyone else. Many of them believed themselves to be part of a ‘superior’ group that ought to rule the world, and despised non-Mensans as inferiors. Naturally, they tended to be right-wing conservatives, and I generally feel terribly out of sympathy with such views.
Was Issac Asimov Jewish?
>Also, Trump's taxes aren't available and he may not be a billionaire. Capital is different than assets. Trumps assets could be in the billions but that's not wealth. If Trump was asked to bring at least 1 billion worth of cash, it doesn't seem like he could.
Dude, that's how wealth is measured you moron. In NET WORTH. Except for the oil arabs and some other shady billionaries, not one of the real billionaires actually has $1 billion in cash laying around or available for use in 24 hours. Everyone's money is tied up in stocks, assets, land, businesses and etc.
are you really blind to how fucking retarded you sound?
there is a correlation between IQ and impulse control... they don't go hand in hand, and in Unabomber's case it most definitely wasn't a question of impulsivity. I'm not really making any point here just telling you how stupid it is to say IQ has nothing to do with behaviour... it fucking does and it's a good start to root out criminal scumbags.from our societies
Yes, high quality trolling.
Justification for white privilege happening right before our very eyes.
I can't wait till they compare IQ's of different political authorities of different ethnic backgrounds.
Holy shit, that sounds so real, just like how he talks lol.
^ This.. Trump's probably more around 110-130.
He's also not very book-smart.
Out of all the timelines I was born on the best one.
If one is smarter than the other, why did Trump become president of the United States, and the other i have never heard of in my entire life?