Black people are so fucking sensitive


>watermelon is good
>liked by literally everyone
>niggers some how get offended and think they are special for liking watermelon

We need a /race/ containment board.

If slavery was so bad why does a watermelon still offend them?

My fucking sides did he really bring it was a button on top.

Liberal identity politics made this shit political. Blame them.

>black fragility

"After the firing, the remaining firemen could be seen in the firehouse patio area eating water melon."

That is a fucking massive watermelon though.

Watermelon is literally one of the most healthy and physically beneficial foods you can eat. I'm not even joking. Look it up. These people should be thanking them.

Could've brought KFC

Seriously we need to figure out how to save the black Americans from the libtards.

What is the white equivalent to watermelon or KFC?

you already know them niggas at the station still ate the shit after throwing a hissy fit

Sometimes a watermelon is just a watermelon.

It's because niggers are fully aware of all their faults.


The niggers say the white equivalent is "mayonnaise"

And that's funny, because I've seen niggers dip french fries in mayonnaise

>It's because niggers are fully aware of all their faults.
It's because niggers are fully aware of all their fruits.


>Sometimes a watermelon is just a watermelon.

I have never heard or seen a white person throw a fit over seeing mayonnaise. Niggers are just fucking brain dead boons who follow what liberals tell them.

because the lefty's are determined to keep them down.

>dip french fries in mayonnaise

This is blatant racism, but not on the part of the guy they fired.
To him, he though a healthy melon would be a good gift to bring. To them, because he's not black and thereby not of their tribe, he was offending them on purpose.
It's the same as when any minority group gets offended really, 90% of the time it's just jokes from someone who viewed you as a friend or potential friend but because they're not of your tribe, you chimp out. Disgusting.

Black Americans are not niggers.

which one of you autists did this?

Get a hundred watermelons delivered to the station

If I was black I would have thought it was funny. Those niggers must have never been in a locker room or bantered before.

Holy shit, lets.

>because I've seen niggers dip french fries in mayonnaise

it's much better than ketchup. just like fried chicken and watermelons and flamin hot cheetos are all nice too. maybe blacks just have better taste than white americans.

So did the niggers eat the Watermelon or not?

Inferior people always get offended

well he has a nice fat lawsuit on his hands. fucking cant even bring a nice watermellon to a party if black people attend?

Nah he was being a prick the fucking bow blew it.


Watermelon; literally the only good thing to ever come from Africa. Sure as fuck ain't the banjo and definitely not niggers.

The man brings the one decent thing from Africa to share, and the niggers get offended.

>90% of the people who work at Engine 55 are black.
I guess that explains why the D burns every October

>Be Firefighter
>Love gardening and helping the community with my brothers
>Take pride in my watermelons
>Decide to bring the biggest watermelon I've ever fucking grew to share with the boys
>Even bring a bow to show how big of a present this is
>This happens'd be like a black guy bringing in mayo sandwhiches or crackers to a mostly white fire station. I always make racist jokes to my non-white friends/girlfriends it's a way of bonding between races. Hell i even call my half brother a spear chucker and he makes fun of how white i am.
It's sad the world can't see that.

ill admit the bow was kinda over the top but i fucking love watermelon, im not going to let blacks culturally appropriate them from whites

That's a bigass watermelon.

Maybe he brought it cause that’s a big watermelon


Everyone loves watermelon & fried chicken. Anyone who tells you that is "racist" is a bigot.

lol I didn't realize he put a bow on it

>lol I didn't realize he put a bow on it

Is a noose made from ribbon considered a bow?

That's a gigantic watermelon

I'd be fucking hyped to get that much melon

What's wrong with putting a bow on it?
This another example at why multi-ethnic societies fail every time they are tried. It's easy to "misinterpret" or just place blame on other groups for innocent actions.

Live among your own and avoid this shit. Blacks need their own communities and so do we.

He giftwrapped it, you dense fuck.

>americans thinking they know fries
I'm honestly surprised you can tell the difference between the crap your mcdonalds serves and the cardboard it comes in

I thought the bow was funny. Why do you assume I'm implying it turns a simple fruit gift into a subtle racist message?

>black people are sensitive
>make joke about how white people can't dance for shit (they can't)
>several dozen stormfags post roman statues with paragraphs exclaiming "we wuz kings" and copypastas about how whites created the western world or some shit
But blacks are the sensitive ones somehow.

this alone proves it wasnt a racist move.

fuck, i being watermelons and cantelope all the time to gatherings.

i hope one day we look back on this period of time and laugh our tranny asses off

What's next? They'll force KFC not to sell any fried chicken to niggers? That would be racist after all.

It's an earnest gesture.
I don't perceive anything wrong with it. I don't know why the niggers are so pissed about it.

White people don't make you lose your job because you say we can't dance.
Living with blacks is just asinine.

btfo btw

no lmao. tell me why you assumed that was what I meant.

Tell me what made you assume that. Because all I said was lol at the bow. Why did you assume I was saying "the bow makes it racist" instead of simply meaning "lol he put a bow"

Tell me specifically what made you interpret me that way.

Well at least we don't get people fired

you'll need to ditch the meme flags first
>not happening

A job and an education?

>implying mcdonalds has the best

so it would be the doughnuts box if he bought one

What makes the bow funny?
You put bows on gifts. It was a gift.
I think you're putting more thought into this than I did.

>quoting your own post

Sup Forums has always been a containment board you dumb nigger.

They are just mad he didn't bring any fried chicken to go with it

Nobody puts bows on fruit dumbass it's a fucking melon. Putting a bow on a melon is silly.

fries + mayonnaise is fucking standard man

what a fucking legion

You knew exactly what I was implying even without my saying it.

I wonder how you managed that one.

It's as if there was some outside reference we both experience but only your cuck ideology demands you ignore

yeah so the fuck what
you gift wrap gifts. that what the fuck you do


how the fuck would you know the difference? You got a single mcdonalds in that 3rd world country there nigger? Where the potatoes have to be frozen, unfrozen, frozen again, and unfrozen again? LOL

would you put a bow on a box of donuts?

Is your mom a coal burner user. Dump that whore mother of yours.


Why does that make it wrong? I sincerely want to hear your explanation here.

and sometimes it's blatant racism.

Have you never been to a country fair city boy?

Oh I see now. You're a fucking moron.

Go back to T_D cuck

>FOX 2 spoke to Pattison by phone, who claims it was not a joke - and he did not mean to offend his fellow firefighters. But he clearly did.

What sort of shitty news is this? They are just reporting what they think happened. "It wasnt meant to be racist but it clearly was"

No. But I would put it on a harvested fruits and vegetables that I was proud of growing.
Get outside more you fucking urbanite.

She already paid the toll, that's why I'm here on Sup Forums.

>implying mcdonalds isn't a proper representative of american "fries"

they're going out of business, nobody here is poor and stupid enough to actually eat at one

we have the superior frietkoten


I'm a literal farmer you dumbass. Nobody puts bows on fruit. Ribbons occasionally. And don't city boy me, statistically you are a 13 year old gamer from the suburbs.

lmao answer me. What made you think I was suggesting the bow made it racist?


>Not dipping your fries in milkshake

>implying he grew it and took it to the fair

lets be real here. he was either autistic with the bow or he was making a joke. doesnt deserve to be fired. black people say racist shit to white people all the time like its nothing. Hell they televise it.

>and sometimes it's blatant racism.

Blatant racism is assuming that anything a white person does around a black person is racist in nature and intent, while pretending that announced racism by blacks is simply protest to be automatically excused and supported.

Because if you don't support black racism, you're a racist.

This image is very interesting.

I've long wondered if it's not that modern SJW shit was meant to win, but that it was merely meant to fracture the western world bad enough for shady upper class powers to manipulate the world and take advantage of the chaos.

On one hand, I want to fight against this bullshit. On the other hand, I also fear that by fighting against it too strongly is merely fracturing the fucking fraternity between citizens and causing an even more rapid decline.

I guess no matter (((they))) are going to get what they want.


nah the bow makes it racist. it wasn't racist without the bow, but the bow makes it clear enough that even anons on Sup Forums can be tricked into admitting they see it.

When I was a kid I lived for years in a black neighborhood on the West Coast (my mom was the librarian for the town) and I ate way more watermelon than anybody there. I was born in the south where everyone eats it and nobody thinks of it as “black food”. I’d always try and get the black kids to eat it with me and they’d just look at me funny and mumble. I didn’t know till years later that it’s racist somehow.

Suddenly you're a farmer? Awfully convenient. Surely you aren't some NEET neckbeard larping for (you)s.
You are seriously defending niggers being able to fire someone for decorating a piece of fruit you stupid fucking wannabe redneck.
>Nobody puts bows on fruit.
My family did.

That's my point though. How the fuck can you fire someone for putting a fucking piece of ribbon on a fruit?
This is exactly why you shouldn't live near black people. It's not enough to be racist, you need to be a practicing racist.

bologna sandwiches. or just mayonnaise in general.

>it wasn't racist without the bow

except we just shrug and say yeah burgers taste good
not like a nigger who'll scream raycis wypepo while beating an old woman to death.

most people are and dont have to deal with walking on eggshells. its why blacks live in black communities, mexicans in theirs, asians in theirs, indians in theirs, muslims in theirs, and so on.

To me, the bow makes it clear that it is a joke and the other fire fighters should have laughed.

No, we scream Euro-snob while beating chavs to death

I mean.
It's a proven strategy.