Unironically kill yourself faggot
Nothing wrong with hoping
nice slide shlomo
Literally bullying a state who never harmed anyone outside its own borders. Turn Arabia to glass if you're that hungry for war.
Don't fight in there.
>war room
>daily star
>launches icbm over Japan
Eat a dick commie nigger.
I fucking hope so. Let's get to killing commies like this country was made to do.
Daily star is the least reliable source.
This isn't about North Korea.
Jews are trying to pull Project Blue Beam.
Pretty sure they kidnap Japanese and South Koreans all the time.
They blew up a civilian airplane, Mick.
Learn to sauce, faggot.
Also, Trump is clearly ready for the launch of the revised edition of The Art of the Deal. Rodman is on stand by.
I still can't believe an orange draft dodging retard is gonna start WW3
Missiles will fly soon.
More sanctions get hype!
Did rocket man shoot off another load again? My god kek. Kim jerks off more dogs than that south park episode. "Red led locket led locket! Good boy"
da kurwa tanks in 30 minutes n shieeet
My bet is the weather is finally good enough for him to launch and this time we're going to shoot it down.
Post YFW he says it's about NK when in reality it's about Israel after Las Vegas
>he said for the 1000th time this year
Sweet when a nigga does pls screen cap me and all the thread "hWhat's Hoppenin, Hot Stuff! Long Duck Dong flies out of Pyongyang"
Article said the meeting was about North Korea, Iran, and TURKEY.
The storm is coming.
Call the bread. Fucking negros living in the iBox (TM) fucked my spelling up.
That means a Turkish role in attacking Iran is to be sought my dude. Simple as nigga move out the way we using our air bases there, complicated as nigga invade with us and we will halt Kurdistan.
Fuck commie Norks.
They're been fucking with us for too long, they're also not diverse enough like the west.
Poor Japan
They gonna get nuked AGAIN
>ad revenue ticker link
Fuck off
>Muh innocent north korea dindu nuffin
This is what nobody likes potato niggers.
Alright, moment of truth.
Single digits, nothing, two digits, NK becomes NukedK, three digits, USA gets ir.
here for the cap
>Invaded South Korea
>Tortured and killed a US citizen
>Continues to shoot at South Korean ships
>Fires ICBM over Japan
>Continues to test nuclear weapons while threatening to destroy the US
yeah, real peaceful nation you got there
thats it
What do double doubles mean?
2 nukes?
It means your a newfag
Double nukes. 2 nukes is too little.
Japan, NK and China get nuked, of course, didnt want to jinx it, its the least desired outcome
watafuck man
We are currently in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with Turkey. We have a fuck ton of conflicting interests, and it seems likely that we will become adversaries.
>never harmed anyone outside of its own borders
I wouldn't listen to a statement from a country whose citizens approve of Hamas
They're the only paper left to have tits within it....
Garbage image
Nothing is going to happen
Fuck off and kys.
Your flag says white trash but your vocabulary says nignog...... Which is it faggot?
Why not bbc pigeon?
Nothing ever happens until something happens.
you cant launch icbms over countries fuckin idiot, if we did that to russia we would be glassed within an hour.
t thanks
shouldnt this be a secret
It's okay. All receiver circuits have been switched to the CRM-114 Discriminator.
> America assassinates Kim Jong-Un and invades N. Korea and upsets China
> Escalation into China/Russia vs. America/UK/South Korea
old boomers cant keep their mouths shut over issues like this, it makes the stock market go up because everyone has faith in this country, its a get rich scheme while pissing everyone off.
>Never harmed anyone outside its own borders
Well not successfully
God dammit Trump.
You had one job.
No more wars.
Don't fuck it up.
>no more wars
Q: how do you think, logically, one would actually accomplish that?
A: if you kill everyone that isnt you or your people, you decrease the chance of war by statistically significant amounts
now youve gone done did it
Any other sources on this?
I better wake up to war tomorrow. Night, faggots.
Look at the streets of Malmö, there's your war.
Except that guy they killed with nerve agent.
what did he mean by this
Holy shit, MOST white antifa/commie/socialist people I've met in Portland have been of Irish descent.
>trump sides with Iran
our country is the spirit of never ending war, i would not be shocked at all of we nuke them and finish off survivors by droids circling above in less than 24 hours while world goes into a panicked screeching hissy fit, i pray for it.
I hope he ends up nuking china and russia, then africa and the mideast, and south america too. mine the whole planet till the oceans cover the continents we annihilate and turn them all into open-pit mines and use their minerals to craft a star fleet to spread across the solar system. Then as soon as we get that new em drive working we'll only be contained by our imagination.
>inb4 more sanctions
>"We're going to give you ONE more chance, Kim."
>Introducing Sanction #99999
>"That'll teach you gook bastards to mess with us."
If this is the start of the war I'll film myself making and eating a jizz sandwich.
Good, good
You filthy niggers. I don't give a shit about North Korea. They're only posturing since the Yanks are constantly prodding them for not conforming to international Jewery. Stop worrying about lil' Kim when the Israel-Saudi cabal is actively rotting the core of the West inside out.
Next you spastics will be praising based Trump for turning the only stable nation in the Middle East (Iran) into dust. Fuck yourselves you muppets.
Ok. THIS is officially the worst thing I read on the internet.. ROFL.
You should be ashamed... :(
>Next you spastics will be praising based Trump for turning the only stable nation in the Middle East (Iran) into dust. Fuck yourselves you muppets.
I unironically hope he does. I want every non white country to get glassed.
Add yourself to that list then Pajeet. Persians are literally more white than your neo-mongrel country.
Worth it if it gets rid of the subhumans
Loading up Jim.
Ya know, recent headlines have NK hacking US/SK military plans, but I'm suspecting they are false, decoy plans, and we are about to zig, when the orcs think we are gonna zag.
hopefully it actually happens so i dont have to get a job anymore
You seem commie. Opinion discarded.
fuck lad you and me both I just wanna play animu games and pass out like every other day.
Absolutely not. Communists would be among the first to hang if I had a say
fuck off with your bs source faggot
This. Same with Catalonia lol
I'm so fucking tired of all the teasing. Just get this shit over with already goddamn.
Double double, animal style.
kek, we are full, they can crash on the moon.... maybe
Norks about to get the jap treatment.
WTF we vote him for NOT DOING WAR .
2 Scoops, 2 Genders, 2 Terms, 2 Nukes confirmed
Checked. Kikes BTFO
>It's about NK and how they did Vegas
>daily star
>best criminal colony
>2 posts btid
you niggers aren't even trying anymore.
Hell ye boi