Why is the US afraid of North Korea's intention? We have the biggest stockpile of Nuclear warheads in the world...

Why is the US afraid of North Korea's intention? We have the biggest stockpile of Nuclear warheads in the world. There is no way that any country is a threat to the US. Even if someone does manage to hit a nuclear missile in the US, that country can be completely destroyed in retaliation.

Secondly, we have satellites and countless ways to destroy the missile before it ever reaches here.

So, why care about what Kim Jong Un says or does? What is there to be afraid of?

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China has said that they will be forced to defend NK if the US fires first. China has enough firepower for mutually assured destruction.

North korea is pushing for self-sufficient agriculture and monetary policy. to even discuss these ideas is forbidden in jewish media. the buzzword of the year is (((connectedness))) implying no access to means of production, only sharepools.

North korea is acting out on behalf of China. Thats the grim reality of the situation.

We just want to win a war for the luls

So don't fire first. When NK does launch something this way, we can destroy NK. What's the problem then?

That makes no sense on the part of China. We owe China more than a trillion dollars. If China strikes us, we won't pay the money back.

>We have the biggest stockpile of Nuclear warheads in the world.
Loss of life is still a thing.
>Even if someone does manage to hit a nuclear missile in the US, that country can be completely destroyed in retaliation.
You think China/South Korea/their allies are going to take kind to us genociding an entire people off their borders and the nuclear fallout that will blow into their countries?
>we have satellites and countless ways to destroy the missile before it ever reaches here.
>So, why care about what Kim Jong Un says or does? What is there to be afraid of?
Loss of fucking life you legitimate retard.
The simplest explanation for your tiny ape-like brain is that no one wants to get into it with NK not because their military is a threat, it's that their government is propping up tens of millions of people who live week to week and if said government toppled over it'l be one of the worst humanitarian crisis's in history and would throw South Korea's economy into a blender.

I just want the nukes to start flying so I can wait out the holocaust in my grandpa's old underground cement bunker and emerge to explore a wasteland filled with mutant dogs and zombies and all the drugs I can get my hands on.

>China has said that they will be forced to defend NK if the US fires first.
Wrong. They've stated numerous times that if NK baits the US and Allies into attacking by throwing rocks at the metaphorical bee hive they won't help.
Threatening to use nuclear weapons on another country for no reason is a pretty big fucking deal.

1. Trump might be dumb enough to fire first
2. If NK fires first, China might join in anyway
3. Either way, at least one city is getting nuked

if the US lets DPRK fire a nig rigged missile while making threats of nuclear war then that will make it seem like its okay for just anyone to fire nuclear missiles and talk shit until the US is destroyed

It makes no less sense that theyre willing to protect north korea when we do trillions of dollars in business with them each year. How much do you think NK does busienss with them? A few billion dollars annually? That makes no sense. What does make sense is that China has intentions of trying to take over our market share throughout the world, and establshing an asian global sepremecy without whitey being in the way.

Deport all gooks. This is war.


>China won’t come to North Korea’s aid if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation, a state-owned newspaper warned Friday — but it would intervene if Washington strikes first.

Fake news

>China won’t come to North Korea’s aid if it launches missiles threatening U.S. soil and there is retaliation
What do you call them launching those test missiles over allied countries and threatening to attack US territories at every fucking turn for no reason?
Do you think that means a missile has to hit U.S Soil to answer to NK aggression? They were also saying NK was completely on it's own in 2016
>we have the capability to nuke you
>we WILL nuke you for no reason lol
>just you wait it's gonna happen
>come on do it attack us hahaha china will help
Furthermore China's a paper tiger with little force projection, NK isn't worth starting a war with NATO over especially considering China's economy will collapse if they do; it's more likely China would join a coalition so they can cut up a favorable chunk of those resources for themselves.
This is of course, assuming that anything happens and if people want to actually take care of millions of starving refugees.

First off, you don't understand the Korean War situation. The government of China is still the same, they are technically still under protocol of support for NK. They HAVE to defend if we fight first, thank god it's only a defensive pact.
On top of that, guess who we have to defend? South Korea. They're our ally, and we will not let them down, that would fail every dead serviceman.
We have two options. Force them into striking on their own, and retaliate, or face a possible confrontation with China, to our citizen's deaths.
Don't assume our hand is as good as we publicly say. It's rough. We need Kim to calm down before he kills everyone, or we need to get Xi to give Kim the official "fuck off," and they have a whole culture war around that that isn't winning out in our favor.
The table is even, we have to things right.

It has never been about BK actually attacking US soil. It's about public appearance.

North Korea is surrounded by US client states. States which are needed to curtail and stall Chinas rising power. If those states see that the US can't do shit about something that is a rwal threat to them, they willrealign themselfes with China.

Theoretically Japan remaining a US ally but unwilling to go actively hostile with China would be enough to fuck over US control of the region longterm.

The US empire has reached a point in its lifespan where it's dealing with several smaller, regional threads that pn their own can't threaten the empire.

But imagine Asia slips from US control. Less trade for you, less bases around the globe, less weight behind US diplomats elsewhere. That would make their job harder in say making deals with the EU or strongarming somewhere in the Middle East.

What does it matter if the Germans invade Gaul? Rome has many more fertile colonies...

Yeah user, that's the point...

If NK launches a nuke that is obviously threatening the US, then China will not join in, so they say.

China does not consider test missiles that are obviously not aimed at or near US territory to be threatening to the US. It doesn't matter what the US considers "threatening," it's what China considers "threatening" that will ultimately determine whether China enters the war.

They have a nuke in a satellite. High altitude blast causes an emp

We simply won't tolerate a nuclear state that threatens to attack us. North Korea and Russia had better back down now or else there will be war. Trump isn't a pussy, when he makes a threat you can believe he means it.

>North Korea's Intention
What? Show your flag.
>possible shill

>threatening to attack US territories at every fucking turn for no reason?
This is what the media want you to believe. Actually NK always threaten to retaliate if attacked.

they launched a stealth underwater nuclear tractor towards the us a couple of weeks ago. The S.U.N.T will crawl his way to LA where it dumps its load with small thrusters and start nuclear war 2017/18

It's called schizophrenia, thinking the entire world is out to get you, but the US suffers from it on a national scale.

>We have the biggest stockpile of Nuclear warheads in the world. There is no way that any country is a threat to the US. Even if someone does manage to hit a nuclear missile in the US, that country can be completely destroyed in retaliation.

If we lose one city in exchange for turning all of North Korea into radioactive glass, we have still lost the exchange. Trading 1M Americans for 20M Norks is a loss, and any one of our major west coast cities has a higher GDP than all of North Korea.

That being said the goal of North Korea's nuclear program is not to strike the US, but to enable the forced reunification of the Korean peninsula. Once they have a credibly means of striking the US they can start dictating terms.

An unwise decision, we have already warned North Korea and their Russian suppliers that any such actions would lead to us launching our Forklifts of Mass Destruction.

Oh gee I dunno maybe the millions of Americans that will die in the process and the cluster fuck that follows with that.

>So, why care about what Kim Jong Un says or does? What is there to be afraid of?
Why the U.S. spent billions attempting to replace Assad in Syria? Because Assad is Russia's ally. Now Kim is China ally, and U.S wants to replace him. And this is why Kim developed nukes, to avoid being replaced easily.

>Actually NK always threaten to retaliate if attacked.
Because that's been a real looming threat for the last 60years of war and not just a manlet acting big shit trying to live up to his father.
>China does not consider test missiles that are obviously not aimed at or near US territory to be threatening to the US.
Of course they consider it a threat, it's a show of force after threatening to attack a country. It's a real big deal to launch missiles without alerting anyone.

NK's entire drive is to reunify the korean peninsula. SK are our allies, if NK manages to get a sufficient nuclear arsenal together that they can safely threaten their neighbors with MADD, what do you think they will do? I'd imagine they will invade SK and threaten to nuke all of their neighbors if anyone intervenes.

NK won't strike anyone though. The country only exists so it can test weapons for China. It's basically an unsanctioned military base, and nobody can do anything about it.

Afraid? No, son. Annoyed and pissed.

If anyone is afraid of NK, they're a goddamned pussy.

The US isn't as cavalier as they used to be about the idea of glassing millions of civilians.

we don't really care.

if the economy goes bad we are set up to invade it. and i'm kind of to the point where we should just invade it to fuck with the chinese. they wouldn't do shit

China won't do shit. They'll put their hands up and walk away.


lol please be trolling we just spent 20 years and probably killed 2 million people "fighting a war on terror"

we don't give a shit you leaf, we pretend we care but we don't

Yea kids, the top of several government agencies are worried about nothing but a fluke, if only they had you to rely on!

It is more about the millions upon millions of South Korean civilian casualties within the first 30 minutes we are trying to avoid, as well as a world war. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is right on the DMZ so Nork arty can hit that shit and just cause the loss of millions of lives almost instantly. If that happens then Norks get decimated and we have to see if China and Russia plays their hands, and if they do it is a world war. North Korea is buffer zone to keep US military off the doorstep of both China and Russia, if it erodes then the entire world will likely be going to war.

Maybe, maybe not. We don't really have any reason to doubt them. When the risk of being wrong is a nuclear apocalypse, it would be a pretty stupid bet to make.


it's true. we'd invade, everyone would be pissed, trump would insult muslims, everyone would be pissed and that, and forget we invaded.

>We have the biggest stockpile of Nuclear warheads in the world.

But they can see them coming with enough time to launch their own, and once a nuke is headed your way there is very little reason not to fire back. Even a single nuke is a massive tragedy.

One nuke would make 9/11 seem like a fairly quiet day.

I wish more people understood this as the correct answer. Even if push did come to shove, China would N E V E R let the U.S. solve the issue.

china wouldn't do shit. they haven't done shit for 30 years. they'd just bitch, but not do shit. it's china, they are nutless faggots who play sun tzu rules. they are so fucking predictable, even africans know how to play the stupid fuckers

>test weapons china made 30 years ago

that's fucking retarded. get the fuck out

it's less about testing the weapons, and more about it being a proxy military state.

>I wish more people understood this as the correct answer.
That China is using NK to test cold war era weapons.
When they already have US missile technology they bought off Israel.

The public is a lot more accepting of death when it's spread out over a couple decades.

Do you honestly think most of the US would be cool with nuking a country?

You really need to spend some time outside Sup Forums. Your view on the world is hopelessly skewed.

this. it's not like back in the 50s, their economy wasn't as tied up with ours back then. people on here who think china is going to barrel across the border or start a nuclear war against the usa over north korea are retarded. we've overthrown other shitty dictators and they didn't do shit and even then there was oil involved. mao is dead.

>more about it being a proxy military state.
Of course it's a proxy state, but that doesn't mean they'll come to their aid if they fuck up like they've been doing. It's more likely they'll join in kicking them when they're down to secure their borders again.

It's more of how the act of korea starting shit would be the thing that would weaken us so the real enemy can come conquer us.
Remember proxy wars from history? Watch this and consider who gives north korea their gear

go ahead and read the reply right above yours. China can't make international threats under the name 'China'. Diplomacy is going a bit above your head. North Korean war will not happen. North Korea is a physical land mass connection to China's domestic civilization. China will NOT let North Korea be defeated by Americans, they will step in for themselves before that ever took place.

don't expect the leftist tree huggers on here to understand these kinds of things.

North Korea isn't its own entity, which is the point I'm trying to make. North korean decisions don't take place without a chinese 'ok'

Again, it's a stupid bet to make. Worst case: we start a nuclear war. Best case: we get Kim Jong-un to stop saying mean things about the US.

no, they really won't, retard. koreans don't want to be chinese and they don't want to be japanese.

>mean things
dumbass, he's literally going to threaten and retake south korea. that was his grandfather's goal. that and putting japan at risk aren't worth having the little shit around.

are you speaking from experience as a north korean? Do you really think 'koreans' have a say in any of this? Jesus christ. KYS

They can't retaliate with a nuke if its the MOAB used. They wouldn't have the excuse good enough to defend a 3rd world piece of shit that's only been irradiated by it's own people. MOAB the shit out of them and decades of headaches and UN letter writing will be finished in an evening.

Maybe make a deal with China in reparations. Their economy is in a glass house anyway. Their air poisoned, their people fucking old with not enough youths to look after them, their men hairless with 0 pubes.

you're the one who should kill himself, you little brainlet pussy faggot.

>This just in, North Korea voting on whether or not it wants its Chinese invaders to actually invade, more at 11.

>North Korea isn't its own entity, which is the point I'm trying to make. North korean decisions don't take place without a chinese 'ok'
That's not what a proxy state is. That's not how they work either.
NK isn't getting the big ok's from China, everything NK has been doing has not been in the interests of China in the slightest. This is what we call a"Rogue state" that bites the hand of its master.

So the US should risk war with China by preemptively striking NK in order to save SK. That is smart for the US why exactly? Dumbass.

A conventional war with China would also be a nightmare. It could also escalate to nuclear war, depending on how desperate each side gets.

The purpose of North Korea's nuclear program is to extract concessions from both the United States and South Korea.

It is the policy of the North Korean government that Korean issues should be solved by Koreans themselves (read: without the influence of the United States).

Their goal is the withdrawal of the US forces from Korea, and the creation of a Korean confederation (read: the communization of South Korea).

>everything NK has been doing has not been in the interests of China in the slightest
name something? I would be more than happy to see the evidence of Chinese contempt for North Korean behavior.
You unironically say that that isn't how proxy states work, and turn around to mention that NK is biting the hand of its 'master'. Can't have it both ways, it's either a client state or it isn't.

Is North Korea severely dependant on Chinese economics to survive as a nation? Yes? Proxy state.

Even if It was a 'rogue state', China STILL wouldn't let the U.S. solve the issue, which was the original point.

Your jewfro is sticking out from under your fucking cover, private- there's litterally a war to expose the Nazis- they are funding NK- trying to stir the pot- if we attack them, then the protectors will be forced to show their hand- so to speak-

Which both sides know. Which is a deterrent. Which is why they will not do anything cause they know NK is provoking America. America has nearly always been in constant war and China has problems subduing Tibetian Monks.

because no one wants to participate in a war of attrition with fucking nukes.

>China has problems subduing Tibetian Monks
That's like saying we have problems subduing ragheads in Afghanistan.

The fact is that we don't know just how much China cares about keeping NK around and there is very little pay off for the risk of being wrong about it.

What good is our nukes if we stand down and shy away from a fight? I’m not saying we should go around using them as leverage in an aggressive sense. The enemy has to believe you will use them for the deterrence effect. They are useless if you can’t meet these thresholds.

So China should go to war with the US in order to defend NK. That is smart for China why exactly? Dumbass.

>Why is the US afraid of North Korea's intention?

have you no concept of the empire of liberty, brother?

we as free people have a god-given duty to ensure that our fellow men become capable of flexing their natural rights.

It is our "hobby"...our endeavour.

thusly: we feel an obligation to ensure the natural rights of those we've liberated. Namely, here: south korea and japan.

North korea's fuckery threatens these nations' right to life, liberty and property. thusly, we as their sponsor in attaining liberty (and as those driven towards freeing peoples) should endeavour to preserve their rights over and against the foolish dealings of the north koreans.

Its not the country, it's the literal land. China will never let the U.S. have that land. China will 'take it over' before the U.S. fires a round.

china can defend their homeland, but they're incapable of force projection. they cannot harm america.

>That's like saying
It's not "like" it is exactly the same. You would know if you listened to their government approved responses from the past 6 months this crap has been going on and they have to stick to that point of view to keep in with their propaganda. Plus only the top brass live well in NK and i don't think a short conflict would make things worse. Maybe in the years to come they'll build a statue of Trump pissing on their dictators. I'd bet China will only give the US a stern talking to. Thats it.

For one, they have a defensive pact with NK. If they don't honor it then they'll lose all credibility in the international community.


Hope you have your war face ready.

Thermonuclear war with the US, their biggest trading partner, sounds like a WAY bigger problem then some credibility in the international community. The international community by and large hates NK and would probably understand if China didn't defend them.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. They have been rapidly improving their navy over the past decade.

>NK won't strike anyone though.
This. Every few years their fat leader with a lesbian haircut will talk shit and say "we're still relevant, right guys?" Then everyone makes a big show of "talking them down" while laughing at them behind their back.

maybe because we're not a nation of jingoists who want to convert a disney theme park in the jungle into a smoldering crater if we can avoid it.

>It's not "like" it is exactly the same.
Ok, we agree then. Now, both cases are about controlling insurgency. Obviously both countries are terrible at that. But that has nothing to do with conventional warfare. Both countries are very well equipped for conventional warfare.

Yeah so a nuclear war is the way to go


>name something
>trying to reignite the korean war is in chinas best interests
>china bans import of north korean coal, their #1 export
>shelling your neighbor drawing international attention is in chinas best interests
>threating the worlds only global power known for warmongering and baiting them into attacking which if china retaliates voiding their debt is in chinas interests
>china condemning nk's actions publically multiple times throughout the years is not proof
Yes, sound's like a healthy relationship.
>You unironically say that that isn't how proxy states work, and turn around to mention that NK is biting the hand of its 'master'. Can't have it both ways, it's either a client state or it isn't.
NK is a buffer zone for their borders, that is true, but it's not a client state anymore, this isn't a difficult concept to grasp that as time goes on and leaders change they don't follow blindly. They condemned China for taking sides with the US as well, not exactly something a puppet state does.
>Is North Korea severely dependant on Chinese economics to survive as a nation? Yes? Proxy state.
I see, so a lot of countries across the world are now proxy-states to others because they need to import food and materials as well. It can't possibly be that China gets things in return for their services since NK is filled with bountiful amounts of natural resources.

North Korea is consistently an aggressor to the US and its allies and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking leftist shill or a useful idiot straight out of the RT comments section who thinks the US is le world #1 terrorist threatening this good boi that dindu nuffin.

You are talking about the same fucking gooks who tested an ICBM and, when confronted, said it was part of their brand new space program. Fuck off if you can find any way to do mental hoops and justify that.

>Secondly, we have satellites and countless ways to destroy the missile before it ever reaches here.
Untested assumptions. No one ever has, or probably ever will shoot down an ICBM outside of a perfectly choreographed experimental environment.

Murphy's Law
No plan survives the first contact intact.
Anything that can go wrong will.

This says nothing about actually going to/being at war. I see a military general telling his men to be ready. I wonder if Kim Jong-Un has told his men to be ready, hmm.

This says nothing about stopping China from annexing the North Korean state before the U.S. responds militarily.

But if you want to honestly believe that the U.S. will begin the conflict, go right ahead, I'll wait for something a bit more concrete than "turn the rifle off safety"

they want us to believe that NK is crazy enough to get themselves annihilated in exchange for taking out a big west coast city

It might not immediately escalate to nuclear war. But a conventional war would also be a nightmare. This has already been discussed. Read the thread.

Forgot to add
>Even if It was a 'rogue state', China STILL wouldn't let the U.S. solve the issue, which was the original point.
I agree, I made the same statement earlier in the thread because it's not only securing borders but also securing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of resources.

a nightmare for who?

seriously we'd destroy their navy easily, cut off all shipping, and that would completely destroy their country. they know that and we know that.


If China straight up annexes North Korea before military action even begins, then it sounds like the problem would be solved. The issue with NK is their despotic regime engaging in unpredictable behavior and issuing nuclear threats, defying the world. If China replaces NK's leadership with one that mirror's Beijing's, then the problem is solved. I wish they'd go ahead and do that, actually.

>a nightmare for who?
How about anyone who is in or has family in the military? There would be massive casualties on both sides.

You make it sound so easy. China "taking care" of Kim is about as likely as the CIA doing a Diem on Moon. How the fuck would they do it, without tipping anyone off and creating a nightmare for themselves? Why would they even want to do it?

Okay. How about this: A nightmarish CONVENTIONAL war with their biggest trading partner would be a way bigger problem than some lost credibility in the international community.


such is the hymn of our navy. english singers just say "america" funny. the chinese cannot best the american navy.

Go ahead and ask the guy I was responding to. He was making the point that there was nothing stopping China from annexing NK before a US military response.

Remember we're talking about the Chinese government here. It's delusional to think that they're going to approach this 100% rationally. The existence of a defensive pact and and the possibility of showing weakness to the international community could easily be enough for them to get involved.

Conventional warfare isn't likely to happen between China and America or even at any great period of time as everyone has their dicks in each others pies. How is this not sinking in with you? NK is more trouble than it's worth, just look aat china's responses or just continue with ur head up your ass chanting about doom all the time.