HELP ME ARCHIVE! HUGE ANTI TRUMPER SNAPPED he pushed a guy off a train platform back in August, buried in the news until today. his twitter is all unhinged #Resistance crap it's still live here's a

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i'm a noob at archiving, be gentle, but this smells to high heaven. this has barely been reported, and his twitter is pure Trump bashing. something's up

i'll give you a bump

Thanks bro i'm freaking out. i saw a pic of dude, had a feeling this guy looks like a liberal who snapped, and lo and behold, #Resistance fighter. happened back in August and he was caught today. i use that train station sometimes, i haven't heard 1 warning sign news report, nothing!

bumping as a very good thread.

starting some digging now.

its because its chicago and the victim wasnt black



dude thanks so much much appreciated







Or ho...honeypot?

Have a bump, OP, while I'm reading the rest.

Call me paranoid, but I always stand real far back from the edge of a train platform even if it means getting a shittier seat because of shit like this.

Same! You're not paranoid, mentally ill fucks on the subway do this shit quite frequently for no reason at all.

wow, a white subway pusher. When's the last time we had one of these?




How do we know the victim was a trump supporter and that's the reason he was pushed?



>I and my wife
>I and
His shitty grammar aside, in his case it's more like
>My wife, her boyfriend and I



meant to say: victim gave an interview here:

Are the Chicago pd.. dare I say it?? /ourguys/?

guys I found the motive. He thought the victim had a nazi tattoo.

the victim in the video explains that the guy who pushed him on the train tracks was "staring and point at him".

What did they mean by this? found the victim 46 bluegrass guitarist, Cubs fan...sounds like a trump guy to me

That's comical.
Hope the libtard get's stabbed to death by his precious poc in prison.
In his dying moment his only thought would be "I deserve this because I'm white".

I've been arrested by CPD before and they couldn't stop ragging on niggers and spics. I hate cops, but Chicago PD is /ourcops/

doing my part

he should be charged with a hate crime

There's nothing grammatically wrong with saying "I and". It would be a stylistic error which doesn't really matter.

"CTA and CPD do not believe there is any risk to the traveling public," what the FUCK? he pushed a dude off the tracks and PREVENTED him from getting back on until others intervened.

Jesus Christ

Not only did he shove a guy on the tracks, he tried to stop the guy from saving himself and tried to stop other people from helping him

>my wifes son and I

holy shit what a psycho.

I hope he gets his black > white all the time (more blazk == better) in the joint

the victim landed one foot away from the electric power rail - which is instant death.

wait so he'll walk or?


>As they shouted at each other in between volleys of fire..
>Gangbangers upset that they were called poopoo heads by their targets

“He never said one word. There was a sort of empty, glossy look in his eye.’’ and Then he does the weirdest thing. He has this blank look on his face and he starts pacing back and forth," Benedict said. "It was like a lion looking at his prey, that’s kinda what it looked like to me."

>firmly believe white people are racist all the time
>hate white people for it
>commit hate crime against white person by proxy
>liberal mind explodes at the paradox

Bump for screenshots

....and then Sup Forums was right again

sorry, attack was in august, this was from an interview with the victim in september the attacker was arrested today. Cops were playing it as an isolated incident.

What the fuck is up with white liberals who literally worship black people?

You can tell this guy jerks off to blacked porn

Bump for justice.

what a fucking retard. looks nothing like the celtic cross. Looks like a fucking clock or some shit.
>those neo nazis always caring about time because it was high-noon when they would hang innocents black youffs.

it's a windrose. guy's a sailor most likely

Thanks for posting user. Lets bump this thread so that other anons see it and investigate.

Let the sword of autism be drawn upon our enimies wherever they be.

He has a huge github account

sorry guys, I have a 6mo old, I don't have time to download all of this

It looks like he was a PhD student somewhere recently in neuroscience✓

What stop on the blue line? Most of them you could just walk right off the track...


Yeah just saw his shitty python repository lol

Disregard this post, apparently it was Washington. Yeah, that's a recessed track where you can't go around and I guess the jailed guy wouldn't let him back up. Hang em.


The CPD have bigger shit to deal with, they honest to god probably just chalked it up to a drunk sox fan fucking with a cubs fan, then went back to dealing with a person being shot every 12 hours. No one died or was injured, so they shrugged and moved on to actual violence happening

It sucks, but that's where the bar for concern is at right now

he's a lib

edgy liberal humor?

>start of massive update
>small update
>more fixes

I'm going to start using messages like this for commits at work and see how long it takes for someone to flip their shit

Great. So my Nordic cross necklace might get me pushed onto train tracks.


>my neo nazi accessory might get be outed as a neo nazi

wow imagine that!

>everything I see is dripping in neo-nazi symbolism
Wow, a fucking retard!

neurodebris is right!! I can't handle the shards of ignorance!

where's the iodine!


security footage of the attempted murderer. drunk ass Alt left jumps the turnstile and is on a RAMPAGE, probably pushed the 1st white guy he sees. dude has neuroscience PhD, and lives lives in Wicker Park, hipster hovel neighborhood. his lawyer is trying to say he dindo nuffin'! " “There’s no video of this happening, judge. ... We have a 34-year-old young professional who’s just starting off his career. ... He has absolutely no criminal history. ... There’s absolutely nothing to suggest any violent behavior in his past or in his future.” >>

This was a gift to me that was purchased in Viking Cruise Line gift shop. It is not "Neo Nazi" symbolism, you tard, lol.


not the hammer and sickle!

Great band btw.

The jews at ADL have made sure the history of my people is labeled as white supremacy

Supposedly he's a lib. But if this chad is fucking nuts he totally could have misidentified the tat. He just assumed he's a trumpy


What local conservative radio hosts are there in chiraq? This is good fodder.

>a literal Chad vs Virgin irl
meme year is meme

>Willing to attempt murder and potentially get thrown in jail for many years


It is true niggers are animals and pieces of shit, what is the problem?

shitty boomer parents responsible for this sociopath

they are not wrong tho, we are superior

Yeah, it is weird... all of a sudden, black worshippers

The resistance is made up of commie terrorists.


somebody check if he has linked in profile

security footage of Alt-Left attempted murderer jumping turnstile. his lawyer is trying to calim he dindu nuthin'!! “I’ve seen the stills from the video, and they’re not very clear," the defense attorney told Cook County Judge Michael Clancy. “There’s no video of this happening, judge. ... We have a 34-year-old young professional who’s just starting off his career. ... He has absolutely no criminal history. ... There’s absolutely nothing to suggest any violent behavior in his past or in his future.” holy shit!!

Department of Physiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, United States.

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at risk in Parkinson's disease. Nat Neurosci. 2012 Oct;15(10):1414-21. doi:
10.1038/nn.3209. Epub 2012 Sep 2. PubMed PMID: 22941107; PubMed Central PMCID:

4: Lewis AS, Vaidya SP, Blaiss CA, Liu Z, Stoub TR, Brager DH, Chen X, Bender RA,
Estep CM, Popov AB, Kang CE, Van Veldhoven PP, Bayliss DA, Nicholson DA, Powell
CM, Johnston D, Chetkovich DM. Deletion of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic
nucleotide-gated channel auxiliary subunit TRIP8b impairs hippocampal Ih
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5: Lewis AS, Estep CM, Chetkovich DM. The fast and slow ups and downs of HCN
channel regulation. Channels (Austin). 2010 May-Jun;4(3):215-31. Review. PubMed
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literally junk

>russian-jewish decent
literal pottery.

he a gud boi
he din du nuffin

>We have a 34-year-old young professional who’s just starting off his career. ... He has absolutely no criminal history. ... There’s absolutely nothing to suggest any violent behavior in his past or in his future


Severe self hating condition. Need medication and some sleep. Have a bump

What, you don't want to see fossilized scowling Jewess face first thing in the morning?

Check yo keys, Robert!

I'm so scared. That could have been one of us. We can't practice what we believe any more.

he looks like the quintessential cuck desu


>Aryan prison gangs will check him or he's forced to join for protection
>Blacks will check him or kill him or fuck him
>Mexicans will drop this cuck off to the Aryans because they don't beef with each other like they do with blacks

I love it when a white cuck goes to prison, they'll learn real soon