Why is the USA influence so limited now China is surpassing them and they're doing nothing to fight back.
Why is the USA influence so limited now China is surpassing them and they're doing nothing to fight back
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China's lead-poisoned toy gag was worked flawlessly. I bet some food in your house is even made in China. The terrible reality is we let them win because we abolished slavery for our own, but not for others.
We have so many colonies, we don't even know what to do with them at this point. We have Western Europe,Canada,Auss,NZ,Israel,Mexico,Japan,SK, and many others. All China really has are shitty African countries.
and thailand, cambodia, myanmar, srilanka, hell even vietnam is shifting
and central ascian countries, and russia, and surprise surprise, even europe is shifting
many things come to money, china is investing billions in these countries, but it also comes to the fact that the us have proven to be an abusive "ally" that bombs even unarmed countries like libia
Because the US government will not stop getting into debt and China will not stop lending money to finance that debt.
Because Americans believe that God on their side and things will work out in their favor naturally, that China will just magically dissapear from the planet with all of its people. Americans are stupid sons of bitches don't you know? They think they still have time, that they have some devine thing in them and "freedom" that will help them to overcome anything. In diversity their strength, sounds familiar? There is the presence of such confidence that grew inside US for years. They think that because USSR collapsed that proves that USA can do anything, that there is nothing they can't do.
And they are kinda right USSR was scarier in some way than China now, but they close their eyes on so many things.
China relies on the US. We could collapse their country. If we decided to shut down our factories and moved them to Africa,Bangladesh,South America,Vetnam,India,Indonesia,Maylasia,Pakistan, and back home and others, They would be fucked. Their whole economy relies on our products.
The US is running a $400B yearly trade deficit with China, which Drumpf is foolishly attempting to curtail.
Why can't Drumpf be smart like us and run a massive trade deficit with China forever?
I told that you close your eyes on so many things. SHould i tell more? My wrists hurt its painfull to write to stupid americans obvious things so i wll rest
Because US is a dying empire.
>well we could...
>actually, the USA...
>we own em
>when we drop the nukes...
>the USA is almighty
>they rely on us
get back to pissing into empty soda bottles and choking on five guys, johnny
only 17% of their exports go to the us now, would hurt but not "demolish", and they are becoming technologically independant, ivan is right
read this, he literally is making the problem worse
>Largest country in the world
>Smaller gdp than South Korea,Canada,Italy,India,Brazil,France,UK,Germany,Japan
No major tech industry whatsover,shitty car industry.
China influence relays on their citizens never making any kind of waves in the countries they go.
It entirely depends on the chinese citizens behaving, which they do.
Hate the game not the player.
Don't need to fight back, their fate is tied to USA and they know it.
pissing contest ad hominem,, typical. iknew you don't deserve time and pain
they have 300 million middle class now
their car market is larger than ours
China is growing larger and America is becoming less white by the year and the population of America is divided due to identity politics. The US just has good tech with niggers using it.
china may be sieged by many fronts but in a world where you cant kill them because of their nukes and subs etc... does it matter?
they may win this "war", without firing a bullet
they are already challenging the petrodolar
you will exist but your standar of living probably will decrease in the future
They are an example of a working fascist state. China is actually /ourcountry/
When is the PRC going to annex Taiwan, Mongolia and Singapore? Asking for a friend.
>t. boomer imbecile fatass whose knowledge of geopolitics and global economics peaked somewhere around 1994
No. But good luck with that cope.
The country with the industrial capacity is reliant on the country that survives on a (((service))) economy? lmao.
not soon
if taiwanese were braver they could declare independance and probably get away with it
they dont need to anex mongolia
and singapor is way to into indoneseia
Oh hey look, it's a RUS FAG in a FAKE NEWS RUS FAG thread, sewing dissention on an international scale this time, for a change.
I wonder how China will feel about you trying to sew conflict between them and their partners?
Keep doubling down on the stupid, Putin fellators... it's time to swallow.
If China overtakes America it proves (((civic nationalism))) doesn't work
No, I won't read that, subhuman.
no, it would prove that the burgers sabotaged themselves opposing "big government"
and than democracy is inferior to technocracy
china will embrace immigration you will see, they need it to further their agenda
They're just mad that they don't have the influence, nor the greatest and most powerful companies on Earth like
Plus our inventions of both the Aeroplane,the mobile phone, the first computer, the modernization of the automobile
Nor do any countries hage universities of Higher standards than
All those chinks flood to our schools.
Eveything China does is just a copycat of an American invention.
No city will ever be more powerful than NYC, Hell, San Fransico is a more important hub than Shanghai.
their economy
>tangible goods based
>drastically higher industrial goods output
>more natural resources
our economy
>service based
You're retarded.
Vietnam being a colony like say, South Korea is a far stretch. They definitely like us more than the Chinese though.
Vietnam is literally being fed money by Japan and Korea because they hate the Chinese
they nor india can compite with "made in china"
yes but they are becoming economically dependant
Considering that the history of China is the history of starving to death en mass, I would rather America, as bad as they are, to keep being the world leader. China is growing as the real threat though, so America really need to take them seriously.
but their entire industry is beeing entagled with that of china
they are migrating to china for work
type "china vietnam" in google
they are definetely becoming dependant
I know the avarage vietnamise hates china, but facts speak by themselves
Calm down Manuel. Don't you have some Human smuggling to be up to?
the French and the English actually invented everything you wrote there.
in b4 Brazlian tries to take credit for inventing airplane.
Just how underage are you?
>army bases everywhere in the world
>almost having monopoly on information
>whole bunch of international economic and politic treaties made for the purpose of bending over the other part
>both UN and NATO bend over to what US says or does or agrees to because they're their legal international arms, CIA acts through shadow partners when needing to proceed above international """law"""
>an entire global culture shaped and sculpted by decades of american propaganda in the form of copypasted movies and cute cardboard boxes full of burgers and toys
I'm just barely scratching the surface here and even then most of this were accomplished a couple of decades ago. what we're living through as of now is just the period of decadence of the American Empire.
>South China Sea where they are on the verge of war
I agree with you but that is rapidly changing
especially in their part of the world
ever heard of Huawai, vivo, OPPO?
alibaba is becoming the google of china, and the amazon of china and the youtube of china
if you care they already have something unique to them, CSCEC
yes they copied and stole a lot of things, but does that matter if they win in the end?
you will see in 10 years how the same weapons they use to "deter" china are actually made in china
>mexican education
The Vietnamese hate the Chinese you stupid fucking wetback.
cause some of us just don't give a fuck at this point and are hoping for the collapse to cleanse everything. May manlet gooks be the future, the west died years ago and we're all just enjoying the gradual decline with weebshit games and animu girls to occupy our time until then.
shut the fuck up fagot lmao
this plebit shill unironically got butthurt by a russian
fucking fagot
They are literally being sent submarines by the Japs and guns from the US
you mean made in russia, india and israel? America is also considering selling them weapons now.
Let me know when you start visiting Chinese websites and post in Mandarin.
Not considering. Already done. Thanks Obama.
I said 10 years you fucks
think about it
all rivers of vietnam are born in china
vietnam is becoming economically dependant of china
vietnamise are starting to mass migrate to china for work
china can and is already denying vietnam access to south china sea energy resourses, the only thing that matters
check the news
a war isnt in anyone interest already
vietnam is in denial but cucked
Resisting China is literally what Vietnam has done throughout most of their history. They won't fold that easily. Especially when it's in other regional and world powers' interest to not have Vietnam be another Chinese pawn.
i fucking hate china. i'm trying to get the korea achievments in EUIV and i just fucking can't beat them. i mean i can but by then it's too late in the game to fully conquer them. fuck the chinks desu.
Ah, I get it now. You think Vietnam will submit like Mexico does to the US
There's nothing you can really do to take on China. Not without causing turmoil at home which, in a democratic country, is political suicide. All you can hope for is China to take a misstep, or lead them into one that weakens them without outright collapsing them.
China is a shithole.
CCP plz go.