I'm studying to be a priest and I can tell you 50 years ago a priest would have been the most respected member in a Catholic community. Now a days priests are given no respect. I would always except this to come from the left but even the right-wing seems to be turning away from God and giving priest no respect. Why is this?
Why are Priests Given So Little Respect?
why the fuck you think
society hit peak degeneracy, its all downhill and being a priest sucks these days as honorable as it is
dont seek respect, do your divine duty my friend, do not expect apreciation from anyone but god.
echoechoecho... you know why ...echoechoecho
That's what drove me to it. My great uncle was a priest and was a community leader. Now a days you get mocked and laughed at. I still think it's a good duty though but it's not as prestigious.
i hope OP becomes respected in his time
Probably cause they molest kids.
>inb4 im cafulic, cwistian
Ok your just being a shithead. The catholic church really fucked up by not kicking those priest out and Prosecuting those bastards. And Rome did nothing thinking it was an "American" problem. That is perfectly fair to point out. But the number of defrocked priest because of abuse is small compared to the overall number of good men in the priesthood. They all cannot be condemned for the actions of a small few and the idiocy of a few Arch-Bishops and Rome.
I agree.
Oh bullshit. Why do you peddle this "small minority" shit? Its a rampant problem in all Abrahamic Faith.
Why do most heretical child molestors get treated with so little respect?
>small compared to
1Cor 5:6
In some areas, it's over 40% of the clergymen...
Why do you peddle such rampant bullshit. I will be the first to lob shit at the Arch bishops and bishops that moved these sick fucks around instead of kicking there asses out. The bishop of my own area spent Millions of church funds defending one of these fuckers in court. But do I condemn the entire church for the sins of a few, no.
How bout some proof or I can just pull nonsense out of my ass too.
when the entire religion comes from the idea that the pope is gods chosen representative on earth and the pope seems like a dick it pretty much renders the whole catholic thing moot. but i dunno i'm just guessing
all you catholic priests are perverted pedophiles, I bet you watch child porn and you want to sodomize little boys, go to hell pagan.
You're looking at this the wrong way.
People today don't respect ANY position of authority because they are taught to worship themselves.
No doubt there are good people, but whether god exists or not, it's a total scam fueled by lust and power.
It used to be reserved for the unwanted sons of the nobility, now it's a refugee for fags and commies.
Shoving baptism candles up the choir boy's pooper might have something to do with it.
also the bible being written in english kinda makes the priest thing not as important. peopke can read it and discuss it amongst themselves what does the priest bring to the table? you can even just watch priests and download bible podcasts from youtube.
so people are like, do we really need it, how legit is it considering the pope is a dick, and oh no look at all the pedos in there, gross.
and theres your problem with the catholic church i guess. that's my best guess as to why people aint diggin it no more
Cultural Marxism.
One of the main tenants is to destroy Christianity.
Fifty years ago your pedo cult brainwashed potato niggers and guido niggers into letting you buttfuck their sons.
You serve the Jew. Your greatest source of converts are African niggers as befits your mumbo jumbo.
Could be the fact that priest and bishops were molesting children, and the rest of church covered it up.
Or it could be that the church is stepping over toes politically again and trying to be relevant on the world stage.
Or it could be that priests and preachers are among the most boring humans ever.
>also the bible being written in english kinda makes the priest thing not as important
That's more of a Lutheran position to hold. The Catholic church works differently.
Your daily Red Pill: priests are actually mostly pretty cool. Fewer priests are kiddie touchers, statistically, than the population as a whole.
If 50 years ago, people were as aware of pedos in the Catholic church as they are now, priests wouldn't be respected 50 years ago.
church is probably good for communities though. but a lot of churches are subverted or the priests are already converted to leftist degeneracy. so i dunno, what do? support good churches i guess. and is the catholic church such a thing when it is so connected to the creepy elite world power structure? perhaps not.
what are the most redpilled churches? i dunno, maybe figure that out. and which of these are the most popular?
>the catholic church works differently
well there you go then, maybe that's part of the problem. you asked why people are turning away from priests
OP, from a spiritual perspective, what do you have to offer me?
I vaporize DMT and hang out with non material entities on the regular. Why do I need an intermediary like you to translate messages I receive directly from the source?
I think I see you guys having a quasi- important role in community solidarity, but from a spiritual standpoint you are basically a McDonalds franchise operator of spiritual nourishment.
>history of fucking little boys
>Why no respect for clergy?
KYS fast
and over 99.9% of muslims don't explode. and over 99.9% of black guys don't shoot anyone, and 99.9% of jews aren't in on any global financial and sociological conspiracy.
>Fewer priests are kiddie touchers, statistically, than the population as a whole.
not high up in the catholic power structure, it's widely suspected a great deal of unsavoury shit goes on there. sure the low level priests might be ok, but they work for people who are at the top very evil i think
Because people asked why someone who makes a living lying to people should be respected.
Respect is earned. Those who fail to earn it are shit. Those who expect it be granted unearned should be killed.
I still respect priests
t. white catholic in the US
Because people have become a lot less religious while at the same time not being taught about any of the several dimensions of faith.
Now that everyone can read, what are they good for?
I don't think any of that shit actually happened. It was a Jewish plot to weaken Christianity in the minds of the goyim
Are you retarded? If you want to say that because .5% of priests are kiddie touchers, priests are bad, then what do you say about the fact that like 1% of humanity in general are kiddie touchers? Priests are literally less bad than average about this, however you want to spin it, so the rep is unfair.
I'm a seminarian as well. Most of my family are effectively atheists. Say mass/Divine Liturgy for them once you're ordained. God will take care of the rest. Remember he is in charge
If this isn't a giant larp I respect it, I like the pastor at my church a lot.
Unless you're a proddie ofcourse
you completely failed to address any aspect of my argument. i'm not saying the low level priests are bad. i'm saying at the higher up levels the stats are different and more of them are pedos. so that must be taken into account.
Early 20th century and prior a priest would've been the most educated member of the community. People didn't just blindly respect the institution without any merit, now that it's filled with plebs like you it's no longer worthy of that respect.
God doesn't exist, even kids realize after playing final fantasy
>i'm saying at the higher up levels
so... not priests, then.
Catholic scum deserve no respect
>Yes... don't trust Christianity, goy!
if you want to see a really good movie watch Diary of a Country Priest
catholics accept divorce by simply calling it annulment
Catholic leaders support mass illegal immigration
the list goes on, but this is already plenty
pretty much this. They walk around in a dress saying a ghost loves us
Priests are epitome of cuckservatives. Pretend that they hold values and lead people but society goes past them doing opposite things and Church/priests has no option to eventually accept anything society wants in the long run.
>People today don't respect ANY position of authority
Pls people respect force, you brist should know lol, but Church has not any.
god damn i hate when pic related happens so fuckin much, literally got called in on every day 'off' for two fucking months, then one day just snapped and refused to answer any calls from work or coworkers ever since. even at my new job