Mirage no longer deserves to be called by her actual name until she does something relevant...

Mirage no longer deserves to be called by her actual name until she does something relevant. She is a character that should only be referred to.

A few names you can use to reference her are:
1) That girl
2) Female pilot
3) Girl who screams "Delta 4"

You are free to be creative with her reference names. Just don't use her actual name.

Other urls found in this thread:


What about Solo-Wing Mirage, shitposter-kun?

purple haired girl, Jenius girl, not Freyja, not Max, not Milia, i dunno

Hayate's quote to live by "Nut hard or go home."


I propose we call her The Buddiest

I wish the new Delta game was on the 3DS, rather than vita

Might as well say that she is a mirage.

3DS isn't region free anyway.

Her name's Mirage for a reason
You think she's gonna do something but she doesn't actually

>Mirage no longer deserves to be called by her actual name until she does something relevant.
>Her name's Mirage for a reason
>You think she's gonna do something but she doesn't actually
This. Her name is already relevant. Something that is only an illusion and don't actually exist.

I hope she become actual Mirage by suicide attack the Windermere flagship, then at least she become relevant for once, oh and i will remember her.

Let's just ignore Mirage and focus on Makina and how awesome she was this episode. Why isn't her new song on the new single?

Today is Alto's Birthday!

Question. Since Sheryls sickness was transferred to her abdomen, would she not be able to have kids anymore?

Nobody is going to talk about Roids otaku glasses? I think they are my favorite pair

Didn't Kawamori state that Sheryl gained a lot of weight and is kinda fat in the Delta timeline?

Wow rude user. Women don't only gain weight because of giving birth. Sometimes we just love tacos.

Songs that will be included in the new Delta Ps Vita Game


(3)マクロスΔ……不確定性COSMIC MOVEMENT/ワルキューレ
(5)超時空要塞マクロス……私の彼はパイロット/飯島 真理
(6)超時空要塞マクロス……0-G Love/飯島 真理
(7)超時空要塞マクロス……マクロス/藤原 誠
(8)超時空要塞マクロス……小白竜/飯島 真理
(9)超時空要塞マクロス 愛・おぼえていますか……天使の絵の具/飯島 真理
(10)マクロスF……トライアングラー(fight on stage)/ランカ・リー=中島 愛、シェリル・ノーム starring May’n
(11)マクロスF……ライオン/シェリル・ノーム starring May’n、ランカ・リー=中島 愛
(12)マクロスF……インフィニティ #7/シェリル・ノーム starring May’n、ランカ・リー=中島 愛
(13)マクロスF……ノーザンクロス/シェリル・ノーム starring May’n
(14)マクロスF……アナタノオト/ランカ・リー=中島 愛
(15)劇場版マクロスF~イツワリノウタヒメ~……オベリスク/シェリル・ノーム starring May’n
(16)劇場版マクロスF~サヨナラノツバサ~……虹いろ・クマクマ/ランカ・リー=中島 愛
(17)劇場版マクロスF~サヨナラノツバサ~……Get it on~光速クライmax/シェリル・ノーム starring May’n & ランカ・リー=中島 愛

Freyja's shorter lifespan reminds me of Sheryl's medical disease. So are future idols gonna have some sort of medical problem to boost sympathy?

>Freyja's shorter lifespan reminds me of Sheryl's medical disease. So are future idols gonna have some sort of medical problem to boost sympathy?
No, she is just meant to represent how Idols stop being idols when they get too old.

You know how Windermere are always going on about being the true heirs of Protoculture? That's actually true, but just not in the way they think. Protoculture, being the idolfags that they were, genetically engineered them to be the idol race (they can literally see music and shit), and they limited their life span because no one likes to see wrinkly old hags.

>Gain weight
>Fat/ bigger in size

Means heallthy

Sheryl has an actual virus, while this is just Freyja's lifespan. I kinda hope Windermere's can only have children with their own race. How would a Zent Windermere even look?

>I kinda hope Windermere's can only have children with their own race
>denying Freyja and Hayate little Windemere human halfbreeds

Sheryl always looked anorexic though. Hopefully she looks healthier with the weight gain.

>he thinks Freyja is going to win

I wish the writing not be so conserved, like they can make a scene that Mirage goes drunk after she realize she lost the triangle, since she's not a idol, that won't hurt the CD sales.

Isn't there a rumor that Mikumo is Freyja and Hayate's daughter? And that she's back because she wanted to see her mother alive

How in the world will this not be a happy end?

>looks nothing like Hayate or Freyja
>has hair powers
>has Protoculture dreams
>does not know where she came from

Oh look, another Freyjafag headcanon.

And goes smoke, and become a total slut.

Mikumo actually looks like a combination of both. Her hair powers would also be explain by the cross breeding of windie and human.

I don't really see how Windies wouldn't be able to have kids with humans. As far as we know the only difference in their anatomy is the fact that they have a rune and spiritual connection to the wind. Other than that, anatomically speaking they're the same. As for the age, I can see it being a middle ground between human and Windie lifespan.

Freyja will literally burn herself out singing and syncing with the ruins in order to stop Windermere (or possibly just save Hayate).

Your argument sounds a bit salty, senpai. I'd lay off on the salt, its bad for your blood pressure.

Even if that happens, Mirage still won't win.

Knowing Kawamori, you're probably right.

So by the next idol generation we can expect a whole much of inter mixed shit. Cat humans, Cat zents, Cat windies, cat fish people. This is going to be a mess.

She won't die but she'll choke hard just Lyn Minmay

She'll sing My Boyfriend is a Pilot before the show ends as pottery in the cake

Macross fans of the future generation. Only macross is able to keep mecha anime alive, and relevant for general fans


As if Kawamori would kill Freyja, the MC, fanfavorite, cash cow, his bias, etc. He'd rather kill Mirage 50 times over before doing harm to Freyja.

3DS is hacked, so you can still play and it for free.

Sign me the fuck up for Cat Human idols.

>so desperate that you're posting outside the general to get attention
freyjafags can sense the end coming

If the issue of Freyja's lifespan actually makes either her or Hayate reconsider a relationship at the end, it's going to be difficult to watch.

Minmay was so beautiful and truly an idol of her generation. Her design is so simple, yet so graceful

>freyjafags can sense the end coming
Notice how they wanted Delta to end by episode 16?

As the show drags on they're seething slowly and getting shook.

I think it's a pretty safe bet that it's going to be fixed. That completely random recap in the latest episode specifically mentioned the lifespan for seemingly no reason other than foreshadowing.

I highly doubt it. The last episode hinted at that conflict super hard and I don't see them dragging it out until the end of the series.

Bogue. Shut up and have Reina

The lifespan is a red herring

You don't hear humans complaining to Zentradis that they only live a fraction of their lifespan

gladly, my man

I want either Freyja to outgrow Hayate, or to transcend. Either way I don't think this triangle should end with a winner. As much as I like the chemistry between Hayate and Freyja, I have a feeling they won't be. Kawamori did state that all three themes of the show, singing, music and love won't meet. Love is the obvious choice to not meet. Plus the other girl shouldn't win. So no love ending.

>Sheryl always looked anorexic though
>Hopefully she looks healthier with the weight gain

Sheryl's response to you be like,
"Who do you think I am? I'm Sheryl Nome!"

Really? I think it's something they should just accept. Them having an issue with it is really retarded considering they have lived there lives like that before contact with humans. Humans don't cry over Zents staying younger and living longer.

The trade off should be their runes. They shouldn't be able to have both.

I don't know about fixed outright but coming to terms with it and living life to the fullest nonetheless. Seeing her rune darken after the casual few years line was dropped, she isn't okay with it.

I'll agree she's beautiful, but damn if she wasn't a spoiled bitch to drank her own kool aid.

Which is why best girl won in the end.

>Which is why best girl won in the end.

No one was calling her best girl when Robotech or SDF was airing.

She's nothing more than a stiff nobody.

Interrupting the daily shipwar show to post something I'm working on, but have no idea where to put once complete. Are there even any arad/kaname friendly places other than Sup Forums?

doing god's fucking work my man

Does anyone plan on getting any of the figures? And which one?

No we were too busy calling Minmay an annoying bitch.

What the fuck mate, Kagame was totally meant to be with Messiah.

When there's no visible support for a ship you like, you have to step up and start making your own. Or that's how I figured, anyway.

How was Minmay a spoiled bitch? For acting like the average 15/16 year old girl who became famous after her parents, and the earth was destroyed?

By her brain not being fully developed, and not experiencing numerous things in life? Because she wasn't old and wise like Misa? Minmay was a minor and acted like one, and she wasn't perfect. In order to grow in life you need to live and make mistakes.

This is awesome. Keep up the good work!

I don't think the problem here lies who lives longer than that for Windies 30 years are not enough to do things or live your life more. When humans can live till their 80's and Zents even more, you don't see humans complain because to them living that life span of 80 years or even 50 it's enough.

30 years though it's too short. Think of it if you were them. The reason they rush to get married have children so early is because they don't have much to live to begin with. They don't get to live a life without having children unless you are Freyja. So, to Roid it's a curse and I can see why.

To me, they "fix" this or not, doesn't matter. I only don't want this to become a thing both Hayate and Freyja or either of them reconsider this fact to enter in a relationship or not.

Why don't all the 5 singers of walkure go in sync with Hayate? Isn't that way powerful than just having Frejya the only one buffing Hayate? An example of this can be seen from Frontier where Ranka and Sheryl both go in sync with Alto buffing Alto to his prime form being able to ride the wind. What about the Sound Force from Macross 7, are they capable of riding the wind too?

>A few names you can use to reference her are:
Space elf whore

>your whole post

There's stupid people. And then there's you.

>Minmay was a minor and acted like one, and she wasn't perfect. In order to grow in life you need to live and make mistakes.

Jesus Christ, are we treading out these arguments again? You're correct, she made mistakes, treated her boyfriend who was literally keeping everyone alive like shit and reaped the consequences. Minmay from DYRL was a vastly different character from the TV series.

Granted similar can be said about Misa who was an unyielding iron bitch expecting military precision from someone who was essentially a conscript. After Mars where she removed the steel rod she became an all around better person.

All this was happening at the same time that Minmay was doubling down on her flavor of stupid so it's no wonder things ended up the way they did.

That's because Hayate is only able to resonate with Freyja. I expect it's more of an emotional thing that allows them to do that.

I feel that Frejya being more matured isn't caused by her demographic changes. I believe its more towards the mental state of mind. Max as we all knew have aged quite a lot, he doesn't look old at all like any other 50 year old. But why is it so? Its due the state of mind. For, Windermereans, their lifespans are short, they have to undergo life with haste. Consequently the progress of living turns out to be a lot faster than human beings since human beings with a longer lifespan have plenty of leisure time to chillax and take things easy. However, to them time is always running out.

>Her boyfriend

I guess I forgot the part where they actually dated.

planning to get the DX siegfried but saw that fucking price so just planning to settle for the bandai plamo

Don't settle for mediocrity.

Fold Quartz?

>her boyfriend
Projecting hard there, Hikaru.

valkyrie kaname

402 名前:メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に@無断転載は禁止 (ガラプー KK7f-3H9s)[sage] 投稿日:2016/07/28(木) 13:02:54.76 ID:ASDQqgw5K [1/2]


Boy, that vita I got a couple years ago for the port of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia just keeps coming in handy.

>People didn't believe me wen I told them she would only bring shame to the Jenius bloodline from her performance in ep 1.


Cassim and Freyja are from the same village or am I reading this wrong?

It's a shame for the writers though.

Humans live as long as zentraedi now though, thanks to space medicine
And I'm pretty sure only commander and archivist zentraedi had super long lifespans

Boyfriend? She never dated Hikaru. Nor did she see him that way. Girls that age like attention, and just like any other girl, when a fairly decent guy gives you attention you play along with it. I'm sure you have real girl friends in your life, and see this constant theme. She never treated him like shit, as Hikaru was just projecting his feelings unto her.

Kawamori had the concept of Mikumo during DYRL. DYRL is also when the protoculture theme began appearing heavy. I have a theory that Minmay's earring was actually a fold quartz and that's what was really affecting the zents. But old tired fans like will think that's bullshit. Plus /m/ would have a fit

The writers didn't want her in their fucking story, so this is a fuck you to the sponsors.

>implying you can say fuck you to the sponsors

You can't. That's why she was added as a part of the triangle than a regular secondary character. The side effect of it is that because she is considered a main and a part of the triangle, fans expect stuff from her.

Of course we still have 9 episodes, 8 after this Sunday, so unless they do something with her it all points to she didn't amount to much in the story.

Same province, not same village

That's not the excuse that they don't give her any character development.
They can use someone else relevant for the triangle, there is no needed to create a character for triangle then make her irrelevant like OP said.
It just poorly write, nothing else.

What is the female pilot of delta platoon?

417 名前:メロンさんex@ご利用は紳士的に@無断転載は禁止 (ガラプー KK0e-L93P)[sage] 投稿日:2016/07/28(木) 16:03:39.82 ID:t57iGrPMK

20 激動 エクスペリメント
21 切望 シークレット
22 極限ブレイブ

this was directed at

Hayate and Mirage were the last characters to be designed and added, your point is moot.

Wrong. They didn't want anyone else for the triangle. They did not want a triangle period. That girl was created for the sake of the triangles, which the producers wanted. Because the writers want the end couple to be Hayate and Freyja, the skew it so that fans agree too. So much so that the other person doesn't have a fighting chance.

Oreimo is a classic example of this kinda of triangle.

Source is your ass right.

NUNS troops accidentally bomb an apple field during a training drill, Cassim gets pissed and quarrels with them and they're mocking Windermerians for being good at nothing but making apples and that the NUNS is in control of their fold quartz

>Because the writers want the end couple to be Hayate and Freyja

Citation: My ass

They won't because the show keeps pushing Freyja. Right up until episode 22. People who support space elf are going to keep supporting her until there is one episode left.

>There is still 5 minutes left in the last episode. She still might have a chance