At this point it's impossible to deny Trump is a moron, but just how stupid is he?
At this point it's impossible to deny Trump is a moron, but just how stupid is he?
>just how stupid is he
At this point it's impossible to deny OP is a cuck, but just how much black dick does he suck?
He's uber stupid, but still not stupid enough to lose to Hillary. So she's like the uber-stupidist.
grand if story depicted in news aligns with reality
Dumb enough to shit on a fixed election pretty much by himself.
What does that make those that lost?
You keep thinking that. Will make 2020 just that much easier.
Shareblue what happened to texas tech
Doesn't matter. He's /our retard/.
Caption was short buses. Interesting...
Immeasurable amounts
Trump's a counter puncher, this is 100% consistent with pre-election Trump.
Of course it is, I'm just curious what Tillerson wants, cause I'm sure it's fucking evil.
Why did Trump hire an evil person?
>Why did Trump hire an evil person?
Because nobody killed off the CIA yet.
>what is a joking statement
Why are liberals so bad at reading humor?
Hillary was arrogant, not stupid
You sound broken user.
How does it feel to get stuffed by old senile murrcian dick, you degenerate suckpeasant?
I see no reason why if someone calls you stupid, you shouldn't challenge them to an IQ-off when you already know you're the smartest in a room of 20 and odds are, you'll win. I've thought of doing this myself but let the issue die instead.
Rex Tillerson needs to take him up on the IQ challenge. Trump will lose and the whole country will know how dumb he really is.
Trump is an embarrassment to anti-glabalists worldwide. This is why we're not winning.
Trump was joking. He literally made a joke, and everyone thinks Trump seriously wants rex to take an IQ test. This is how evil the media is
As if the Dotard would even dare to do it live.
Remember Bernie? He will bitch out like that.
What kind of diva faggot is triggered by his foreign ministers IQ anyway?
she was very stupid for being arrogant
You may be the president but it's still not your country.
Trump doesn't read books aside from Hitler speeches and other crap
That's how cultured and informed about the world this orange conman is
Like 'locking her up'?
You guys are in denial, I can understand that, but come on, you can't possibly that stupid.
But then again that flag..
So stupid hes the president
Hillary was arrogant and stupid. Corrected for you user. It's an American thing, your post demonstrated well
Israel is our greatest ally. We need to realize this and overcome the anti semitism.
If stupid gets the success he has, stupid works.
wtf I love the Kardashians now!
and yet there he is in the highest office in the land and here you are shitposting on Sup Forums. wonder what that says about your own intelligence level? tee hee
if people who critique the kardashians were actually smart than they would be able to explain why anyone would watch their show
>Ass shaking tv it's rocket science now.
the fuck is a dotard, ahmed?
some dota rough draft mode
Seriously what a fucking retard
>take IQ test
>score around 85-90
>people start laughing at you calling you a moron
>bring up the fact that you have the average black IQ and make the libshits look like racists while redpilling people on IQ differences
if Trump weren't stupid this is what he would do
>b-b-but obama
Sure, until in 2020 his opponent has to release their IQ test.
This is a brilliant way to force people like Bush the Second never to run for office because an IQ of 90 just doesn't sound good.
You're such a retard
Something a NK sympathizer would say.
This, Israel is the future. I'm currently buying property in Palestine and waiting for greater Israel to maximize my investment.
very. He's all id which makes up for his narcissism.
Hillary was arrogant. Anyone else wouldve beat Trump.
Hey Shareblue, whatcha doin'?
marry her
nah if it was a real fight he wouldve been fired and make up a stupid reason like he did with comey
not nearly as stupid as king nigger or the fat old drunk bull dyke Hillary