Okay Sup Forums, it's clear you hate nigs. What about those who aren't complete chimps? Do we kill all the chimps and leave the normal ones in?
"Normal" Blacks
Better to just deport them all rather then go through the painful process of determining if their chimps or not.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Remove them all or the problem will return.
They don't have to die. Just go back to Africa.
Regression to the mean Fag...sorry.
Exactly. Plus, if blacks are ever to get better, they're gonna need leaders.
Not sure about that Sup Forums guy, but I'm against violence. I want segregation. Deport them whether they're just an average guy or Tyrone the neighbourhood crack pusher. They got a whole continent for themselves and I want mine.
They had their chance and blew it. The majority wants us dead. Fuck them.
Regression to the mean. Out with 'em all.
There is no way we can feasibly deport them back to Africa. It sucks but we need to give them their own ethno state in America.
I don't care about blacks, I don't care if they exist. But I want to exist separately from them entirely.
not with that attitude
There are some really great black guys that's for sure. To bad they're a tiny minority.
I would say 3% of black people are good
15% of white people are good
The rest are sheep
The fully assimilated blacks we have here are actually really decent folks.
Hell, some of them make extra effort to be as french as possible. And for what I've seen of it, black parents either have no standards for their kids OR have insanely high expectations and keep telling them "our family didn't move that far so you could be a janitor", that sort of thing.
It's also interesting that the good ones often come from the christian parts of Africa while the muslim ones are as bad as you'd expect.
I'd take the good Fetnat over any guilt-ridden nu-male any day.
tooo bad*
It would probably take around a decade, but it is very possible. Millions of Muslims come to Europe every year by walking or using shitty rafts, passenger ships would be even more efficient than the ways of transportation that immigrants use.
They can always return and take more..
they all have to go.
Fun fact: 80% of niggers are cooler, more polite, better-dressed, and have better hygiene than most whites. And frankly, I’m not even convinced the average white is any smarter either.
the "pol" answer would be to kill them all.
the realistic answer is that there are shit people on all ends of the spectrum. just look out for the good people and steer clear of the bad. it's as simple as that.
When you cut out a cancer, you have to cut out a little good tissue, just to make sure you got it all. Just how it goes.
Just let them all go. We need to circulate an african facial feature chart to begin the sorting.
I know I won't be believed but I've met black people that HATE ghetto blacks. My friend is half black and he's a diehard trump supporter. I like to bring him up when my parents say only racists voted for trump.
If racemixing was banned I would agree but not under any other pretext.
if blacks act like healthy mature human beings we typically dont mind them
weird concept i know
that's because you live in burgerland
Sup Forums doesn’t hate blacks, it’s fighting in the name of black independence. Sup Forums wants all races preserved in individual ethnostates. The people who hate blacks and whites (Jews) are forcing integration as a means to exterminate both races. Do you think blacks would be happier hunting and fishing in their native jungle or would they rather be smoking crack in a country that hates them?
>deport all blacks
>normal blacks massacre nigs
>rest are forced to get their shit together
>all blacks start evolving together, music, culture, intellect and health improves
In a few generations you have some based black neighbors you can do roman salutes with and can go gassing jews together
We should kill everyone with any IQ below 90. Of course, given that African blacks are at abut 68 on average, and American negroes average about 85, it would involve killing about 98% of the niggers in the world, and most of the sand niggers, and Pajeets. Whites would lose about 15%, but we would be better off without the true morons of all colors.
You're mad and that's understandable, but that's not a reason to make shit up just to make us look bad. I know what you're trying to attempt and this may work in your circle of friends, but not here "homie".
Race mixing should be banned
I saw this chimp acting up around his nasty white pregnant bitch at the grocery.
Not so much the things he did to her but just the way he pumped his chest around her when I came around. You could feel the ape taking it as a challenge, though he lost the eye contact challenge. Niggers never dare with me, though I avoid them like aids when they're in group. Lil nigglets in the back pulled my shirt from the back as I was fighting their coon friend once and it ended with them kicking me to the ground. We learn, never more. Always look around for more niggers if you engage in a fight with a nigger, they're too tribal to resist.
or mix with them, and you get the same effect
quadroon iq is basically the same as white iq, 2 generations it could be done
you mean niggers with european blood? yea, see how many generations that lasts.
>mix with them
Get out
No, they will breed chimps.
never relax around niggers and sandniggers
not true. Literal millions of Americans would volunteer to help round them up and transport them.
That's plain stupid.
let the normal ones assimilate in the white community. let them mix in, and in a few generations there's no more blacks, plus the remaining whites will have taken on the good black DNA, leading to greater strength, speed, and athleticism.
Really makes you drink
what is up with this sites obsession with black people like holy shit man
>good black DNA
>black DNA
You retard
>freedom of association is jewish
founders would like a word with you
Why would you want to kill anyone? Our black bros aren't the problem, it's the niggers in the ghetto.
OP was discussing the "good blacks", which would mean the ones who were intelligent and civilized enough to fit in with a white community. those types of people are valuable and mixing them into the white community would only boost the white community.
that stock could be very useful to the american gene pool, and would confer additional benefits from african genes that you wouldn't be able to get from european genes. increased speed, athleticism, etc.
What is more expensive and time consuming ? Setting up a chimp out screening process, or a .12 cent bullet and less than one second ?
There are no """"normal niggers"""" they are all niggers and they need to be deported or shot.
This is just ridiculous, there are based black people.
And where will you bury them? This implies you'll have to touch the bodies you so despise and drag them in a mass grave. But that spot where you intend to mass grave will be taken up and it'll always be remembered as a spot where you placed negroes. Your fantasy has holes.
Normals ones are fine just like normal white people. Niggers suck just like white trash sucks.
I hate you too. Because you're also a nog, you can also breed more of those who will eventually become chimps, it's rather inevitable. So instead of not mating at all, you decide to mate with our women because you can't resist your urges, and it ends up with bringing a disgusting sub-human into this world. That sub-human will only identify with more of your people, which will further create more chimps. It's a never-ending cycle of chimpanry that will not stop any time soon, whichever way you look at it.
I dont speak for Sup Forums.
I judge people based on their actions and lifestyle.
Niggers come in all colors including white.
>are you being opressed by society?
If yes -> deport
If no -> they're good in my book
>pic related
Enjoy Brazil 2.0, you dumb faggot.
If they are really not chimps then they should have little issue modernizing their ancestral homeland.
you'd kill off 3/4 of this board.
Are you really incapable of using google?
This. Niggers only complain about not working hard, and it's because they can't ever accomplish anything in life. Niggers are incompetent, but you don't hear them complaining about their laziness, you only hear them complaining about others that are successful, such as whites. They never actually tried to get anything done themselves, they actually always expected others to do it for them. It's utter nonsense.
im white but ok dude
>there are blacks that can think rational
No shit? Even lil wayne is more logical than most of the blacks in the world and he fried his brain with mdma, weed and cough syrup.
But my point still stands tho.
very wholesome post on Sup Forums, actually shocking
>Okay Sup Forums, it's clear you hate nigs. What about those who aren't complete chimps? Do we kill all the chimps and leave the normal ones in?
I hate this "blacks vs niggers" meme as detailed by Chris Rock et al.
Firstly, I don't even think blacks are flattered by it. Do you think they feel rewarded when you decide that you believe others should abstain from using the word nigger on them because you feel they are "regular"? No, they're like "Fuck you, white boy!"
Secondly, what is a "normal" black person? One you like? What is "normal" here? It seems whatever normal is has been defined by civic nationalist cucks as being like whites/asians. I'm sure nogs don't appreciate you trying to strip them of their identity by dangling the word "normal" in front of them like fish bait. The only blacks I see who define their identities sans race are psychopaths who could literally turn on you any second. They seem like people trying excessively hard to get on your good side. And I instinctively don't trust them because they sell out their own race. I get being frustrated with the behavior of other nogs but basing your identity around bashing your own race seems very suspicious. A lot of them are just trying to fill the quota of "BASED BLACK GUY" because they like the attention they receive for being perceived as different. As a result, the uncomfortably I naturally feel towards interacting with those of another race is compounded and I feel an even greater mistrust towards them.
Thirdly, all black people are the same. Except Ethiopians. Some Ethiopians are as smart as whites. Some. But most niggers are fucking stupid. There are exceptions like Black Science Man and Ben "Grain" Carson. OK, fine. But this is the simplest explanation for why they all behave the same way regardless of where they grow up and under what economic circumstances. By setting the bar so high for black people (the White "Normal"), you're actually sowing more racial hatred.
It's not always the smartest who survive.
Welcome to the bantu expansion
Yeah, and they can go be based in shitskin land.
>like wow man
I'd support my taxes going to free one way tickets to africa. American nogs have some white blood and the outliers could bring better things there. They could all be kangz over the natives and live how they want to. Then they will have no reason to blame whitey for their problems. No more gibs. Africa has many resources so no more excuses. Better do it now before Africa gets recolonised by the Chinese.
there is a huge difference between hard working black men and niggers just like there's a difference between successful white men and inbreeding white trailer trash.