How the FUCK do we fix this in the United States?
How the FUCK do we fix this in the United States?
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Some are good.
Get rid of compulsory education laws. Stop dumbing schools down to make schools more comfortable for the less-capable kids. Focus on the kids who want to learn, not on the ones who don't.
Some isn't good enough.
We don't. We encourage home-schooling and private schools.
(Otherwise, school choice)
Free market will fix it
>Focus on the kids who want to learn
somebody help, please! user is whitewashing the education system!!! ablooblooblooobloo!!!
White student test scores are fine
Only non whites and non Asians have bad scores
Just like le free market meme will fix Detroit
Reintroduce racial segregation into schools.
>australiafag thinking he knows enough to merit his opinion on the American public school system
Even whites in the US lag behind whites and east Asians elsewhere.
So basically... blacks fought to go to white schools, and now they are fighting to go to all black schools
We have an honest look and then realize blacks and mestizos will never achieve at a white/european level. Then we stop dumbing our standards down to their level.
Also, we stop consolidating our school districts. In 1930, there were a third as many people, yet twice as many public schools. More competition means more quality.
we don't
there only female teachers, women that I would think are completely retarded now as an adult are teaching the children of this country.
women that probably fucked their husbands over in court and in life, who probably raise their sons to be little faggots and their daughters to be obnoxious whores.
not to mention the sheer number of nigs and mexicans shitting up the place. When I was in junior high it was just a sea of gangbanger wannabe cholos and niglets getting into fights everyday. no one wanted to learn, I saw teachers get physically assaulted by black kids while trying to teach about history or whatever
its over, the institution of public education belongs in the garbage. only the richest and most segregated areas get public schools worth a damn.
this isn't true.
white american PISA scores are top 10 worldwide
deport the mestizo students and gas the blacks
Even the "good" ones are laughable. I went to one of the top public high schools in New York and it was a joke. The way to fix the public education system is to make it compete with private education and remove tenure
>bases his opinion on a flag
>t. male schoolteacher from usa
>things that will never happen
Future looking good, niggas
school shootings. All those fucking normalfags back in highschool are now bluepilled cucks. I could literally name someone from my grade that is now a trump hater faggot.
>be me
>Science Teacher for 5 years
>recently quit all together and started cabinetry entry lvl trade job at 12$/hr
Even at 30, best decision of my life.
Do they teach evolution in the USA?
Crowds of people with fire and pitchforks attacking communist schoolteachers in their homes. Sorry, thats all I got.
Yes and they teach the Metric system too
>Kraut trying to be funny
you start by dismantling the teachers union, and then doing away with the federal Dept. of Education while giving that power to each individual state.
Marxist mass education is what made your nation the shithole it is today.
There is no fixing education, it should be reserved to an elite few who are capable of abstract thought and understanding, the common man has no use for it and he only uses it as a means of getting out of working.
*smacks lips*
Promote homeschooling and private schools. Most public schools can't be saved and are ran by cat ladies and people who are in it for gibs. The Unions also protect a lot of bad teachers.
do they teach how Germany was a bunch of savage hut dwellers that sucked the remaining life out of the Romans and then spent a few centuries WE WUZing about how great they ancestors wuz
fucking sausagenigger teutonic tribemonkey
Yes but in some schools they also teach creationism.
It's literally fine as it is. Just because niggers, spics, and white trash do poorly in public school doesn't indicate that it needs revamping. I went to public school, and nearly every asian, jew, and upper class white went on to do well in life. Standards are low enough as it is.
>Racial segregation
>Prioritise home schooling (or do some HS, some public school)
>Save up and send your kids to private school
>Remove leftist teachers
>Reform the whole schooling system - it hasn't changed much at all in the last few centuries.
Pick any of those. Although the last one has the potential to make it worse.
Pretty impossible to make it worse desu
Reintroduce Slavery...that is it
Look at
and then
And compare czech rep to US, I think democrats got it right guys - you definitely need more funding.
What do they actually teach in american public schools? Give cliffs.
White people are bad. Niggers are wonderful. Math is bad. Science is bad. There are hundreds of genders. All dark skinned people deserve free stuff, paid for by white men. All niggers are Jesus reincarnated, and all white men are satan.
Its 2017 and if you don't want your kids learning about butt ducking you're a bigot.
No public schools.
Don't forget that everything the US has done is evil and racist
Kill all the niggers, the same and only way we can solve the vast majority of problems in the United States.
This to
not my fucking problem
Privatize everything, basically. Or start encouraging homeschooling. I really hope I can homeschool my eventual kids, maybe my Bitcoin investments will allow me to quit my job and do so
mo' pls
*teleports behind you*
Teaching academic skills in context of trade skills and professions. No more abstract learning for everything. Use abstract learning for only abstract Concepts. Any concept that can be applied to a current trade skill or profession should be taught in context with its real life environment.
You don't fix it, you get rid of it. Private and home school are the way to go. Fuck public schools, they don't teach you shit.
You dont have to have a penis to be a man user