Rose McGowan calls out Ben Affleck for pretending to not know about Slimestein's sordid history.
Is this it? Are we witnessing the implosion of Hollyweird?
Rose McGowan calls out Ben Affleck for pretending to not know about Slimestein's sordid history
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batfleck BTFO
thank GOD for post-wall hit crazy bitches. burn that shit to the ground.
He has another capeshit coming out next month. the press tour should be interesting.
If Corey Feldman has anything to say, now is the fucking time. Only the exposure of the pedophilia problem will bring the whole rotten thing down.
Names must be named.
Reminder that she's legitimately insane. Her family raised her in the children of God cult which was openly pedo
oh shit has he said anything yet?
He deserves to suffer eternally for "Chasing Amy" desu senpai
Fuck off Ben
he ded
yay i love "charmed"
The New York Times was the organization that uncovered this Weinstein situation. I thought Sup Forums hated mainstream media, especially the NYT. Even Trump has called them "fake news." Now all of a sudden they talk about something you agree with and you guys are for it? Hmm....
So his silence his somehow more important than the countless others? This makes him look better because he supposedly told him to stop doing it.
No you fucking retard. If they're turning on themselves, it's for a reason, and also because the ball is rolling too strongly to deny so more than likely true if not worse.
I don't know if she's sane or insane, but I know she's not lying.
uh huh, okay
I'm guessing we will see lots of names that "had no idea." Fuggars. A side question, you think Harvey is a pedo too? He was into so much I don't know how he couldn't be really. I've been wondering if it was part of a "deal" to keep that buried as possible?
>haha lol gotcha xdddddddd
pointless post
if they turn on each other, great.
but this is all limited hangout to protect his rapist brother the suspected serial killer.
Thanks for admitting I'm right.
i can only speak for myself friend, but i don't actually believe half the shit coming out of these whore's mouths.
That doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the shitshow.
How old was Emma Watson when she got involved with him? Kiera Knightley, many such cases
I wish. This is just a limited hangout, though, so we'll have to keep digging
Ben Affleck spent beau coup mortgage tier bux on his head after his piece fell off during public horseplay.
Corey tried but got silenced.
Makauley Caulkin needs to speak up as well.
Trump needs to destroy the democratic control of the media before he can go after Clinton and Obama.
If he goes after clinton first, then the story in every newspaper will be “trump is a dictator”, and half the country will believe it. It will be civil war.
If he destroys the careers and reputations of the top democrats in the media first, then when he goes after Clinton there will be a lot of people cheering him on, and the people who oppose him will be terrified and discredited.
Clinton is going to get wrapped up in this Weinstein thing. He was a big democratic fundraiser and probably raised a ton for the clinton foundation.
No doubt at one point, he called in a favour to have a rape accusation go away.
This is how they discredit clinton in the eyes of the average feminist moron before they go after her for the real crimes.
Who??? Seriously though. Do they just give check marks to everybody now?
You have the entirety of Human knowledge in your hands and you ask that? Fucking Google the bitch, idiot. She's an actress, one of the one who's part of exposing Weinstein.
this is rapidly becoming a witch hunt. While it's entertaining to watch the left rip itself apart, we must be mindful of showing restraint, much like a based teacher deals with unruly children.
Hollywood is a disgusting vile community. All degeneracy comes from this place. I’m ashamed that I’ve taken part of watching it. I haven’t been able to watch movies in awhile. It’s time for Hollywood to burn down to the ground. The whole lot of them. Sodom and Gomorrah on steroids!
> tfw Trump caused the collapse of both Hollywood and the NFL
Seriously, faggot? Big titted bitch from the first scream.
It's the implosion of the left. For years they used shaming, gossip, and the court of public opinion against their enemies. Feminists in particular (Which Rose is an extreme example of) hate due process.
These days they rarely even risk filing charges, in case police find holes in their stories. It's all vague Twitter finger pointing. And it works.
You can hurt your target and raise your stock easy as pie now.
But now leftist Hollywood is feeling what it's like when you're not part of the angry mob. When they turn on you. Suddenly they might question all that delicious virtue signalling and gossiping they enjoyed when they got to hold the pitchforks.
It's a circular firing squad forming up. The left now has to choose between separating from the extremists and feminists or suicide by propaganda.
I sincerely hope they see reason and end the ideological death march. Those of us who realized the insanity of feminism and the importance of presuming innocence will be waiting.
Feldman, Sutherland....all them lost boys are a bunch of FUCKIN PUSSYS my dude
they are so afraid of losing what little bit of luxury they have left...fuck them
The problem is Hollywood pedos fucked his and the other kids' minds so bad that they turned to drugs which fucked them even further. Feldman doesn't seem credible anymore and people claim he's lying because of the drug problem; that was brought on by the pedos. Elijah wood and others need to come forward together.
Didn't MegaAnon say that one of the three reveals would be not specifically all of Pizza gate but more centered around Hollywood, reaching people higher than expected? Seems to be panning out (not that Affleck is above Weinstein, but all of Weinstein's associates).
Maybe the fires yesterday symbolized the end of the kikes reign.
Please just fuck off.
>pol is one person with one opinion that never changes
dumb nigger
Well said brother. I agree. Fire and brimstone.
So tired of hearing about this guy.
>celeb gossip
when did Sup Forums turn into tmz
wh*te males BTFO
They're diddled kids. They don't owe you or anyone shit. Fuck you.
Would it be better if they spoke up? Sure. But their lives were fucked up enough, they don't need to take on more stress from the risk of losing everything they have.
Ibn al-Fliqqi BTFO
NYT is criticised on here across the election because they were bullshitting and misconstruing things that were easy to verify as nonsense
this time they are just reporting on things that are happening in the open and we can see it's happening because celebs themselves are talking about it on twitter
pretty easy distinction
If women spent half as much time as they do on not being perceived as whores on not actually being whores, they wouldn't be whores.
I think what happened is a chaos theory level of convergence of two simple truths.
Jews own the world through their money control and Hollywood is full of pedophiles. What has changed is the awareness of point number 1 about the Central Banker Jews. Armed with this brutal truth, many victims are seeing the path to victory illuminated for the first time in their lives. They can direct their energy in a productive direction and make tangible gains toward success.
Once that is understood, the chumps in Hollywood are soft targets and are the first to receive scrutiny. The Central Bankers and their Planet Killer nuclear weapons will be the hardest targets of all. One step at a time.
Pizzagate? The thing Sup Forums made up by scrying unimportant podesta emails with their cereal box decoder rings, tarot cards, and enigma machines made of tinfoil? Most of us just went along with that for the lols. Some of the genuinely disturbed conspiracy nuts here took the meme seriously. Then there was violence and it stopped being funny.
I know if any of you are genuinely disturbed then you literally won't be able to listen to reason. But for those who are, let's try to keep our shit logical and not get anyone killed in the future. Please?
Both of them are losers.
well well well, another kid fucking apologist scum
I can't wait until you meet your maker you degenerate animal.
>bet you can't explain my retarded thoughts! Hmm?
every time...
It wouldn't matter which fucking media source it came from numbnuts. If it was set to leak it doesn't matter who's going to leak it. It leaked. If it's the truth, then it doesn't matter how it got out. The important thing is that it's now out and in the public consciousness. For some goddamn reason ([{they}]) wanted it out. The important questiona on everyone's minds should be, why is it happening and why is it happening now?
Hoping for a chain reaction.
NYT sat on this story for 13 years bitch
>Who??? Literally who??
For fuck's sake this is one of the stupidest memes in existence...
With all due respect, why are so many people here incredibly god-damned unintelligent? Do you have a brain in your head? If some fucking celebrity pops up in the news and you don't recognize the name, why don't you just search? Go on and look. Just because this person is half a generation or more older than you doesn't mean they weren't a star at some point and had some fucking substance in Hollywood. Grow the fuck up. It takes the same amount of keystrokes to go search this stuff somewhere as it does to type "Literally who??" into a thread on Sup Forums and it's much less annoying for the rest of us if you do it that way.
We have to maximize this.
>Are we witnessing the implosion of Hollyweird?
no man there's only one way to to that
you have to stop giving tax credits to kike movie studios
all the kikes not in LA were in NC due to tax rebates a few years back
NC killed the tax rebates and guess what
all the kike studios moved to GA to get those sweet sweet tax dollars back
hollywood runs on tax rebates, naive kids, and kikes
theres nothing you can do about the naive kids or the kikes, so you have to get rid of the tax rebates
They all know they're about to get heat for their child trafficking, so they're trying to control the narrative already.
Bad Will Hunting
>In b4 it was muh Damon
>tfw Milano was the fittest though
They still suck. I get the feeling this was done on behalf of one group of vile kikes ploting against another. the fallout just happens to be favorable to people who detest hollywood degeneracy.
>Hollywood eating themselves
this is great
NYT only dropped this now to distract from O'Keefe.
Ben Affleck is against Jews raping white girls. What is the problem exactly?
Get out of here, Ben. And stay the fuck away from Batman.
Let metaphorical Rome FUCKING BURN!!!!
>Call the feds if you suspect the feminists, Puritans, and pro illegal immigration crowd aren't just memeing about a slavery boogey man.
>Is there any smoking gun? No. Is my strongest point that a slice of pizza looks like an upside triangle? Yes. Is it weird police wouldn't investigate a case without probable cause or complaints filed? No. I'm Ben Swann, and thank you for letting me waste your time.
Should be an M4
Now this user is thinkin
Stupid woman
She should know better than to talk to a man like this
Absolutely haram
May Allah curse her
>children of God
>founder: David Berg
every time
What??? No way man. I want to watch leftists burn. Burn to the fucking ground. I want their whole garbage industry burnt to ashes. We should be pushing them away when they try to come to the middle
Corey said he did go to the cops, but they didn't do anything & let the statute of limitations run out. If he'd come out & named names, HE'D have gotten sued to smithereens & possibly worse. Some girl from Little House on the Prairie confirmed the abuse, concurred that Corey Heim had it the worst (many rapes) among that kid actors' group at the time.
He's given many interviews, there's a bunch on utube. A UK paper interviewed him last year, Daily Mail, I think.
Excellent. It's now becoming socially acceptable to attack Jews for their crimes without being called an antisemite
they uncovered it in 04 you dumb fuck
That word has lost all power. It's laughable as even anyone liked the jews in the first place.
No one cares about you being right we use anything useful to our advantage fake or real. We are the hate machine and nothing is beyond our reach shareblue
>caring about celebrities is now cool on Sup Forums
please go back to where ever it is you came from.
Maybe Ben should have a word with his brother before he talks shit about Weinstein.
No I want people to die and pizzagate is real fucking niggershill
which incidentally was long before they sold out to that fucking mexican criminal
>Rob Reiner
>Quentin Tarantino
Shut it down
Well you're entitled to your bitterness. Personally I don't like human suffering and don't want to see the world burn. I'd much rather people see the light and reform so we can all be better as a society. But I get the anger and cynicism. It takes effort to stay positive for something better.
hollywood is over
ben affleck is going down with this shit
Top kek best timeline.
Ok pussy go suck some BBC dick then XD there is no hope for them. Death is a better solution.
You and your spaces have to go back