Bros we gotta stop the free market
Bros we gotta stop the free market
The market it's fixing itself...
>18k dollars right now
>still charge shipping
100% chosen people
>$15.38 shipping
This is the real insult
not gonna say wobalobadobdob any more morty my new catchphrase BURRRP is gonna be WHATIFTHECHILDCONSENTSTHO
You could fake this easily if you found the same type of case and got a scan of the label
Occasionally I think of very jewy schemes like this and I feel like I would be ashamed if I followed through with it.
Things like making baubles or shitty websites and selling them to goyim fanbases / collecting ad revenue.
Now I'm having second thoughts about it. I think I might become the Jew.
But is it mil-spec?
>Bros we gotta stop the free market
a goy and his money are soon parted
I'd just get an existing ebay listing and change the html on the current bid to make it as easy as possible for myself.
Course looking it up to see if it's true is also an option..
No. This is how responsability is taken from people who shouldn't have it. A truly beautiful system.
Why aren't I smart enough to fleece this idots for thousands of dollars over gay robot sauce?
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
This is far beyond mental illness.
holy shit, I guarantee one of these losers will actually buy this!
>fix the economy
I see nothing wrong with redd*tors being abused by Capitalism
This makes me hate america
This type of shit only happen in america because consumerism is your only culture. Drones with cash.
>the rick and morty fans are overwhelmingly socialist loving millennials
>mfw they are getting fucked by capitalism
this is too fucking perfect
Because Rick said it was the best sauce in existence and ultra rare because it was never re-released after it's Mulan promotional existence.
Why do you care how people spend their money?
Liberal mental illness.
the absolute state of ancaps trying to justify 17,900 dollar price of a mcnugget sauce that never had any relevance until a cringy cartoon tv show created demand for it
partially true, there are still good, decent people who exist, unaffected by this disease.
I do agree however, such a shame
What I find funny is people selling photos of the sauce on ebay and tards are buying it thinking it is the actual sauce.
Because soy sauce with sugar is legendary because a cartoon said, "Remember Disney movies and McDonalds, Your childhood is quite memorable, you should react emotionally with corporate branding."
Cartoon created fake Nolstalga because the majority of the cucks never had it the first time around.
To a certain point we're all affected by it, but you only seen the hardcore cases in the states.
Looks like a Pelican - so you can air drop it into the amazon to get that sweet sweet nectar on your lemur biscuits.
Dan Harmon has to know how autistic his fanbase is. I know I would be laughing my ass off if some retard spent $17,000 on some sauce from McDonalds related to a joke in a cartoon I made.
correct, the west in general is ridden with decadency, but you'd never see something like that whole mcdonalds fiasco happen in Europe
You didn't get your sauce did you
we need a new world war
Why are you upset at bugmen throwing their money away? Are you jealous?
Americans truly are the dumbest people on this planet.
>98 bids
are you mcfucking joking me right now?
but it's not from our friendly corporate sponsor!
delete this target is breaking NAP
deadbeat bidder will win and not pay. No one will get anywhere near that price for commie sauce.
t. Saucelet
>Europoors will never enjoy god-tier sauce
If someone is legitimately retarded enough to fall for this they deserve to lose their money
idiots fixing it's wallet
cant you just get this sauce at any chinese food place?
serious question
You mad we can afford to throw away $18,000 on a sauce? That's how we roll, we could buy your mothers as sex slaves for the same price as a tablespoon of Szechuan sauce.
>supply is low
>demand goes up
>price rises
>mcdonalds says they will make more
>price falls
the end.
Happens every time there's a piece of toast with Jesus' face in it, or a cheeto shaped like a dog, or any other goofy little "viral" thing on ebay that gets bid way way up.
Sad part is, you can see this lady on ebay is selling it because her daughter won it from McDonalds in a twitter giveaway, and the lady doesn't know much about ebay, so she is probably counting her cash right now and maxing out credit cards thinking she has 17k+ coming her way, when in reality none of the top bidders are actually going to pay, they are just LARPing Nick and Norty fags.
>tfw you will never be served by one of the top McDonalds chefs.
Who knew Rick and Morty fans were so rich?
>not buying it and selling it for 5k more next week
cmon op
>morons wasting money on useless crap
lol, who cares
>unironically eating at McDonald's
>paying this much for corn syrup
I love this timeline.
>Not with a bang but with a whisper
I beg for Armageddon more fervently with each passing month, please Lord deliver us.
>stupid kids spending losing their money in frivolous shit
the market is working just fine
WTF even is Rick and Morty?
I don't watch western animation so I'm clueless here.
an autist and their neet bux are soon parted
The most intelligent animated series of our lifetimes
It's so smart it goes over alot of peoples heads though
Rick and Morty fans are intellectuals. I see no need to save intellectuals from themselves.
"Fix capitalism" without realizing this is exactly why capitalism works. We need idiots to be easily parted with their money - just don't be one of these idiots. Simple.
In some countries it's not literal shit like in Germany
I'm wondering if they'd buy regular Szechwan sauce if I put it in a good enough looking case. I can buy lots of Szechwan sauce for cheap but not McDonald's specifically
I tried to click on the next image in the picture.
>claims to be smarter than average, and that Rick&Snorty is just too smart for the average person
>buys a bottle of Mcdonalds sauce for 17900 dollars
The absolute state of the average leftist millenial ladies and gentlemen
This right here! My sides!
I really regret not getting any Szechuan sauce from McDonald's. I live in a small town that had it I could have picked up 5 of them and sold them off and I'd be rich now
a pretty decent cartoon that's stigmatized by an embarrassing fanbase and an even more embarrassing group of people that go out of your way to tell you how much they don't like it.
>I BUUUUURP turned us into furries morty
the absolute state of you shaking your fist at the actions of others that have no bearing on you.
Did you want some of the sauce? Yes? Then you're a faggot. No? Then why the fuck do you care?
I'm an American btw.
>implying I’ve only been to German McDonald’s
Nice try, Moishe.
Sorry, Americans use American flags. You're just a faggot.
>Money transferred from retards to people who might do something productive with it
What's the matter?
All European and American McDonald are aids. Israel's McDonald is the shit.
>One kosher Coke and one McForeskin please
No, keep it going, the memes are writing themselves here.
>free market retards will defend this
who cares if some little reddit fag is prepared to drop 18k on some fucking meme sauce, whats wrong with parting retards with their money?
This is how you easily identify retards in our society. These fucking retards didn't even understand the sauce meant fucking nothing at all, it could have been a fucking shoe, it doesn't matter, nothing mattered in that show, and that was the whole fucking point.
For meat to be kosher it has to be REAL. Our McDonald has Real meat hamburger and real potato fries. Suck on that Snitzelberger
theyre bringing it back in the winter because of how they sperged out so nobody will probably buy it now
I am sure a bunch of stormfags would pay 20k too for Hitlers ball hair or something
If it were literal shit it'd be a five star restaurant in Germany
This. The Hanscucks jack off daily to their women eating shit in pornhub. German porn is fucking nasty
Bullshit, there are neets everywhere who spend obscene amounts on pointless hobbies. I also see nothing wrong with this, if some retard is willing to part with that kind of cash for a non-necessity then what is the problem?
Still you are a loser for eating at this place. But to each his own.
C’mon, why are you triggered now?
Forget about that "McForeskin", it was only a joke.
the free market is realizing that you can find szechuan sauce at any grocery store instead of sucking mickiedee's dick
It's soy sauce, water, corn syrup, white vinegar, marimite, a little apple cider vinegar, sesame oil, pepper, garlic and onion powder, corn starch and xantham gum to thicken it.
You can make it yourself for like $4-5 and have a gallon of it.
But m-muh surplus value theft
You're just mad because you can't afford to drop 18K on a condiment. Not everyone works at Taco Bell.
He’s right, though. Only ’murricaner would pay for shit like this.