How do we solve the wagecuck problem ?
How do we solve the wagecuck problem ?
By murdering foreigners until the job market is more stable.
universal basic income
>Luxury Communism
>Great now only 2 of my children starved to death
There is of course but one way: KILL ALL COMMIES.
Honestly, if 70% of the people working those jobs didn't already qualify for some kind of public assistance, they could simply not pay as shitty as they do.
By lowering corporate taxes, they will trickle down user!
Nuke War
Comet strike
This. How can corporations that make billions of dollars in profits possibly afford to pay higher wages? They need tax cuts!
How can you expect the unemployed non-workers to own the workerbots given the total abolition of all private property?
You dumb commies don't even understand how dumb you fucking are.
The Bogan is right, apart from the murder bit.
Just dont have too many people, they drive down wages and there is less space.
In England after the Black Death after 2/3 the people had died, its was the best times for those who were left.
work harder fag
Stop giving business to companies that use wagecuck labor.
>Typed from McDonald’s with a mouthful of fries.
Work smarter, and take big financial risks.
>>Typed from McDonald’s with a mouthful of fries.
I believe you
Murder prevents the problem from occurring twice.
Just get a better job
the free market
Tell that to the jews
kick illegals out.
remove jews.
We unironically need to cull the poor. The problem is that there are too many beta numales and women scared of eugenics because "muh hitler".
By inflation maintaining same wage, and distributing the currency to capital owners, and eage cucks get paid same inflated wage, lmfao.
Also feudalize this shit with rent to live in the nobles property.
Good Goys 1 & 2
Slave master owns the plantation, mandates slaves to work, distributes a wage to the wage earner, then retakes it from rent.
Curb (((runaway wealth))) which encourages it and disincentivize the parasitic underclass to have children. You can do things like sterilize people who have been on welfare for longer than two years, sterilize felons, unironically push blaxit, etc.
>youre not a slave but free
>now youll have to pay me for living under my roof and pay me for the food you produce
93% make less than 100k a year including you wage slave.
By getting a job, building your resume, cleaning yourself up, mingling with your superiors, improving yourself and WORKING YOU NEET FUCK.
In fact I'm going to go fire that pregnant black girl at the front desk. She's been here a week and already is complaining about not making enough. I'll sooner kill myself than give that hourly ape a raise.
Thanks bud you helped me remember why I hate wage whiners.
You people have no idea how the job market fucking works
>get a shitty wage cuck job
>keep it for at least two years (its ok, most of us are young, it wont hurt)
>internal promotions.JPG
>become an asset to the store you work
>have a good resume, look for other employers, who will pay better OR leverage that other employer with the current one to get more money
Thats how you work your way up, keep doing that, got hired to Mcshitland 2 months ago at 13$ an hour, and im 21
>cant tell most you people are NEets
and watch prices skyrocket because there's less labor and less spending.
>geeet a job
>posts statistics
>post reality that only a select percentage can be paid that large of a wage currently, only reasonnwe dont have class division is the delusionnthat the common man has that he will be on top of the statistics, like an addicted gambler inna casino where the house always wins, useful idiots.
This x1000 im on first name terms with the guy who owns my franchise and his boss, as i was with my last company
>They like me cause i work hard and im not a literal mongrel like most employees
Like raise the minimum wage man. Then we can all like, afford more shit man.
Think about it man
People would actually like working and shit, its the future of civilization man
You're right only a select percentage can earn that much. Solution? Make yourself into it you filthy tree hugger. Buy a suit, apply for ANY office job you can, work hard, dress for success and be what you want to be. Notice that only poor people complain about wealth inequality. They're the only ones posting statistics about how it's unfair. Well it is unfair. You either play ball or you strike out. Don't give up just because it's hard and rigged. Figure out how you can rig it for yourself. Stop whining and start doing.
Pretty sure technology and AI will have the wagecuck specifically the fast food wagecuck made obsolete by the year 2035
you got any of that meme sauce
Some girl actually slept with the younger version of Count Olaf
Its not about luckily winding up on the top of the food chain, its about working your ass of and grueling while you are young and able to, so when your older youve got tastey management experience
Use that to get good jobs
>management at a factory, firm, legit restaurant, anything
Those jobs require almost NO work and pay great
The problem is that Franchise Model. It allows mega corporations like Mcdoonalds to make shit loads of money from rent, while having no obligation to force Franchisees to pay higher wages. MCD does not pay wages, franchisees do. Franchisees get exploited too though. We need legal responsibilities for franchisors and stronger franchisee unions.
What is your wage and job?
Statistics do not lie, wages are too low for the working class.
Build a wall