Why do millennials idolize communism?

It seems like everyone my age is some variety of socialist/communist.
They keep saying capitalism is only a year or two away from collapse, is it true?

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normies will always revert to what they are told.

in fascism they are militant fascists. they have no thought of their own.

that is why

They equate equal opportunity with equal results.

They don't have any work ethic and think communism is free gibs.

I'm starting to think that institutions promote awful ideas among the normies because bad ideas keep normies from doing anything effective.

A life of leisure and opulence has made them soft in body and mind. They don't realize that changing one side of an equation will change the other so they just think "if only we had equal opportunity everyone would be like my upper-middle class family" or "if everyone had equal opportunity everyone would be like the upper-middle class people I see" not realizing that everyone would be poor as fuck except for a ruling elite that would not be as benevolent as they dream.
In other words they're fucking retarded and suffer from the dunning/kruger effect.

Because neither of them work.

I don't fucking know, but it definitely is a global trend because even retards in Prague are doing it.

gen z is shitting on communism/socialism, its actually cool to do it especially. the liberals are becoming lame now. source: am gen z

They're too young to remember stories about grocery lines in the USSR and mass starvation in China

Good. Communism is cancer of the world. I can't wait for Trump to atomize the communism in North Korea.

Because millennials don't want to work for shit and spend Daddy's money.

They can't even define communism. Ask them to do so and you get:

>uhhhh well communism is about spreading the wealth and making sure the elites pay up like everybody else
>wait what thats socialism? well communism is about equal rights and LGBT/minorities being uplifted from oppressi-
>oh homosexuality was banned in the USSR? damn i didnt know that, well that wasnt real communism anyways lmao
>but yeah as i was saying the proletariat must rise up and demand a stop to the exploitation of workers
>yes i realize i just bought an iphone made from the fingers of starving chinese kids thats not the point

Millennials fairly have a hard time differentiating capitalism from corporatism in its current state. Coupled with the awful situation of entry-level work, it's understandable how one could become disenfranchised and adopt the most popular stance against "capitalism": communism.

When Nietzsche talked about a bird hunting its prey, he said the bird's mindset was he could go after prey because he wanted to, and was strong enough to do so.

The prey hated the bird, called it evil, and aspired to be the opposite of evil, namely good.

Kids today think capitalism does nothing but let birds of prey cause suffering to regular people, so they want to do the opposite thing.

>They keep saying capitalism is only a year or two away from collapse, is it true?
not "capitalism", more like the epic economic ponzi scheme that has latched onto it. that's a bubble that's gonna pop, yeah. but the only thing that's going to come out of it is a much more resilient form of capitalism

There are some legitimate reasons to consider aspects of socialism. The most pressing one is that due to the effective 'hyper inflation' of the population most people will never have enough value to actually live in our society and there is a need to keep them docile.

Europe is alredy post capitalistic. We have negativ intrest rate!!!! European central bank buying direct stocks of shit companies, and lends direct to bancrupt states.

However, communism etc. doesnt work and is just opression, slaughter and ineffective beyond starvation. And everybody knows why, if you understand humans. (Whatch Jordan Peterson, its the easiest and shortest to somehow get a clue)

We dont know what will come PRAY, HOPE and DO EVERYTHING to not let it be communism etc.

Why young people like it? Never had a job, never made money, so they are "poor", they expect being better of in a collectivist system. But when you worked your ass of for decades and build a house, got just some bit of "wealth" then of course you are not into giving it away, sepcially not to system that burns it up on shit and snowflake utopia. Because by then you also learned how the world works and that all this identity politics is like eugenics on a emotional scale. Nazi-Style to put it simply.

Good video:

Because your typical millennial has been supported by others for their entire lives, and see no reason why this should not continue. They DESERVE it. Just because.

>Kids today think capitalism does nothing but let birds of prey cause suffering to regular people, so they want to do the opposite thing.
They do have a point. American capitalism has become corporatism, enabling those birds of prey.

This is almost it entirely. It's also been made fashionable. As we all know, fashion is totally logical and doesn't warp severely over short amounts of time.

>all these new friends
sit down and pay attention children


they think they will get gibsmetads simply for existing

Because they have no idea how good they have it. Their grandparents busted their asses to build the first world countries they now enjoy.


holy kek

Based Bess, why is she so beautiful, Bros?

It seems this pic was taken after a night of heavy drinking, judging from the coconut and shades, I'm sure she btfo'd the Conald Cuck while having a good time drinking.

Communism is the ideal of the lazy, it's away dor people to abdicate all responsibility to the state. What these faggots don't realise is that responsibility goes hand in hand with power and once the government has ultimate responsibility in your life it has ultimate power over you.

>Watch as the people you work for get richer, which coincidentally include your social leaders, and your quality of life gets worse as time passes even though you work, budget, and try to start a business that fails like 2 out 3 of all businesses and then go bankrupt.

Humans didn't get to this point by working on their own, we have always done so in groups, and now the group of have-nots completely eclipses the group of haves.

I think 95% of US socialist to Antifa, would love the western european systems. And thats capitalism with fair altruism in regards to the not so lucky. However "not so lucky" of the own club, thats why mass migration is such a topic.

What's the difference between capitalism and corporatism? Which does America have now?

Helicopter parenting leaves them wanting helicopter governing.
The idea of having to take of themselves is so terrifying they'd rather live in an NK labor camp than wipe their own asses.

They realise there's nothing for them under the current system. They will be less affluent than their parents and grandparents. They see that a few have a lot, they want some too.

So... communism looks great.

The best way to kill this is to give them opportunity. That's what converted the boomers from being hippies after all.

They and their Boomer retard parents never lived under communism and they have no idea how bad it is

Impressionable and stupid? Pretty simple.

Holy shit, you're right

Because they're children and they want to government to be their parents, just like they wanted their teachers and professors to be their parents before that.

in true capitalism, government doesn't specifically aid or oppress business. In the current American system there are loads of artificial monopolies and propped up businesses.

I don't know. Most of the devs on my team are dyed-hair pony fags. I don't really mind the ones that are apolitical, because that's enough common ground for me. However, the vast majority are raging pickle rick commies without a clue. I don't think capitalism is going to survive in its current form for much longer, but I highly doubt we're going to see a beta commie uprising replace it. I think it is far more likely that we will see a massive technocracy with leadership that is completely hidden from public view. Everything will be a fake theme park. The commies will go live in commie land, I suppose.

They don't work in real world or are shit at their jobs.

>they are useless to the current system
>their basket weaving degrees won't get them $100k per year jobs

> Marxists take over institutions
> Create Statism
> Create central banking monopolies
> deliberately crash the world economy
> l-look guise it doesn't work! better try gommunism again!
I'm too tired for this bullshit.

people who choose communism don't do so willingly. they are conditioned and pressured into cultural homogenization as their parents were to a much more subtle degree.

ana kasparian, has stockholm syndrome. the whole lot of the daughters in the world do as well. don't use words, actions are the only way to entice a materialist.

Because they are fucking lazy and communism promises easy life for the lazy. Unfortunately they are also fucking stupid and ignore the record where the lazy, gays, and media (liberal trifecta) are murdered to save on resourses as production plummets.

retards virtue signaling, social media did this. As soon as people stopped commenting anonymously or behind handles suddenly they have to show superiority to others in all aspects, including and most visibly moral superiority.

women are like fire. they are vital to our continued existence even when artificial wombs become available to the zio. in America & Russia, the trick is to show them all other races respect you. you can do this by upgrading yourself to an Orthodox Christian and reading Romans 1-2 and Revelations 3 for a start.

yet in Europe, the degree is much different. your woman are in the helm of wanting to be conquered after many generations. these kingdoms WILL fall but it is up to you to conquer the infidel in your lands in front of the materialistic generation woman. your children will never be this materialistic.

For reasons.

Because in American colleges and universities today, the communist manifesto as well as the teachings of karl marx are taught and emphasized. It immediately sounds like a great story. The poor standing up to the rich. The people who are being exploited stand up for themselves. Capitalism is rarely emphasized on, the achievements of capitalism aren't even covered. socialism/communism actually looks good theoretically but when you apply it it just does not work. If only ONE person is A BIT greedy then the whole system collapses. Capitalism is the best system for our species. It directly reflects us as human beings. Also they think its cool to be a "rebel" and communism is considered to be that rebellion against the system. They think they are cool when they are opposing police. They have a "fuck the system" mentality which makes them have a "the system is watching me" 1984 Orwell kinda shit whenever they see a police car .. They have a grudge against millionaires, CEOs, and people who own businesses. They dont understand that these They think they are just a bunch of evil cunts who exploited the system and their power to get to where they are. They dont understand that you have to work hard to get what you want because THEYVE NEVER DONE IT .. not even tried. They would rather protest the system and whine about it then go and actually put in hard work.

sauce on the pic? art or reaL?

>it's not really capitalism

Ask Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and every other board that commonly pirates media. Even ones that they hate.

Armenian Genocide movie: Auction of souls


Millennials have never lived under capitalism. Bush's boom was fake and cratered. Obama's recovery is equally fake and touted as the product of the Fed. All they know is capitalism warped by the weird distortions of central planning. But all along it called itself capitalism and they believe it.

Gen Z will save us.

i promise all of you the only girls getting into nat soc are either depressed, edgy, or following a boy who watches murdoch murdoch. you turn them into an orthodox christ-chan and you will be on the road to mental freedom even WITH a woman in your life.

>They keep saying capitalism is only a year or two away from collapse, is it true?
Yes, automation can utterly destroy capitalist countries. Though it's a bit more than just 1-2 years.

we are beyond not knowing day one stuff here.

Free shit

This. Most of my peers that I know are liberal have had every big expense in their lives paid for. Their parents bought them their first car, paid their insurance, paid their university tuition, and paid for their down payment on their first house. When you've never had to struggle financially in your life, you think everyone should get everything for free like you did. Pay more in taxes? Who cares, you already got all big milestobes in life without having to suffer for them.

Who the fuck idiolizes communism in your country u moron ?
Your government has made so much propaganda against it that people would rather idolize national socialism...
Being a nazi is literally better looked in the US than being a commie.
Look at this thread.
Communism got nukes, made it to space, was atheist unlike the most moronic pagan savages and evolved humanity....
Stalin literally teared Hitler a new one yet here you are idolizing the faggot who got his ass kicked in stalingrad....

Thank goodness.
t.37y.o. ex-gangbanger grandpa of 2 from L.A.

They falsely think everyone is actually equal

Because they are fucking retarded, just like communism

We should award opportunity like UPS. All jobs go to the person person applying to the job with the highest score on a big test. That way the basket weaving majors can swallow their uselessness and the boomers can finally prove how intellectually superior they are to keep their jobs.

They might as well be while women can vote for lawmakers.


Is this bait? Have you seen an antifa rally?

Because everybody got a trophy.

So let's do it like UPS
No more participation prizes.

>They keep saying capitalism is only a year or two away from collapse, is it true?

The rich will stay rich. It's not like antifa can seize Scrooge's vault and declare immediate victory.

Wealth is electronic and even if the country WERE to collapse into communism the tich would relocate their assets and themselves elsewhere prior to redistribution.

That's why Eastern bloc countries looked so shitty under communism, no money to keep culture alive.

They have no idea what communism is and are brainwashed by Marxist universities

They think it means that they won’t have to work.

Millennial here. I hope you change the world for the better. My generation fucking sucks, bunch of faggoted degenerates.

It is a bait, don't respond.

Dumb kids that think the whole world revolves around them fall for a political movement designed to prey upon dumb kids that think the world revolves around them.

Go figure.

This leaf gets it in real capitalism no subsidies prime example.

Would normies understand a movement to return to capitalism when all they've known is corporatism?

Teenage kids talking about communism like that is LITERALLY contrarianism at its purest.

Because millenials are obsessed fairy tales with happy endings, and communism just happens to be a fairy tale with a happy ending.
>there's a looming darkness over the world that seems to be unbeatable (capitalism, nazis, white privilege etc)
>some young and brave heroes rise up to fight for what's good
>they slay the dragon in the end, as foretold by the great bearded prophet and live hapilly ever after. yay
of course the real world is more like a brothers grimm tale than a disney one.

This is accurate. Trump and Alex Jones (culture) are basically polarizing people. Guess which side 13-16 year old boys fall onto? Bitchy, equality laden SJWism? Or edgy, free market, capitalism?

Because they're tired of working longer and harder hours for increasingly lower pay. They see no reward, just an opportunity to be grateful for the tabe scraps that they receive. Meanwhile, the management guys and investor groups are laughing all the way to the bank without doing any real work. I don't balme them. If I was stuck working at Wal_Shit or equivqlent I would just go neet or homeless. Better than going full cuck to survive. And the system will crash. Not in a few years but I would give it a few more decades.

Basically everything people are saying itt on top of Communism sounding good on paper.
"Wow! The government pays for everybody's shit? That sounds great! what could go wrong?"

They are taught equality at fundamental levels all their lives. Communism is about "equality". Combine with being 100k in debt from theur marxist college degree and no job prospects for that womens study degree and you have someone looking for answers and help out of debt. They arent taught the horrirs of communism either. Holomodor and great leap forward are never mentioned. The monsters that are the soviets in ww2 are treated as valued allies in history books now when they were a global threat patton wanted to wipe out while their forces were marshalled in germany. This isnt taught.

So now you have people that just think communism is free shit and get out of debt free education and make billionaires equalize wealth. Basically retards being retards.

Because they're autistic.

It's the perceived inequality, which admittedly is very real. We need something in place to make them happy with their lot in life. Something like the UPS does so they can know they had just as good a shot of being in that top dog job. No more nepotism would solve many of what they see as a problem with the current state of capitalism (corporatism).

People who dont own anything and havn't produced anything of value are pro socialist because they don't care if someone has the ability to seize your property.
This is why only people who own property should be able to vote.

people desire collectivism and brotherhood but are scared of being labeled evil racists, ergo the attraction to anti-racist collectivism

William Buckley posed this question to Friedrich Von Hayek. Here's the exchange:


The dude next to him said something so simple yet so profound that literally 99.5% of the world population it ignores it.

> they believe that the quantification, that is the assignment of numbers will tell us something about justice and in fact it will not
It's such a lynchpin of their pathetic arguments, "he has more than me!". Yet a Libertarian understands that justice and right/wrong require individual action to have moral content, which is where Hayek was saying that you can't expect a just outcome from something that isn't designed by somebody, if someone hits you then it's wrong and it's due to them choosing to do it as an individual actor.

If two people voluntarily interact for mutual benefit and both gain from it, with one becoming wealthy then there can be no injustice just because the interactions of others led to different results. Which is exactly why demonizing the rich is impossible to justify philosophically without Utilitarian bullshit as he says that ignores moral principles & morality the way they are claiming the injustice is proved by. It's just one big massive emotional contradiction.

Because they want free shit.

They don't realize that everything is built on the backs of others, and fail to understand that other people's free shit will come out of their pockets.

True. Some of us remember the Bush years.

>SorosCorp is here to serve your property needs
>plots starting at 0.001m^2


Corporatism is hardly as simple as voluntary interaction and mutual benefit and gains. In corporatism the goal is to fuck over as many as you would need to for maximizing profit? More vacant homes than homeless, well we can't have our rotting houses be losing value now so lets keep them empty and the adjacent ones' value up. We can hire Pajeet to do the IT work for 30k instead of 60k, make it happen HR. The Chinese factory can do it for 1/10 the cost, let HR know it's time for layoffs, our stockholders will be so happy.

These ideas are what the people advocating communism actually believe. Since we're currently in a corporatism system instead of a capitalist one, the communist advocates are unironically correct on this one. My solution is to employ like UPS

They don't.

I'm going to have to admit, even most millenials who profess to be communist haven't read any Marx. But Marx didn't write about the struggles of trannies, he wrote about the destruction of culture under the hands of Capital.

> communism is gibmedats
If you actually take a look at what he wrote, Marx advocated, after capitalism, for a system based on giving to people the value of what they contibute.

> Corporatism is hardly as simple as voluntary interaction and mutual benefit and gains
That's exactly why Classical Liberalism & Libertarianism engage in a class analysis, one that differs from Marxists obviously.

Whereas a Marxist might say rich = exploiting, poor = good in simple terms, a Libertarian always talks about Voluntarism for a reason because its a major major point for moral/immoral outcomes. If someone gets rich by providing a good/service to 1 million people then so be it, if someone is poor and gets resources through charity so be it, if someone works and gets paid so be it. However if someone gets resources through welfare/tax leeching, rent seeking/lobbying corporatists, middle class welfare, monopolizing, using state violence etc etc then fall into the same class as thieves & plunderers.

Even if you disagree do you see what I mean though? That even still, you can't quantify morality by who has the most money but you can judge justice/injustice by peoples actions.

Yup, that's why Socialists were also eugenicists.
> youtube.com/watch?v=7WBRjU9P5eo
> Please sir or madam, would you kindly justify your existence

It's ironic that Marxists have infiltrated so many movements but in turn their own message has gotten corrupted and lost along the way to the point where it's a diluted & somewhat contradictory mutant. I don't think Nationalism has as big an issue because you can just paint all movements in a nationalistic sense and it doesn't really lose much of itself unless you're going for something specific like an ethno state. I'm not sure how Libertarianism would go after spreading, maybe similar to when Classical Liberalism was all the rage.

Funny though that more and more people these days are engaging in political debate because of how important issues have become yet no one fucking reads so no one really knows what they or their opponents are on about and why. It's just sports teams at this point.

>you can judge justice/injustice by peoples actions.
Sure, I can have a personal values/beliefs system that can qualify morality. My recognizing an intentional lack of morals will not halt that intentional circumvention of morals. I'd like to think that the communism advocates are in the same boat, seeing the things like H1B visas, """shortages""" being advertised, and diversity quotas against them, all while powerless. They are frustrated and, since Americans don't read, go for the best buzzword argument that might leach the intentional circumvention of morality in the economy: communism.

N 2 of these
universities indoctrined the school children of the world..UWashington ...and something something U of Michigan...

correct, it's crony capitalism