Whats a good alternative to the US flag to show case nationalism?
Flag Revisionism
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why do we need a new flag? you trying to divide the country, kike?
Be Christian.
I like the design, but not the eagle
theres one that has the bars on both sides with a blue segment in the center, a Golden star with a wreath beneath it, I liked that as well
Swastika replacing stars, with the east indies trade conpany background.
take the standard 50 star flag and rearrange the stars to form a white nationalist cross
inverted color scheme on the southern cross is pretty cool too, I think some regiment in Louisiana is who made it
I like
National Capitalism flag from threads. I know, it looks like a bumblebee.
One can only dream and hope!
Looks like a kid came up with it
All libertardians are underaged.
there is only one flag
This is solid for southern movements. Something like this though is better if the goal is for an American nationalist movement
are you guys 12?
why you want my dick pick for your child pedo file?
This one is the best choice.
How about contributing while you're here if you have anything better.
I miss the Bonnie Blue. Nobody gives this one any attention.
I think the Betsy Ross flag seems good enough.
Because it's one of the shittest flags in existence. It's so shit Somalia stole it.
>It's so shit Somalia stole it.
THIS is the only "flag" i am able to care about
a better one
who can name it without a reverse image search?
Tämä selvä.
Ellen White would be so proud.
How the fuck does Sweden have an A+ rating? overall
not proud
pride is a sin
all pride
Ken tietää? Mutta Barbie tappoi sen _D
Well at the end of the day you're mostly famous for cereal and going to church on Saturday. Well and Kellogg bringing circumcision into popularity here in the US. I have nothing against SDA though.
Is this fucking hank yoo?
>blue area 2 stripes too big
fix it retard
I didn't make it retard.
>Well at the end of the day you're mostly famous for cereal and going to church on Saturday.
according to who?
among what group of people?
contrite generalization if ever there was one
>Well and Kellogg bringing circumcision into popularity here in the US.
what does the big "C" have to do with the SDA???
Is there a 1920X1080 version of this?
oh fantastic
the snake PLUS the hawk
now is the hawk predating the snake, killing it?
or are they partners?
because im pretty sure flag maker meant them to be allies whereas the image has them being killer and killed
Browse r/vexillology
do you have a smaller edition?
is that the symbol for bible burning?
so very, very cute
Thats my favorite flag
I like it
IMO we need a flag that represents nationalism for all countries, to unite all people against jews
I was thinking white flag with the continents colored with rainbow stripes, representing separation and also gays would hate it, I actually really like my idea but of course, criticize it, dont be nice
That was Florida's flag, give it back plz
What is it?
Nationalism is for fags and so are you.
either that or just enlarge the image and click and drag the whole thing up to the google search box and reverse search
Shieeet nigga here you go senpai
Ohhhh its an SDA flag ive heard of those churches before
Adding more stars was grave mistake.
those colors together as that flag just gave me paranoid schizophrenia
>The only """""sustainable""""" countries are leftist, nannystate shitholes that are completely cucked and ripe for conquest
it is the "farthest" of all protestant churches in theology and practice and belief from the Church of Rome
Naw we keep america flag the way it is, mby go back to 13 stars
A good flag is so simple, that even a child can draw it. Even though that flag looks good, it's way to complex.
it isn't meant to be the main flag, hold the same military position as the german equivalent
sergents respecting their troops
or this one is good as well
Hows this alternative?
What did Pence mean by this?
Looks a bit like pic related, good beer.
Why are communists so obsessed with importing 50 million shitskins from the third world?
One too many stars
>tfw somebody posts your OC
Better question is why can't they fucking edit properly....
Fair enough, but that flag is still much less complex.
No, we're not kicking out california. They'll change eventually.
Children routinely struggle to draw the single greatest flag that has ever existed you twat.
A good flag is aesthetic as fuck, something that evokes a sense of pride, something people can be proud to stand under -- it should not be predicated on whether or not a toddler can draw it perfectly.
Kek wills it!
Neck yourself.