Will the chinks enslave the world?
What happens once white people are gone?
Who cares?
Won't be our problem then.
But the chinks will probably soylent green everyone.
Probably. They aren't as suicidal as us.
Jews will genocide every other race using the same model.
It's what they have done historically.
Oh, someone's undercover here. Oh vey, it would be such a tragedy to be discovered.
White people are so suicidal. Oh vey, very. Other superior - equal - iq higher than white, niggers, are full of life. Oh vey, whites are bad !
>highly intelligent
>little to no moral standards
Chinks will be the first and only to get the genetically engineered Übermensch. After that its game over for humans 1.0 and our chinese masters will start to take over the world.
>imperialists without the excess empathy of Europeans
If whites die out the chinks will sooner or later exterminate everyone else
Ashkenazi Jews aren't going to be around in great numbers either.
All pale asians will be seen as the next "white" group thus the new privileged race.
Why would Western opinions matter if China is number 1. It's like us caring about what muslims in the Middle-east think.
What's your opinion on hapas?
> oh vey, I must be careful now. Quick, some lies and continue the mass control as usual
Oh vey, we are not many. We must protect our gene integrity. Look at what NAZIS did to us. Think about it and let the feels flow. Yissss, yissss, good goyim, oh vey, very vey good !
But oh vey, but you, white people of Europe, so suicidal, you need help to escape your own genocide. You need to mix and to create the NEW MAN : The Superman (controlled by us...oh, oh vey almost said to out loud)
Okay in small numbers imo. I do have strong White nationalist sympathies though.
Now you're being stupid. Fuck it, I'm going to bed.
They are one of the future races, probably one of the dominant ones and we have our own responsibility in that future.
No, the most advanced of them are not reproducing at sustainable rates. Japanese and South Koreans are the leaders of technology in Asia, and they are declining in number.
The world of the future will be an Idiocracy.
(((They))) will make the chinks care.
I hope so. Well, maybe not Chinks alone, but them and the other Asians. That way the resources and land we've left behind would be put to good use at least, and not continue it's existence as a breeding ground for violent religion-of-peacers.
One man produces 500 billion sperm in his lifetime. If we selectively breed ourselves into super humans (super intelligence, super health, super talents), then everyone will want our sperm. This hybridization process will literally transform all humans into super humans, over time.
THIS. They'll breed enough happas to pass for chinks, and then use them the same way they used the ones among whites to false flag as actual chinks.
Why do you think they're pushing for "asian man/white woman" fetish? Jews are born of the mother. Happa chink would still be 100% jew. Get the chink boys wanting the white girls, feed their best and richest Jew girls, and boom. Wealthiest section is now Jewish dominated but looks chink.
Oh vey, cannot go any further. Too dangerous. The goyim. The power level. WHERE ARE MY SJW and NAZIS KILLER to stop him from opressing me ??? REEEEEEEE
No, they will kill off every other people, and eat every last animal and insect.
i don't care, cause I am white and Christian, bye bye.
Only whites put up with their shit, they have been kicked out by every other civilization.
nahh we will turn this game around... it can´t end this way.
Insha'allah I hope so
not everyone is a cucked Swede
You could say that natural selection will finally return
the Asians are woke on the JQ
they have whole government departments devoted to studying the jews
Are black people genetically dominant over asians?
hopefully japan and the koreans springs back and conquers the world. they are def the most worthy of being in charge.
look into South Korean antisemitism. they have a guy who was described as the Korean government's "top expert on the Jews" or something like that
Jews can't pretend be Asians like they did with white and arab.
>200 millions vs 1400 millions
Such an experiment has never been conducted.