When will the USA enter the club of developed countries?
Raise Minimum Wage
Australia pays around $6/hr to illegal immigrants it's common knowledge. there is a 0% change you are on minimum wage unless you are a 15 year old child and your boss is your parent.
They just make those numbers up as they go, in ridiculous
Only worthless niggers, white trash, high school students, and beaners make minimum wage. They're simply not worth a penny more.
If we gave them more money they would still be poor. Being poor isn't due to economics it's genetics.
Slide thread btw
So the club of "developed countries" requires ~25% unemployment. We'll pass.
if that's the case everyone from those countries should own a nice house and own a car. there is genuinely NO excuse if that's the absolute minimum you can be paid.
a house here costs 200 years of minimum wage. what's your excuse?
Occasional work in the fields where I live is paid 18 euros per hour in wine season (12 working hours per day for a month or so)
Minimum wage in burgerland is less than half of what we give field hands in a second world country.
Kekus maximus.
US has 42% unemployment. Trump said so.
>USA doesnt even have healthcare included in that either
Wait, US don't have full healthcare for every job?
Lol fuck no
the german one is true. idk about the rest tho
Mexico: 4.25 dollars...A DAY
He's right
But he's also right.
Basically if you're FULL TIME then (((they))) have to give you healthcare. So basically because of Obama I can't get fulltime a X low paying jobs. Thanks Obama.
You stole all those factory jobs from canada and usa. Why are your wages still so pleb tier?
Save up for two days and you get a pack of smokes!
What is cost of living?
In the poor rural parts of this country you can own a few acres for ~20k, buy a fucking trailer for 30-50k finance that shit for thirty years like a good goy. Pay 400$-700$ per month on your mortgage. Buy a beater car work 40 hours per week minimum wage, get Medicaid for free and still have plenty of money for beer and cigs.
You fucking retarded children base all of your terrible arguments on very little info.
Minimum wage for three hours here buys a nice steak dinner.
I'm so glad for Daneposters, SJWs have latched onto your country and shill the shit out of it now.
Its artificially cheap to live here with our subsidies and illegal labor. Our lower wage goes a lot farther and honestly i was kind of shocked by the living conditions in naples.
We don't have minimum wage wtf
Is that before or after the 75% taxes you pay
In Denmark, they pay about 60% tax on that $21, leaving about $8 per hour. Prices are also much higher, due to the VAT. The purchasing power of the $21 in Denmark is actually lower than $8.25 per hour in the US.
Canada is only 8.55/hr and has a higher cost of living. Quit complaining amerilard.
Ever wonder why everyone in the middle class either gets a trade job or a degree? Because that shit sucks.
Life is a lot more than beer and cigs dude.
>burger education
Norway doesn't even have a minimum wage. It's stupid and unnecessary. You'll need an iq of at least 85 to understand it
Bullshit. It's 11.52$ in France, and 8.95$ net
Also you have way more purchasing power with 1$ in the US than with 1€ in France
Isn't it 11,50 € though ?
If you earn min wage your yearly income is so low you don't pay taxes.
If it's 11.50€ it's way more than in France (9.76€)
What are $7.25 in groceries in Germany and in America?
>takes a meme seriously
Now compare that to GDP. I don't want to pay some nigger $21/hr to flip my fucking burger!
Fake news, we don't have a minimum wage.
>let's accelerate automation and kill simple jobs even faster
This is the only reason to support a minimum wage.
really? thats neat. I guess thats a good way to help low income workers actually be able to supports themselves during schooling or trying to find another job. is minimum wage a liveable wage in european countries cause it is most certainly not here.
Denmark is always on these despite the fact that minimum wage doesn't exist here.
We also pay teenagers less than adults, regardless of experiences. So good luck getting a shitkicker job once you're out of high school.
> (You)
>Ever wonder why everyone in the middle class either gets a trade job or a degree? Because that shit sucks.
>Life is a lot more than beer and cigs dude.
For poor dumbass people it's not. They will always live a life like that. They make more, they blow more. Plus property costs and food costs will magically go up anyways.
I identify as a robot.
What is my minimum wage?
Complete autonomy?
Count me in.
yes, but the cost of living is also lower you dumb spic
imagine living in london, minimum wage $8.85 (if you work part time) or living wage $10.89 in a place where a cinema ticket costs $20
And you think making it more expensive to hire worthless niggers and teenagers who go to work high will somehow lower that number?
Why is Denmark flag smaller than the others?
i thought that scandinavian countries didn't have minimum wage
Denmark, France and Germany are not continent sized countries. Australia is also mostly uninhabited.
Go shitpost someplace else, Leaf.
Suck on that.
If you're making minimum wage in the US, you need to find out at which point did you fuck up your life. Being paid minimum wage is just like having your boss tell you, "I would pay you less if I legally could".
If you can't make more than minimum wage, you fucked up.
No, raising minimum wage would vastly increase prices on products and would kill smaller businesses. Also, most places pay more than minimum wage anyway.
>When will the USA enter the club of developed countries?
Why don't we just raise the minimum wage to $1,000,000 per hour?
Everyone would become a millionaire.
Everyone will become enormously wealthy.
We will all live in mansions, have our own private yachts, and drive around in a Ferrari.
Everybody is going to be rich, all we gotta do is add more 0s to the end of every paycheck!
If you think there is any flaw in this proposal you are just an elitist who wants to keep all the wealth to the wealthy 1%.
You realize that paying people more without an increase in the amount of goods, and services provided is inflationary, and does nothing positive.
The truth is removing the minimum wage all together would increase productivity the most. In turn it would bring the most goods, and services to the most people.
>needs the goberment to negotiate his salary
good goy
Whoa now.
I've been there before, nothing but really sad people. Too sad to be robots.
I'm a neutral robot, I could care less about anything really, I just like working... A LOT.
Minimum is 8,50 Euro atm
Did you include purchasing power in your meme pic...?
Thought so
Germany's minimum wage is rather new (2015) and it is bad. It destroyed a lot of small businesses. I know two shops near me that had to close because of it.
What exactly is your point?
Comparing minimum wages is so retarded. Costs of living in Australia is higher than in most of the US. Minimum wage in Quebec is 11$ an hour and I get the same mileage out of it as an Aussie would with 16$, My apartment costs me 800$ for a 2 bedrooms and it's in a major city, pretty fucking sure the same apartment in Sydney or Lelbourne would be more expensive.
>when 30% of the population goes from employed to unemployable within a decade
If min wage had risen with the increase of goods and services it would be $18 today.
Food and housing cost is also higher in those places. I think Germany subsidies the cost of food so you don't pay as much, but you're paying for it in taxes.
It's all just fluff. If you really believe the United States is an oppressive shithole then you're an idiot.
The lowest in Canada is 11 now. Even in New Brunswick where you can buy a house for pretty cheap. I make 19 an hour and own a home 40 minutes from Montreal.
Never, US Americans are 70 iq and also stupid falling for casino propaganda that they will be the 1%.
checked for truth.
>minimum wage should grow with average productivity because every part of the wage distribution has contributed equally to the increase in productivity
pleb tier, off self
>I think Germany subsidies the cost of food
No it doesn't.
>but you're paying for it in taxes
You don't pay taxes when you earn just min wage.
Yes and no, It's established by collective agreements formed through negotiations between unions and employers and not written specifically in law. IIRC Norway and Denmark are similar
Do you literally not understand inflation you stupid cunt? That's like saying "well five dollars a week was fine to live on in 1824, why can't you do that now?"
It's as though you don't understand automation or supply and demand.
What is the point you're trying to make with this thread. Just come out and say it so we can ridicule you properly.
Good point. I'm not necessarily against raising the minimum wage, but I do believe it will put more people out of work. We have a lot of service jobs in the U.S. that are not in those other countries. It would be impossible to own a sandwich shop and pay someone $20.00 an hour to make a freaking sandwich.
Fuck off you Snow Jews
Fuck off you Sand Jews
Fuck off you cunts
Fuck off you surrender monkeys
Take home 8K+ every 2 weeks.
High minimum wage comes at a great cost. Here a university graduate makes about 2 - 3 times minimum wage. Everyone except the top bankers get to live in poverty.
>still need validation from taiwanese basketweaving forum
Typical jealous peasant.
Okay, now adjust for income tax.
Actually the Australian minimum wage worth the same as the American one.
Thing is the job market is totally dominated by government here ao every single job title comes with it's own individual minimum wage.
Is it your girlfriend or your boyfriend who doesn't pay enough attention to you?
and then adjust for your health insurance premiums, the cost of a university degree or technical degree, and the cost of having children, the cost of their daycare, etc LOLHERPDERP PEASANT REASONING
Your taxes subsidize those who work for minimum wage.
Since it is impossible to live off of minimum wage, those who work and make it also qualify for welfare / food / housing / utility assistance.
So you're still paying for it.
>If a company lowers the cost for producing washing machines by increasing productivity, do all customers now pay less for washing machines?
Difficult to figure out for the slav
>It would be impossible to own a sandwich shop and pay someone $20.00 an hour to make a freaking sandwich.
It's possible, you'd just need to charge 25$ for the sandwich and 8$ for a can of Coke.
These Marxist think that Porky McCapitalist is oppressing them paying them 8$ an hour to shake salt on French fries, but daddy government (to whom their """fat cat""" boss pays the same 8$ an hour in extra taxes) is looking out for their best interest.
They'll cry about "the corporations" not realizing they could, at any time, buy shares of stock in any corporation they like and "own the means of production" and reap the profits.
Mental and emotional children, the lot of them.
I get enough attention from your wife when I pull up in the M6
>comparing minimum wage cross country
thats when you know they are either retarder or its propaganda
I we didn't have a minimum wage, all these useless fucks wouldn't be priced out of the market.
Hungary 1.50 $ reporting in
>needs to pretend to cuck other people to feel big
This meme. Didn't you see the study that proved Subway would need to increase the cost of a sandwhich by 20 cents to pay all their workers 15/hr. You have no idea the total cost of overhead associated with running a business because you're a 15 year old child. You have no idea what percentage makes up wages for unskilled labor.
the same minimum wages as countries where housing is unaffordable?
All those countries together make up the size of the US and not even close to the population
Where I live minimum wage is 15/dollars.
>still responding like the jealous peasant he is
your children will literally eat the shit out of my kid's assholes just to survive someday. can't wait.
In anything that resembles a competitive economy: Yes, it does. However, what does this add to our discussion about labour productivity growth disparities and endogenous inequality?
>plans to give his shit fetish to his children
Fucking bullshit.
Our government literally pays women who stand around all day holding those Slow/Stop signs all day ~$40 an hour.
Even worse is that they are all immigrants from England and Ireland.
pic related
I like when burgers call me europoor
No it doesn't.
Yeah, they do. euractiv.com
You don't pay taxes when you earn just min wage.
You pay for healthcare whether you want it or not. You pay pay into social security whether you want to or not. You pay sales taxes. Are these all not taxes?
How does buying power compare. ie the average cost of goods compared to each other.
For instance gas
Germany: average around 5.57 a gallon.
Danmark average around 5.90 a gallon.
United States: range from 2.15-3.10
why make more money if it just means everything costs more
>When are we going to ban even more jobs from being created like the rest of the euroniggers