World Trigger 152 Spoiler Thread

Wires ! Wires everywhere !
Osamu Keikaku starts with a bang.
Pics to follow.

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Here comes the bagworm hell.

And here is the map without bagworm.

Everything lies at the top of a skycraper, if you know how to get there.

Doesn't seem like Ouji plan went very well.

Ouji team is team ninja.

My horrible trans by google :
- Osamu is transfered at the top of a building. The match begins with his view on the battlefield.
- Ikoma team begins very close to each other.
- Osamu asks Usami the best place for wires.
- Ouji team starts their osamu hunt.
- Ouji team separates to search for osamu (?).
- Oki is the one at the top of the building, ready to snipe.
- Kashio evades Oki snipe (?), and tells his teamates where he is.
- Without finding mikumo, Ouji knows that Kuga is going to lay a trap and he doesn't go for it. (pic related)
- Kashio and Minamisawa are the first ones to find Osamu.
- Osamu finds a way to make Kashio fight Minamisawa instead of him.

lel osamu suck

I wonder what Chika's up to.

sucking some dick for all I care

Fucking Chika. She should learn to shoot or fuck off.

I pray to the sniper gods that Osamu isn't sacrificed again.

Imagine her going down the shot gun route.

He'll wear a bagworn this time.

I just went back to sleep after reading the spoilers and I had a dream that osamu and yuma lures someof the other squad members into the building where osamu's real wire hell traps them and then Chika actually shoots the entire building down this time taking out like 5 people at once

Next match was against Kageura squad again

user, why don't you post a link to the actual spoilers? Every week

Hyuse is a good boi
he dindu nuffin wrong

What is the Trion consumption rate for the stealth Triggers like scorpion and Bagworm?

I always assumed Osamu was too weak to use it for prolonged periods of time, if at all.

Sorry guys. I was working on another series. Going to start working on the chapter 152 translation now.

You're doing god's work user.

Finding a sniping position

>She should learn to shoot
She can shoot lead bullets

The pastebin is up

Oji Squad is pretty good at hunting people

Thank you based user.

nice one taicho


>(I won't fail again like last time.)
>(I'm not going to get taken out again...)
>(Without doing anything first...!)

>>I'll show you all!! My true value!!

Don't do this to me

where's the link at? i don't usually come to WT threads so i don't know, also Thanks in advance

Shot a building with asteroid. Wtf... turns out to be a smart move by osamu to get kashio to fight with minamisawa. Osamu's getting sharper.

If all of the other teams come to osamu's location, it will be battle royal. Very beneficial to Tk-2. Pick them off slowly.

I honestly don't get what he is talking about considering he did a lot last time before dying, even scoring a point

I feel like the other squads are being retarded considering its obvious Osamu would be aware he would be targeted, so they are playing right into his plan

Oh shit, I'm getting hyped.
Osamu is my fucking bro

A battle royale where he can still calmly put down wires on the sides just for traps

This is an upper B match. The last upper B match had Osamu getting taken out early.

>I feel like the other squads are being retarded considering its obvious Osamu would be aware he would be targeted
Osamu was hoping they would go after Yuma since it seemed obvious he would defend Osamu. Oji didn't take his bait

Is Osamu the lelouch of our generation?

Rough comparison since Osamu dosen't have a power that tells people what to do

Yuma was just a temporary distraction while he put up the wires

He was already 60% done by the time ouji figure it out, not to mention he just created another diversion. Which could backfire if they decide to team up now that Ithink aabout it

>60% done
Is 60% enough?

I was going by the shit at fighting but good at thinking aspect of him

I need somebody to please check that sentence for me.

>(I'm not going to get taken out again...)
>(Without doing anything first...!)

Does this make sense? Something about it bugs me but I can't figure out what because my brain is totally fried.

Seems fine to me

I'll take your word for it. I can't tell anymore and anything I do to that sentence just makes it sound worse.

His PTSD of Wall-snipes kicking in

Monitoring this thread..

Good thing Oki dosen't have a Ibis

Waiting for ikoma to pull out his skills. Hopes he's a match for yuma. Don't really see how chika will contribute seeing that both the other teams are like hunting packs.

Sneaky Osamu in this chapter.

>I don't see how debuffs are good in a match full of strong opponents

>Don't really see how chika will contribute seeing that both the other teams are like hunting packs.

-Team hunts down Chika
-Chika uses lead bullet hound on entire team
-Entire team is now sitting ducks for Yuma and Osamu

I just see all the salt.

Please dont fail mofo

We know he won't fail too hard or T2 can't make the top 2 anymore. I'm glad when the away mission starts but these last 3 rank battles are not that exciting in terms of results. Of course I'm still hype for some Hyuse action.

Is this the first rank war where a team has 4 members? No wonder the Ikoma niggas are so casual

If we are actually doing three matches then they have room to lose. We will see what happens when Galopoula attacks in the week after this match

Notice how last battle everyone was trying to avoid the wire zones, and now they're all running into it on purpose. All aboard the ruse cruise.

Sugita Kage is the best

that's okau TL user, many thanks.

Osamu will defeat one of them with the wire trick and Oji will see it and figure it out immediately



>Osamu initiallize the fight by blowing up a door for cover

Ok, now this could be interesting.

>trick them into fighting each other
>locked in a stalemate for the longest time
>both of them suddenly trip and get Asteroided through the skull
>2 Points for Tamakoma-2

Kek. Osamu sure likes baiting people, whether it's with wires or to make them fight each other and not focusing (too much) on him.

What's the plot of this series? I remember it being something about aliens invading and stuff, but every image I see is about something like rating games.

A private military organization called Border is at war with another world known as Aftokrator. The Main character is Osamu Mikumo ,who has shit for talent and trion, has to cheat, strategize, and fight his way onto the expedition force to save some captured people

At first look I've thought this is the Arashiyama squad. Arashiyama, Ken and Tokieda.

If Konami wasn't in Tamakoma she'd probably be a great fit for Arashiyama's Squad.

Arashiyama Squad is full though

If Konami wasn't in Tamakoma she would fit in pretty much every squad.

>almost every name start with K
Of course she even fit in the Kako squad.

So Touma calls Amatori Chikako, like Izuho.

Very amusing.

Why do they call her Chikako in the first place?

>What is a nickname?

But why did they give her that nickname?

user it's like you never had friends giving you nicknames.
Don't worry sometimes it will happen to you as well

This always struck me as weird on reread. Dosen't pretty much every squad 14 and up have an A-Rank level agent?

Not necessarily.
They could just be pretty good as a squad and have no designated ace.
It is likely that they have an ace, but they don't necessarily have one.

But consider every squad that was 8-14 at that time.
Arafune, Nasu, Murakami are A-Rank level. Teruya and Suwa are arguably A-Rank level. Urushima pretty much had to be A-Rank level to get 9th overall for the last season


>It is likely that they have an ace, but they don't necessarily have one

De facto Kakizaki squad was exactly this.
3 appearently good B-ranks holding mid B-rank for quite some time.
Arguably Kaki and Teruya could be A-rank, but are not necessarily there just yet.

Teruya was stated to be a genius on the level of Narasaka and Utagawa. Kakizaki is arguable since he made it to A-Rank initially with Arashiyama

Too bad she has the hot for the desperate Zaki-san and has no ambition moving forward.

>this guy on tv can't string a sentence together and he seems to have absolutely no idea what he or Border stands for
>Better pledge my life to him!
Kakizaki squad is nothing but idiots.

Because Kakizaki dosen't come off as desperate and self disparaging from up front impressions. Even Tokieda defends him and the analysts who did the stats for the BBF give him an above average captaining stat.

Kakizaki didn't have a problem speaking on for the press conference. However he just gave the generic and safe responses while Arashiyama gave bold and controversial statements

Teruya-chan is a good girl

She's the most boring of the three genius ace all rounder girls introduced

Jin will definitely die soon, won't he?

She's still a cutie and a good girl.

Ashihara is waiting until we least expect it

Calling it now, Jin's going to choke on one of his crackers at the end of a lighthearted comedy chapter.

>Osamu's stands by and is being absolutely helpless as how to help.

Why would you an allrounder when you can have shooters?

Predictions for the outcome of this match?

Because shooters make poor waifus

Did you just say Nasu is a bad waifu?

>medical lab rat
>low life expectancy

>Caring about friends
>Being pretty nice
>prefers being active and having fun with friends

That's nice and all, but she just can't compete with the new hotness. Katori is down right perfect

>Osamu: You just have been keikaku'd
>put on sunglasses