Why is Paul Joseph Watson such a fag?
He constantly punches right
Why is Paul Joseph Watson such a fag?
He is just nudging the left to go after the jew media for giving white supremacy a platform.
he's not punching right tho, he's just being ironic
>asian wife
>jew wife
he has 1 of these, probably asian wife.
so he is as edgy as he can be.
Because he thinks the far left can be defeated with reason and discussion. If things remain as they are he'll be one of many asking themselves how communism could possibly have ruined their country
>dont punch right goys!
you're all cancer.
Because he's controlled opposition/zionist
wasn't he a faggot unironically?
he is married
But it’s an ironic marriage.
>stop punching right
Troll sheilding faggot.
I dont even like PJW but this is objectively an attempt to point out that the right is not synonymous with white nationalists, and that it's the media making that distinction.
I'm not even against WN as a concept, but you have to boil frogs slowly, the first step is to eliminate the idea that anyone "not left" is automatically "bad", because they assume that "not left" = "right" = "white nationalism"
The only way to wake people up is to slowly show them how gray what they thought was pure evil really is.
He's gotten all the information we have, but somehow reached a different conclusion.
When things kick off he'll come around or he'll have some sort of mental breakdown. Thankfully there's no danger of him defecting to the other side; but I don't think his mind can handle reality as well as many of ours can, even if many of us are very affected by this shit.
the more you know
He is most likely married to a jew.
so he's fucked, just like alex. they both know the truth but are infected themselves and can't take the antidote without dying. simple deduction.
I thought he is a boykisser and gay marriage is Haram in londonstan
controlled opposition zionist
you thought wrong
Because he doesnt lay his mom enough. Im not anti white or pro any other race. Now what
He's being ironic you moron.
The "right" isn't you larping nazis.
Because he tried to appease leftists and say "wow look at me look at how not racist i am!" He's just trying to make leftists like him and avoid them calling them racist.
Which is funny because no matter how much he cucks out leftists are going to call him racist anyway.
How you doing Matt?
Because he thinks there are no differences between races. He's simply blue pilled.
Hes not punching right because stormfags aren't even right wing.
Richard Spencer is not a nationalist and is pro-EU. Weev is literally jewish.
STFU you absolute gutter trash retards and back to r/the_donald with you
Congratulations: you've won the dumb Ameritard post of the day award. You get a brown dildo to shove it up your cornhole
>WAAA! His views aren't my views!
Make your own video, faggot
His wife is Chinese, he admitted he used to live in China for years with her.
so there you have it.
he is a ricefarmer.
what a fucking degenerate.
Because it's hard to achieve mass appeal of any sort without distancing yourself from the ugly stuff that makes the normies immediately tune out. He wants his videos shared as much as possible. If he embraced the white supremacists it would kill his audience and influence, and if he never said anything about them, he could be attacked for his silence.
Also, the way he's doing it, borrowing the left's "giving them a platform" language, let's him point out their hypocrisy while he does it.