His name was Seth Rich
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping for justice
Assange knows the truth and is looking for a reason to spill it.
Bump for Justice
bumping for seth
Funny that this and project veritas are dead boards right now
This place has been overrun by shills now shilling each other
Any other good chans out there anons?
LV has the autists split into a thousand rabbit holes
Technically you and I could make this an entire thread of bumps
wish seth could join us
I worked in DC for 3 months last year. ALL of the police I saw were black or Hispanic. The city is overrun with blacks, Hispanics and a few liberal whites. The Metro subway system is the most advanced mass transit system I have ever seen in any large city(and DC isn't that big). Just cheap transportation for poor people to get to their McDonald's job. The place just struck me as just some huge money sponge. Another thing I noticed: the cop cars have blue lights on the roof that are ALWAYS on- you can spot them from a mile away, like it seems they are giving you a heads up that if you're speeding, ect. stop that so we don't have to pull you over and find your crack, ect.
Perhaps there was a long-term local plot to shift the politics of the nation by creating a real yet socially unmentionable aura of threat in the vicinity of the capital.
Alternatively, perhaps there were generations of do-gooders with statist instincts drawing in resources for their projects, making resources available for a great many questionable people almost as a byproduct, and generating in the long-run the same results out of benevolence as would have occurred from subversion.
Picture unrelated. Not a commentary on Boorda, I just didn't want to seem like I wasn't trying to contribute, commenting without images.
Here, this pic may be the only one on the subject that ever really seemed funny. Grim subject.
is pretty good, too
This is exactly what I was alluding to. Policy created by a compromised national government and protected by a compromised local police force. Seth's murder is a clear message to the establishment.
Bump. Debbie Wasserman Scultz- she knows what went down. Sessions is just waiting for the right time to drop the hammer on her and everyone else involved in this shit. Wtf is wrong with you simpletons?? This is more egregious than Watergate, but you say nothing? Fucking millennials, can.t deal with the non-instant gratification element of this story.
Where the fuck is kimdotcom on this shit?
Would you please give this nice lady her laptop?
bump for first interesting thread I've seen since the Texas Tech thread
>desu, he probably got killed by a serial killer that might've had a political motive, for it obviously wasn't a robbery gone wrong
>he doesn't realize that the "shills" are just retarded users from Reddit
To be fair, they often quote Shareblue and there are likely Shareblue funded users posting on their themselves, as evidenced by:
And many other times Reddit users have quoted Shareblue in large political subreddits
probably sucking off hannity.
bunch of merchants
shills get the rope too
RiP Seth, I hope they find your killer.
He wasn't even robbed,
Hit man shot him in the back,
Seth did the right thing.
Swamp rats think they won,
They think they are "more equal"
Still pissed... Benghazi.