Holy shit. I don't know baout you but when Trump BTFO of the illuminati I won't be called crazy anymore.
Probably smoke and mirrors like everything else he says, but have a bump.
Nah Trump is truly taking down the cabal. It's happening all at once from Hollywood to Israel.
Gay mafia = Deep State = Intelligence agencies = Illuminati.
Nice set up pitch. Hopefully this thread bats .0000
It’s always the same
>suck jew dick and deny liberty
>”put in” jew dick sucker, bring up liberty
>dolan isn’t an antichrist he’s here to be like the Iran he says he hates
Kys fucking most degenrate whore bag we’ve ever seen. Inbred punk. You idiot puke.
You're a very angry Jew...what's wrong?
We'll see. If Trump were a woman, my blue balls would have put me in the ER by now...
Fuck off delete this shilly bullshit
Baiting for yours this hard with a dildo flag. If this isnt bait, why are gay people so angry all the time? What makes you lash out at straight men that couldnt give two shits about you fucking mens filthy asses?
Jesus Christ, at least 15 slide threads created in the last ten minutes. Fuck off kikeblue.
How am I a kike? This is literally Trump meeting with someone who got attacked by kikes.
as long as Trump isnt pushing the "based israel" meme then good for him
Maybe the "Illuminati" is not so infallible as many of us used to think. They are, after all, human beings. No, they do not have contact with Ayy lmao and no, they do not have contact with the fucking Devil himself. They're just a bunch of humans who if anything are weaker due to their own sick nature's. If anything they should be easy to destroy if we all put our heads together. There's no doubt in my mind that this so-called "Illuminati" is extremely nervous right now. That is an absolute fact.
As if we're going to get anything positive from faggets like yourself. Go back to Comet Ping Pong and rape some children and fuck off. We'll be back for you and your kind a little later.
Yup. They're actually going to try and pull off project bluebeam in order to convince the public we need a NWO because Las Vegas didn't work. But that isn't going to work either because Nazi's are returning from Antartica.
Flat Earth is a psy op to distract from thinking about what could be under us.
>Trump meets with Lockwood.
>Trump says Bibi is the biggest obstacle to peace.
>inb4 it was an accident
the self-loathing
what did they mean by this?
Trump is going to make Palestine a reality.
Awww James, calm down lil buddy. We’re coming for you. Sit tight. Xoxo
>why are gay people so angry all the time?
It's STDs attacking the brain.
Is that Jimmy Comet?
Actually it's Kuru Disease, they get it from ingesting semen and feces, and possibly some cannibalism goes on as well. When it came out they hushed it up and blamed it all on the cows.
>literally 'delet this'
He sounds super cereal guise
I read these communications in the past they aren't new (obviously) anyone got em?
The Jews are growing fearful.
It feels like we are close to bringing them down
Gays are so obsessed with sexually transmitted diseases and human feces ,I never understod exactly why
That's how ((they)) want you to feel , read Second Foundation by Issac Asimov
you know these rich kike pedophiles actually consume shit
and their slaves do as well
I hope there are further developments.
And so it begins.
Sup Forums vs the jews
REV 2 9
qrd on proj blue beam?
theyre gonna fake an alien invasion in order to create their one world government
watch the documentary "Unacknowledged"
its their final false flag. teh false flag of all false flags
Bill cooper warned us
stephen greer warned us
its gonna happen
alien invasion false flag
Please god, let Trump expose these fuckers
Sup Forums has done the unthinkable. made it possible to name the jew ((Weinstein))
shut it down
>why are gays so butt hurt all the time?
can you explain a bit more?>read Second Foundation by Issac Asimov
You guys have no idea what's coming.. :D
Did Mel start this?
when your manipulation is revealed for all to see make your opponent think they've destroyed you
Trump will reveal everything from the USS liberty to JFK to 9/11 and florida. Sandy hook too.
Getting sleepy lads...maybe we shut this down and look into it tomorrow? Maybe later?
Pretty tired
Source? How do you know this?
Yep. Time to finish what he started
Hard to deny it any longer. More and more the kikes and company are getting rattled. Its going down!
Carol Rosin warned us too.
wow boys its literally a brony cianigger, say "hi"
>kvetching this hard
Lamoing at ur lyfe
Its just about an organisation they found with some "wistleblowers" they want public funding and then they will develope blablabla.
Less than the disclosure project.
Why are you saying Sage? Fuck you. Bluebeam will fail
The Jews did this. Never forget.
Trump is signaling something.
Hell of a timeline.
Anyone know what Israel is trying to get out of us right now? Trump is showing his hand here
History always repeats itself
sauce on pic? can't find anything about trump meeting anyone from there
omg stop the presses Israel made a mistake fifty years ago how will joos ever recover???
im so wet
Faggot. Israel is not le based ally.
>tfw you get to live to see Hitler 2.0 (Trump)
He's on dangerous ground, the zionists will not let him expose them this easily. Hope he isn't assassinated before he can show the light.
Israel did 9/11. Israel killed JFK. Israel got us into Syria. israel got us into Iraq. Israel did Florida nightclub. Israel did Vegas.
This is cool. Probably just red meat to the base. But that is good because it means he is listening to us and won't just be a generic neocohen without getting anything in return.
Israel is gonna fall.
Israel has had years to gain the parasitic hold it has on us today. I hate to say it but it will take way more than this event to topple Israel. They have more than likely made contingency plans for the day when they might be exposed for what they've done to the US. What this is is a step away from Neo-conservatism, even if just a little.
If you assassinate Trump, he wins.
Holy fuck.
You got it brother. Storm's here. I feelz it in my bones I do.
>calm before the storm
I can't believe we're gonna see Israel get BTFO.
Just sowing confusion. Ignore.
>As if we're going to get anything positive from faggets like yourself.
>we're going to get positive from faggets
is this for real? it seems like almost everything posted on this god forsaken board is bullshit
its a song faggot.