WTF is wrong with Joe Rogans hands? Jews? Or did Jamie pull up a little more than just the link?

WTF is wrong with Joe Rogans hands? Jews? Or did Jamie pull up a little more than just the link?


I dont see how this is jew related
Can I learn^

Kek confirm it

>Be Joe Rogan
>Use massive amounts of steroids
>Smoke massive amounts of weed
>Inject massive amounts of synthetic testosterone
>”Holy fuck why is my body fucked up all of a sudden?”

and so does Joe Rogan. He mentions it often enough.

Is that not a jewish trait for hands to look like Joes?

Go ahead. Tell me about the physically adverse effect of smoking marijuana.

bjj mats get bleached

There are no adverse effects of inhaling burning ash into your lungs 4 times a day for 20 years. Absolutely none. Go back to sleep, leaf. Justin loves you.

Joe is more jewed than most so it's probably jew related.

We almost agree on every part but I dont think Justin loves me.


just like your dubbs. ZERO

When you punch stuff as your main workout, your hands start to look weird.

As a leaf, your only purpose in life is to mindlessly regurgitate Canadian government propaganda. So please remember that Justin loves you, and please mindlessly repeat that in the same manner that leafs always mindlessly repeat GoC propaganda. It’s the Canadian Way.

Probably, judging by the numbers.

Plus he keep saying how he trains with no gloves and pads are for pussies. Hes a big supporter of removing protection from fight has he says: it only leads to more concussion and brain damage and hes right. Youd get knocked out cold way faster gloveless and the fighter would also be more careful about their punch, since they dont want a broken hand.

sounds like a big strong leaf stole your gf m8

>strong leaf

(you) lost me

He's talked about it on his podcast from what I remember.

you both need a burger, how long have not have a burger?

Good boy. Let Justin unscrew your head, fill it with propaganda, and then let it dribble out of your mouth over the next day or two. Remember that Justin loves you and never question the CBC. That’s a big strong leaf.

>Use massive amounts of steroids
>Inject massive amounts of synthetic testosterone

oh, Im sorry whos been pushing liberal agenda globally for the last thirty years with their jewllywood shit and pop songs and sitcoms? das rite, the unlimited reach of the glorious American arm of globalist agenda. Don't get cocky because Trump finally took pity on you and decide he won't let the ship he float on sink, you're responsible for third wave feminist, transgender hysteria, gay marriage, black live matter and antifa, we, the rest of the world are constantly cleaning up your r typed messed you gullible leeches.

"One of my ancestors fucked a chimp" - Joe Rogan 2017

Brain damage. Smelling like piss. Etc

It also makes ur mum horny and succ my cocc

>It also makes ur mum horny and succ my cocc

leaf immigrant/jew anno 2k17

t. fanboy

show your real flag faggot

nah, joe says lots of stupid shit, plus he clearly has the integrity of a drunken harlot, quickly switching sides depending on his guest, truly disgusting, but when someone says something that makes sense then I agree with them.

gloves are for pussies.

>show your nose jew

oh nvm youre a terrorist lol

youre probably just mad because they blew up the tunnel that was sneaking in all the dragon dildos kek


Its hard to say what is causing that but when the GRIDS you caught from a 38 year old twink you affectionately call "young" starts eroding your immune system all sorts of bugs will start eroding your body.

Turns you into a piece of shit.