Why do Americans think that rassling makes them good at fighting on the street?
All it does it show you enjoy writhing around on the floor with other men.
Why do Americans think that rassling makes them good at fighting on the street?
All it does it show you enjoy writhing around on the floor with other men.
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You're retarded. Go eat crayons.
>meme flag
>sage and hide
Because it makes you good at street fighting, sage.
t. Homosexuals
wrestlefags are the worst. yes you COULD beat me in a fight when I don't have my taser on me. but you wont.
>good at street fighting
>I am a gorilla please rape my face in prison
You'd think monkey's would be better at wrestling, them being able to swing from trees and all
t. Iranian
Ben Shapiro is God and if you disagree with his logic then you probably stick to your gas attendant job.
Totally straight guys :^)
It's pretty simple really--unless someone gets knocked out quickly, most fights go to the ground; wrestling/grappling prepare you for such situations.
i know it's really fucking gay
I've punched loads of niggers and I never took a sport. Sports are for nigger lovers.
Those slams tho, cuh!
>being launched 5ft up in air
>finna hit pavement, head first
>not just gravity, but rassler's force too
>tfw you go visit cracked skull city
This is way more effective than strikes.... and utterly terrifying.
What the fuck are you talking about? Wrestling doesn't employ that, you're thinking about Judo
Real fighting
100% of fights end up on the ground in 30 seconds or less.
Wrassling is the best weapon in that situation.
Takedowns and slams are part of wrestling. Just that competitive wrestling is all about dominant positions. They can manipulate your body like a ragdoll.
Also, please recycle sweetie, thanx :•]
Das Rite!
>Being weak enough to be taken to the ground
Americans really are pathetic creatures
Firm and floppy fuck stick or goopy bean hole. Pick one
Wrassle'd for 10 years until I graduated. It's not the one and only style of fighting you should learn. Striking is important but if you manage to take down an untrained opponent it's all over for them. The best MMA fighters have wrasslin in their skillset because it's essential to fighting.
nigs can't wrestle confirmed. You're superior strikers, there's no doubt, but if you get taken down it's lights out
>wrestling doesn't employ throws
usually by now someone mentions Krav maga in these threads
pic related
throws =/= slams
Subscribing to the toxic, oversexualized thought process of kike Freud really skews the world. This is degenerative thinking where everything is somehow linked to sexuality and perversion.
I remember seeing this tiny black kid throwing lightning fast punches. And talking to his friends about how he won't fight fat kids because "fat people tend to grab a lot"
Rassling is probably the best thing for the street along woth boxing when it comes to hand to hand.
Nigger at least had the sense to pick his fights.
Realistically, if you are legitimately concerned about self-defense, you need to study something that deals with an armed attacker.
But if we are going to ignore those cases and shitpost about bar fights and so on, then wrestling is absolutely excellent in a fight.
Specifically, Greco or judo are king here. Throws throws throws. The faster someone is on the ground, the faster you can fuck their shit up (if the throw didn't already fuck their shit up).
Striking, mainly boxing but perhaps kicking if you are actually skilled, would be second place.
Submission and floor-based arts are useful, but rarely are you going to get to the point where you are choking someone (I am assuming both parties are coming at each other standing up with the full desire to hurt one another).
>street fighting
Why would you fo that? Isn’t that why we carry guns? Waste of time and energy
Most fights end up in grappling.
you should see russia, they bang their kids head on the wall and its considered normal
Every fight that goes on for long enough ends up in a grapple.
Back in high school all the punk ass white boys ever did was wrestle. Us blacks and beaners were into boxing and better strikers.
Saw a white boy fight a beaner and the beaner was clocking him left and right. The white boy then tried to take him to the ground. Whiteboy ended up with a knee to his head.
You know how you know wrestling works?
>real fighters use it
wrestlers destroyed stand up guys in the dawn of ufc with double legs and hammerfists. only thing that could stop it was bjj, but once wrestlers got to know bjj, wrestling was the most solid base in ufc
One of the most drilled moves in wrestling is a suplex, there is few things that end a street fight more than getting suplexed onto your head.
Because white man can control their sacral centre. Fighting doesn't stimulate the groin unless they are a pervert like Sigmund Freud.
There is only the tiniest layer of plastic between you and 9 inches of natural beef salami. Everybody can see them. The only jew shit are these terms, to begin with. Embrace your universal bisexuality
Kek. Weak little bitch needs a gun bc he can’t defend himself with his bare hands.
Nice bate
>entire niches of easily accessible videos are inaccessible
The best part is, it doesn’t even need to be staged. Wrestle. Get an erection. Go shower with 95 naked men. Get a disgustingly huge boner. Shit happens
Nothing like making Americans get riled up over their homosexual sports ;^)
Use your home flag when making Sup Forums threads
Are you retarded? Wrestling is somewhat popular in America at the collegiate level but it is huge in the Middle East and Russia and they churn out tons of Olympic level wrestlers.
Fuck off autist
It doesn't matter. Your skull is still slamming concrete full force. A wrestler could hip toss some scrub just as easily as a judoka.
cool fable bro, here's what actually happens
Wrestling is one of the least popular sports in the US. Our wrestling room was literally a tool shed converted to mat flooring.
Kinda wondering why you are specifically addressing the US as it is way more popular in Eastern Europe and the middle east than it is here.
blm flag making themselves look stupid as usual
Op here, started the thread to see how many idiot Americans would take the quite obvious bait.
You did not disappoint.
>Writhing on the floor with other men
No, breaking them.
Personally I prefer ju jitsu because you learn striking and blocking as well as wrestling but just practising greco roman puts you well ahead of most chimp niggers in a street fight.
My guess is that he joined the wrestling team, the workouts were too hard and then he got his ass handed to him every day until he quit. No reason a grown man would make a thread like this, OP is an insecure high school kid.
Ground game is instrumental in any one one fight. Hell even 5 on 5 if you watch the street fighting leagues in russia and poland. A boxer alone has a weakness . A wresltler alone the same. Put the two together and you have a human weapon.
People should learn Jew Jitsu and Jewdo
How about Krav Maga, the ultra cool Israeli martial art that is founded on cheap shots, ripping people's ears off, jabbing their eyes out and kicking them in the nuts. Its a testament to Jewish physical inferiority.
Calm down dude. It was obvious, you're untactful as fuck dude... If anyone was baited it was you, you revealed your flag you attention whore. 0/10
Ever think we just want to talk about wrestling and your unsubtle shitpost was just a jumping off point. mcKill yourself
I bet you were that one kid who didn't shower after PE because he thought it was gay to see a winky.
I won't use Freudian psychology on you to try and diagnose your homophobia, quite literally a FEAR of the gay in your case but I do think you have doubts with your own masculinity, sexuality and life in general.
I suggest start lifting, fix your diet and go out once in a while. Or keep festering in your own mental anguish, fronting as a homophobe as a means to conceal your own latent desires for man-meat.
>REEEEEEE I'm definitely not angry
that post was about as eloquent as your OP come to america so I can wrestle you big boy
the most important thing it teaches you about real fighting is not getting taken down
I don't have the sufficient license to leave my home yank, sorry.
You'll have to find another burly man to rub up against.
Wrestling is by far the most practical fighting style if you are fighting with single opponent. Punching people with proper boxing technique will break your finger and anything involving kicking above opponents knees will likely make you trip.
t. faggot.
Yep - even faggots moderately trained in Jiu Jitsu can take thugs down 1 on 1. Nobody expects to be grabbed and turned into a pretzel.
You have to admit it works a lot of core muscles. A friend of mine who wrestled in highschool told me it works your entire body. And burns a shitload of calories.
>Muh cheap shots
Nah it's very masculine. But it is just simple Ju Jitsu for soldiers that need quick cqc training.
Why aren't there any good White American boxers?
Wtf dude. Be logical. How does that make a lick of sense? Were you bangin chicks in junior high in the showers? Why not? I mean. Thats weird. But, “it’s not”. You know? If i wanted to i’d fight but i play other sports and ive only witnessed that which I speak about. I dont go and do it. So crucify me. What do you want? Stop trying so hard to delete everything about men or dick or competing with eachother. That’s what a man loves to do. Dick measuring. Thats MY opinions. I hated the guys who never forgot to take a towel. Why wouldn’t I? You make no sense. You project onto me. I’d probably win in a physical bout with you too. Homophobia? Lay off it for five seconds
stfu tard. Most fights end up on the ground, and the wrestler will take you for a 'saturday night ride' at the end. Or sum brazilian jujistu guy will twist ur arm like a pretzel. Just bc u too bitch ass to learn to fight dont be callin men who can whoop yo ass some gay larp.
>Be white
>Know Father
>Wrestle with Father as a child
>Whites are better wrestlers
t. Retard
>with other men
women wrestle too
>beating boys
kill me
Says the brit whose best fighting skill is throwing noon tea at ppl. go back to jerking ahmed after crumpets fag
What a cunning retort. Did your special ed teacher help you with that one?
mixed gender wrestling is awkward as fuck.
just a fag trying to make real man sink to their level of gayness. oldest sport in the face of the earth. You should try talking some shit in front of them, you would be using a wheelchair for the rest of your life. this coming from a BJJ guy (myself) who willl Effortlessly make you chew your own teeth.
I can't believe how many retards are continuing to wade in swinging their dicks despite the fact I've already admitted this is a bait thread.
Truly wonderful.
fuck yo grandiloquent verbage dawg. if my old teachers saw ur posts theyd say u'd be too pussy to throw iced tea. i guess u dropping the pants is the best defense at that point
Usually niggers dislike wrestling, because they can't wrestle. Their arms are too long and their torsos are too thin. A weak race they are.
Wrestling is how humans fight naturally.
Niggers tend to fight like apes by swinging their arms at each other and jumping backwards.
>hiding your country behind a meme flag
u ain't baiting shit. the replies owned you on how important wrestling is, and u bitch out saying 'lol guys im trollin u'. uh huh of course says the brit who won't even slap others with a glove these days
>make bait thread
>gets tired of baited responses
t. Buttblasted yank
Did someone hurt your feelings about your gay as fuck sport?
Who's tired? I'm just enjoying the fact that Americans can't read.
>be senior
>wrestle freshmen boys
>every instagram post is a headlock or spladle
>muh gunsss
Kek you fucktard, I can smell the mayonnaise stains on your XXXL t-shirt which you've stretched over your fat belly
lol my feelings dont get hurt dawg. the soccer team was called foot fairies. it all good. i like knowing i can fight in all phases, including clinch/ground. must suck to be you bro walking around watching out for rape gangs with only a napkin on you to dry your tears as they buttblast u.
All of that must be very good. It's a shame you can't form proper sentences/or spell though isn't it. Must be all those blows to the head/crayons up the nose.
No, I am quite adept at vocabulary. I'm just changing up my style and delivery, a concept that eludes you. In regard to the head blows, I know how to bob, weave, and keep positioning. Alas though, to think a skinny cuck would know what I mean is a lost cause I'm afraid...
*Tips fedora*
You are clearly an excellent boxer by knowing those 3 very well known boxing terms.
It's easy to watch a YT video of it and jerk it, but it's quite another feat to actually successfully implement those motions. It takes years of practice, not just watching the Rocky series. I forgot though that punching is illegal in the UK. Muh bad.
You irl
alright man this thread's done, and we're just 2 trolls going back and forth baiting each other lol. gg later
Because 95% of fights end up on the ground you stupid fucking nigger!
Not quite, a new challenger appears