Is there any redeemable qualities about communism in the USSR, NK, Cuba, etc?
I mean even if you disagree with fascism overall, there are still lots that you probably do agree with like ending central banking and shit.
Is there any redeemable qualities about communism in the USSR, NK, Cuba, etc?
I mean even if you disagree with fascism overall, there are still lots that you probably do agree with like ending central banking and shit.
planned economy worked to rapidly buildup industry, but obviously failed in the long run
no it's pure evil
The aesthetic is nice
custom OC I felt in need of a share here
communism isn't fascism goy. communism dips authoritarian to enforce the unexisting equality for the gentiles.
Not anything I can think of, really. I suppose the military parades are neat.
USSR and NK at least were/are somewhat nationalistic, but that's the only good thing I can think of. Oh, and the USSR was actually worried about Central Asian mongrels replacing ethnic Russians, and as a result tried to curb the mudshit birthrate with some moderate success.
I am pretty sure he is pro fascism and that was what he was referring to. (How I perceived it anyway.)
The USSR and Cuba achieved a lot of growth in living standards before things stagnated. Some old or middle aged people in the former USSR bloc actually prefer the old days since unemployment was virtually nonexistent, homelessness was uncommon (though houses were small), and life was modest but simple, and people's circumstances were stable as long as they didn't call Brezhnev a fat drug addled faggot.
Dragon man has one of these nazi officer belt buckle pistols in his collection, its pretty cool
Good STEM jobs, hardly any crime, women awarded for having kids.
What's not to like?
The guy in the pic is racist you know. Compare his German section and Japanese section.
USSR's leadership included "Central Asian mongrels".
Brezhnev was Ukrainian.
How? Industry that was built never went anywhere, ownership only changed.
Lack of food. Secret police taking Mommy and Daddy away because they bought bread to feed their family off of the Black market.
>gommie butthurt by the truth
Reminder Stalin purposefully settled Central Asia with slavs, and even after his death these communities remained. The Russians only began to pack up and head home after the USSR fell.. why do you think Natbols are a thing?
Don't like commie aesthetics. I do like fashy aesthetics.
I didn't have the two confused, but they're both authoritarian.
I'm libertarian, but Hitler was right about a lot of things.
>What's not to like?
Starvation, no social mobility, dissent punishable by gulag... Shit like that.
BTW, this is racist. Where are the jews? *They're all gone*
Marx's vision had an urban bias so naturally urban centers benefited more so than rural areas and attempts to industrialize agriculture faced resistance from traditional farmsteads and created conditions for low morale in the agricultural sector. That's not to say collectives can't work, given smaller pilot programs and the experiences of those in places like Nicaragua after the overthrow of the Somoza regime.
I more agree to the subversive nature of Communism and what it could mean as we move ahead into a future where capital overtakes labor but I think past experiences haven't exactly been the best models. Even then, those "models" never arrived to Marx's ultimate ideal society in which the state eventually dissolved into worker collectives.
To that end, Marx was right in his observations but pretty shit when it came to the conclusion. My opinion on the matter is more nuanced and I don't necessarily believe for example we ought to get rid of central banking per say. In the context of the United States, the Fed Reserve is given some weird duel role as the regulator of the US dollar and promoting economic growth. In reality, the US ought to have a Department of Development, or something to that effect. But I digress.
i meant that planned economy is shit in the long run, not the industries