To the few remaining oldfags:
Look at what we've done. Sometimes it's easy to think, to imagine, that we were merely spectators and shitposters, inconsequential to the turning tide. Perhaps that we were simply ahead of the curve. I have come to realise that is not the case, that we made the difference and pushed for this rebellion. The true oldfags of the internet, pushing people to ask questions about 9/11, getting people to open their eyes before Sup Forums even existed. Then Sup Forums gave us a place to group our efforts, and the memes began. First we influenced and popularised a new way of thinking, the means to independent thought, and when it became necessary we opened more and more eyes. We didn't reveal the truth, mostly that stays unknown, but we revealed something far more important - the lies. We exposed the hypocrisies of the left, fought against the misleading agendas of powers far greater than our own...
...and then we were overrun and scattered to the winds. Last year's election was just too important. Yet they have not defeated us. While the majority of the old guard have left to continue fighting the good fight unimpeded, some of us have stayed behind to help guide those who would come here. We stayed to help train the new generation, Generation Z, into the fine young men and women who will see a new age devoid of the corruption and degeneracy of current times.
To the veterans who still care about this place, who helped to keep this place from becoming completely controlled opposition:
I salute you.
To the few remaining oldfags:
>independent thought
Not since the white nationalists set up shop after the hal raid. The core of the narrative that people swallow whole here is just the same old zog conspiracies that I heard before the commercial internet even existed.
Independent thought is frowned upon here, and met with spam.
I get that you really want to feel like you're a part of something but you have to go outside for that.
nice blogpost faggot
true tho
t. oldfag
To the old guard. We salute you!
Stormfront propagandizing is, if not an outright fabrication, wildly exaggerated. WN is utterly suppressed and stigmatized absolutely everywhere - naturally it would spread like wildfire on the internet's clearinghouse for anonymous expression. Ultimately besides your leafhood you betray your normalfaggotry by your typical social shaming insult non-argument at the end of your post, so you should probably kys.
Been here for 11 years. I'll always be here to educate newfags in our ways and call out shills. Proselytizing the Church of user is my duty, and my pleasure.
Who cares true oldfags don't ask for recognition you faggot
It's been fun. Hopefully this newest wave of post election newfags doesn't put an end to it.
I'm gonna be 37. Do I qualify as an oldfag yet?
Also, I'm still waiting for my membership patch to come in the mail. kthxbai.
This is the true power of the United Goyim.
Good one!
I came here post election but mainly just lurk. Trump-posting and Awoo-posting is fun and all, but even I can see the immense amount of influence this anonymous message board has, and will have, over the course of our history. Whether or not it's reported on at all. One day I hope to be a bitter old newfag, sucking dicks into oblivion like OP, watching the tide turn and the seas subside over the sea of what we knew we couldn't control, but tried to anyways. And I think you guys did a pretty damn good job, and can only hope we can bring something as amazing to the table.
You know, if we can stop shitting around about muh white nationalism and stop focusing on obvious strawmen like Dicky Spency.
Yuri Bezmenov: "It will take at least 15 years to reverse the ideological subversion by training a new generation of nationalists"
Sup Forums: "Hold my beer, watch this!"
Isn't Sup Forums 14? I don't think all of it can be placed specifically on Sup Forums
>thinking the internet is serious business
It's all about the lulz, newfag. If you expect anything more you're gonna have a bad time.
Pic related is severely outdated but most of them ring true to this day.
the printing press enabled a catholic church dominated culture to be overthrown with the reformation. the internet is allowing the jewish controlled world to be overthrown
Old Anonymous didn't give a fuck about politics. They gave a fuck about cat murderers.
Not your blog, faggot.
It was an honour and privilege user.
quit acting like you are some sort of fucking savior faggot. go blogpost somewhere else.
nice wall of text
fuck off newfag cancer
Posting relevant infograph about how reddit changed the world
what about us in real life ? with ourself ?
Reddit is for fags.
now learn about the knife room
Some days it feels like the only people left here are Stormfronters and Larping Fascist Leftists; both sides slinging shit and fighting over the corpse of something that was once more than the sum of its parts
Fuck you! Fuck all of you calling others normies and newfags! This site use to be an awesome house of weeb and cp. Then you fucking normies came in and took over with the memes and edgy faces of death shit.
Thank you oldfag, we'll make you proud with our memes, we even memed a man into office against all odds. I even wonder what the next generation will do.
>This site use to be an awesome
I want you to kill yourself.
Fight back you whiny faggot!
We're the most relevant we've ever been!
If we break anything here; we're gonna get government protections; FOR LIFE!
Hell, we could probably even get 'deputized' as the Troll Division of some 3-letter organization.
American, of course. ;)
Now GO!
>Can't read a text that is longer then a tweet
>Posts on a board about politics
>Calls others newfag
fuck off newfag
Who would want to read a wall of text by a T_D autist?
should be in the rules
I only read 1/3 of it as well, but not because it's a wall of text, just because it's shit.
As a fellow oldfag, I salute you. From Sup Forums to /i/ to Sup Forums, very few of us have stuck around.
It has been a wild ride and I can't wait for the next true happening.
When will we black fax Soros? When will we Chanology the Fed? When will we LulzSec the alphabet soups? When will we Occupy both the DNC and RNC? What will the next Meme War be fought over?
What /x/ topic will we next finally convince Sup Forums to be truth?
-t. guy that's been here since before the Eternal Summer
>Moralfag gen z post
You little niggers were our joke that you took autistically seriously. You're no different then the moralizing chanology fags.
Sup Forums was a containment board like /mlp/. A desperate measure after moot fucked up and pollinated the rest of the boards with /news/ shitposting. We were parodying the most retarded edgy shit we could think of, and you didn't get the joke. We mocked feminists not because of some moralfag ideology, but because they were easy lolcows. The same reason we fucked with anyone.
We converted the corrupted lols into a force to be reckoned with and one which has a purpose.
Nobody cares anymore if we meant to or not