How do we feel about Kurdistan?

How do we feel about Kurdistan?
Who are the Kurds?
What do they want?
I know nothing of the situation, help me out Sup Forums
Pic unrelated

I nearly joined the Lions of Rojava in 2015 with a group of about 30 other veterans from Iraq/ Afghanistan...stay away. They are terrorists. Not only did they seem like they really did not like working with US vets that much (was conserned we were spooks and that isis was run by cia niggers) they have an every man for himself policy when withdrawing: another volunteer had his rifle taken and was given a pistol with just 5 bullets when he was injured too badly to carry. They also short dick every canable in the congo...go figure: a bunch of feminist muslim communists are despized by both Sunni and Shiite alike. I cut ties when my POC said they didn't need men for Syria, but suggested I link up with one of their "brothers" in the know, the dick noses blowing up civilian busses in Turkey. Fuck the YPG, fuck the Kurds, Saddam did nothing wrong

>How do we feel about Kurdistan?
I prefer Wheyistan

>Who are the Kurds?
a dangerously cheesy subspecies of semite

>What do they want?
local economic dominance

>I know nothing of the situation, help me out Sup Forums
tl;dr: poison gas

The Kurds are Communist Muslims and Israel loves them.

Is there any sources or news articles for further research? I try to look things up but all I found are "muh oppression" and sympathy towards them.

more cute cats please.

I was in contact with them for nearly a year, most info on the net is a lie. Ask me anything

why the hell are they in league with satana

ANTIFA? Because they are both communists. They also are racist as fuck, hate ethnic arabs and did nothing while daesh (isis) raped their arab neibours for nearly 2 years before getting involved only when daesh came after the kurds

What exactly is their ideology?
Why to people consider them "oppressed"?
I'm not disputing points given from this thread as I know nothing on the subject, but if Israel loves them and they have so much support from msm why hasn't the international community recognize them as a sovereign country? (Other than the fact they stole the land)


>How do I feel about Kurds....

Same as Sam Kinison did.

All those kittens will soon be having the shittens.

>What is feline lactose intolerance?

My POC sent me an official Lions of Rojava ideology book, kind of read like it was written by a 19 year old polisci student bunch of neo marxism mixed with 2nd wave feminism (not 3rd) and I guess a bit of ethno nationalism, but just in the sense that they want a kurdish state, still very much communist

They aren't really oppressed, Kurds basically were nomads who have no claim to the terretory they currently occupy. Mimi al Laham on Facebook (Syria Girl) does a better job of explaining this, but basically they are wandering jipseys who piss off everybody with their blasphemous version of islam (even the shiites think they are apostates). They have been pissing off Iraqis since Saddams rule (hense why he gassed the rats) and they to this day say they will take mosul and several other large oil producing parts of Iraq into their new country (hint: not gonna happen)


Even if they are very much influenced by Marxism, they are pro western and actually appreciate America's intervention. History shows that only Communism can suppress Islamists.

Not my kittens, not my problem.

Thank you for the info, it is greatly appreciated in a world full of lies and deception, my friend.

>How do we feel...

This isn't fucking Reddit. Research the Kurds yourself, you lazy fuck.

>"muh oppression"
Should be enough to tell you they're commies, because all commies ever do is complain about being oppressed.

Kurds are a pretty cool guy eh stands up to sandnigger regimes and doesn't afraid of communism.

>they are pro western and actually appreciate America's intervention
No retard, they are pro America's intervention. Only in the sense that we bomb their enemies, not some shared ideological value system.

>Not oppressed
Who built the oilfields in Iraq? Certainly not the Sunnis or Shiites.

I don't think we're going to get very much truth out of ANYONE on this issue. I do see the Kurds as a very productive people, BUT this issue is all a part of Israel's plan to destabilize the Middle East.

Nothing kills human drive and creativity like socialism/communism, just wait they will not last Kurdistan, if it ever becoems a thing, will be Liberia tier shit

I dont know. Thats the cutest kitty!

I'm glad I can bring at least a little happiness into someone's life. Im happy you enjoyed it, user

Kurds are inbred hillbillies who sometimes LARP as commies but are mostly backwards ass cunts living the same tribal culture they had 80000 years ago