Which political or philosophical person has had the biggest impact on you?
Which political or philosophical person has had the biggest impact on you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jordan Peterson
Ayn Rand
Donald Trump
Yup, Mr P for me, just started reading Plato too
Does Carl Benjamin count? kek
Shadilay, my brother!
None because subscribing to the ideology of some dead faggots is for cucks. Anyone who claims to have had their life changed by reading the words of some skeletal frenchie or greek is weak willed.
people who like foreigners are faggots
>Steven crowder
>rebel media
Robert Spencer, the owner of Jihadwatch. Also reading the Koran.
Next comes Trump. Because following the campaign opened my eyes to everything else.
>None because subscribing to the ideology of some dead faggots is for cucks. Anyone who claims to have had their life changed
>Which political or philosophical person has had the biggest impact on you?
> person has had the biggest impact
Milos english
Neil Strauss
Ayn Rand
MFW fact checking The Game red pilled me at 17.
May Kek sleep with you!
Probably Jared Taylor.
My HS history teacher was absolutely redpilled.
Other than that would be my main man Jesus H Christ.
>literally babby's first purple pill
He's fine as long as you don't get stuck there, you've got aways to go yet.
Same man. He told the class that the victors write history so you cant believe anything. Also referred to people in news media as talking heads. He would play us segments of CNN that he recorded the night before and would press pause and explain how and why they are lying and introduced the concept of the narrative to us. They fired him. Wish I could find him and shake his hand. Redpilled at 15. Pretty impressive feat.
Nietzsche, Trump, Hitler
Each for different reasons
This, but by the time I finish Aristotle, that might change
I had a Japanese Elvis impersonator teach my sophomore English class. He put us in groups for a project that was worth half our grades. After making sure stupid lazy faggots and nogs were evenly dispersed he informed us that individual effort didn't matter and that our grades would be equal based on final product. After the few like myself who did all the work for those who did nothing and got and earned them good grades confronted him about unfair it was and he said " Congratulations you've managed to recognize the truth about communism". It was weird but it did redpill me quite a bit
And a faggot
Hillary - but negatively
Really? I thought he was just acting Canadian.
Seriosly? KYS faggot!
I've liked the writings of Marcus Aurelius and Plato since I was a kid, but if I had to choose an e-celeb I only like Molymeme and The Golden One.
Exactly the same here
Looking up to a beta male that needs steroids to feel like a man. Sad!
What a contribution from a wise and clearly well-read user. I will treasure your words and next time this thread comes along, you will be named as the biggest impact on me.
Looks comfy. I need to try that.
Is that the porno where she grows to be like 500 feet tall?
Nietzsche and shunryu suzuki. The concept of the ubermensch more closely resembles a bodhisattva than most realize.
Alain Soral
Epicures, Charles Darwin, Stephen Hawkings and Immanuel Kant. All you need to know on life, the universe, humanity and everything.
Jesus, Hitler, Goebbels and Gaddafi
>it was for a play
>this was his excuse
Source of porn?
Did you guys not have fathers and uncles and grandfathers? That is probably my main influence, but as for philosophical namefags probably thoreau, Thomas Jefferson, Jack Kerouac, Michel Houllebecq
Yeah trump also put balloons on his chest to mimic tits, I guess he is a closet tranny too
epictetus, aurelius, viktor frankl, thomas sowell, nassim taleb, mr money mustache
Marcus Aurelius, Niccolo Machiavelli and Immanuel Kant.
Immanuel Kant
Seems legit. When I saw this pic might not have been a photoshop i thought to myself
>This is probably for a play
The guy is super into fairytales and literary patterns so the fact that hes into the theater isnt that suprising.
go and be a plumber but be a good one
Underage b&
why'd the pic get deleted? it was fucking hilarious
Nietzsche and Machiavelli
Hurts SJW jannies feelings.
Post that pic again