Can anyone provide a legitimate fact based argument on why the minimum wage should not be raised to 15$? Why should company executives have millions of dollars in take home pay whilst front line workers struggle to get by on minimum wage? It is simply unfair. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing quickly and we must close it sooner rather than later.
Can anyone provide a legitimate fact based argument on why the minimum wage should not be raised to 15$...
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large corporations will be able to afford it, and will probably increase the cost of their services
small businesses are already operating on razor thin margins and will be plowed under
Why not raise it to $30/hr?
Bring in legislation to prevent corporations from inflating their prices.
Provide tax breaks to legitimate small businesses.
The poos have to go
Do you even have enough money to provide $15 for 1200 millions of Indians? i think not.
Because I don't want any of the people in your picture to have enough to eat.
Yo I'm tired of these people saying "It's not fair" "he has more money than me." Of course, the CEO of a company should 100% make more money than a cashier.
I believe in raising the minimum wage because it's absurd to make barely anymore and expect to get by on it. However, a CEO or head of a company is entitled to their wage because they have a high ranking position. They worked for it.
So whoever the tards are spouting shit about how the economy is messed up because there are people in the world with millions of dollars, learn to fucking count. Like honestly, no one is stealing your money and hiding it in a vault so you, the cashier, can't have it.
Says the guy with indoor plumbing, Internet and a grocery store 10 km away while he uses an iPhone made in China by a guy that makes 50 cents a day.
Do I get a raise if I already make 15?
It fucks everyone making 15-20 an hour.
At best your gonna get a dollar raise.
Everyone demanding $15 isn't worth half of that in the open labor market
> proof
just look at the picture
Because MINIMUM WAGE does not follow cost of priducts/services in a linear graph.
Also, you ameritards should probably increase it to $20 or so considering your wages have been flat while production growth has increased since the 70s.
Should also mention your unions are abysmal which means you can't fairly negotiate prices, which is why you're getting buttfucked hard by corporate overlords. This is why you now need government to step in and set a minimum wage which is also a living wage.
don't you icy assholes pay somewhere i the vicinity of 70% in taxes?
kill all shitskins they are demons
You're the one making the claim, you have to provide evidence
I own a small restaurant in Florida, and I pay $15 an hour at least to everyone. It's the only way to get decent people. If I pay minimum wage they don't show up, or they steal. Minimum wage gets you the minimum a person can do.
>minimum wage is raised to fifteen dollars
>all local and small businesses die out, entrepreneurship almost impossible unless already very rich
>everyone must work for a megacorp or the government
wow really makes me think user
Minimum wage laws were actually used to keep black people from getting jobs created in the booming economy in the 1920s that had been in the north in the 1930s with the Davis-Bacon Act. They were used during the Apartheid era to put black people on an equal playing field to make an excuse to hire more white workers. Canadacucks set minimum wage laws in 1925 to stop Japanese workers from becoming prosperous. Progressives were even contemplating using minimum wage laws to undermine working Chinese immigrants early in the 20th century.
That might explain why the unemployment rate for the black youth is high.
This... why not raise it to $100 per hour? If someone who supports the fight for $15 says "bc that's ridiculous", they have admitted the laws of economics do exist and you have won the argument
why not $30/hr? why not $300/hr?
They already have those in place for the most part, it's still a tough market.
The cost to buy service food will go up. The cost of living goes up. Rent goes up. Less jobs. Less benefits. Less raises and promotions. Factories move to a cheaper state or out of the country. The hollowing out of the inner cities happens as a result. Having to hire foreign workers to replace the missing educated workers at lower costs. (I.E. your picture). Unions start demanding more and more causing businesses to go bankrupt. The poor get more poor because regressive tax hurts them the most. $15 minimun wage basically equates to more money to the federal government and state income tax. Just because you are making more money doesn't mean you can buy more with it today. Everything costs 10 times as much than it did 50 years ago. Basically Detroit.
former restaurant owner here. you're a liar or a retard or both. they steal period no matter how much you pay. you don't pay servers $15/hr.
> It is simply unfair.
Life is unfair. "Fairness" has nothing to do with morality. The business owner put up the capital, caries 100% of the risk, and you voluntarily agreed to your pay rate. To suggest you're being exploited is patently false, and only proves you have no marketable skills and want other people to finance your bad decisions.
Seek Jesus and fix your life instead of demanding others fix it for you.
The A B S O L U T E S T A T E of Cucknada. Are there any white people left in that frozen shithole?
Automation is the "enemy". Raise the minimum wage to $15 and most of those jobs go away, replaced by machines.
Why not set the Maximum wage at 300k a year and be done with it?
All it does is raise the poverty line due to inflation. there is 0 net benefit to anyone.
There's not a linear relationship between minimum wage and cost of products/services.
Just pile on regulations over regulations over regulations
It's not like that has given birth to the corrupt democracy that we have now or anything
Many minimum wage earners already make more than 15 an hour, if you count the food stamps and other entitlements they quallify for.
As a cost accountant, this is hilarious. What do you think a company will do when their labor cost increases? I'd actually like to see what you think happens.
Here is a Canadian study:
Also, $15 is arbitrary. Why not $20? $30? $50/hr? If you can recognise why those pay rates might be problematic for corporations big and small, it's the same on a slightly smaller scale at $15/hr.
And guess who loses the most when minimum wage goes up? Low to Low-middle class people.
It is part of the conditioning. The more you support higher pay, paid leave, benefits, health insurance, bigger unions, etc, etc the worse it becomes.
>front line
Because working the cash register at a McDonald's isn't warfare.
Automation happens. It's going to happen anyway, but this makes it happen more quickly.
>What is a self service kiosk? What are online ordering apps?
Right. And I want those factories making automation here in the states and not in China.
Why not $150?
All of this is just bullshit designed to lower the purchasing power of the dollar so (((they))) can keep people as Neosharecroppers. If you support 15 an hour you support what amounts to slavery.
Because you only do $8 worth of work you Taco Bell nigger.
>leaf every time
Automation leading to unemployment in jobs that can be automated is one result. What does the company do to make up for the jobs that cannot be automated?
Start a business, become an employer, it'll teach you why minimum wage is bad.
because pic related probably paid their employees cash and never reported them to avoid taxes
Because the employer at minimum wage is already paying close to 15 an hour considering his obligated matching costs....You put minimum at 15 an hour and that's costing an employer semi-skilled labor money..My buddy owns a cabinet shop and charges 75 dollar flat rate per hour in his calculations without material or any other considerations including complexity of project and that's just for himself and doesn't include his profit..
The CEO of McDonalds makes $15.4 million per year to run 36,899 restaurants.
That works out to $8.02 per store per week.
CEO pay is a very small cost in comparison to direct labor.
When you force a raise in minimum wage, that does not increase the sales in the stores, which means they don't magically get extra money to spend on the increased labor.
Instead, they have to CUT hours. Which means that the employees wind up making the same amount of money per week, but now they have to work twice as hard to make up for so many fewer employees.
Because I worked hard to become a tradesman to justify getting $25 an hour at minimum and taco bell employees suddenly get a $6 bump for doing nothing. Fuck you Im wiring every house to burn from now on.
Did this have any positive impact in Seattle? Whose average income is nearly $19k Canadian higher than Toronto's, and the average house price is still slightly lower when adjusted, with lower taxes?
Our cost of living has room to go up, even though it's painful already. The average age of detached homeowners in the western GTA is huge, I think north of 60 now. This is going to force retirees to sell, and be taxed, and give new buyers the opportunity to be taxed, and force those barely hanging on to try to make a go of it in one of the shittier cities like Windsor or London or, God help you, Sudbury.
This is Soviet-style resettlement. Appropriate for a country whose most prosperous CMA is our bureaucratic capital, which comes in ahead of our resource boomtowns.
It's already 12 in leafy land 15 dollars won't make a difference
>Can anyone provide a legitimate fact based argument on why the minimum wage should not be raised to 15$?
Do you want a technological jump that makes most of them jobs obsolete? Minimum wage jobs are minimum skill. A robot can do minimal skill job. A McDonalds could be fully staffed by 2 employees and possibly a "technician"....Hell, most Fast Food restaraunts could get away with some automation. Id feel aweful when I visit a McDonald once a year to see my costs go up just to support a bunch of minimum skill idiots. Hopefully they get the automation in quickly.
t: Some guy who's job cannot be outsourced or automated
The minium wage should be upped with inflation. Just like every wage and salary.
The best way to help low income earners is to not tax the first 20k people earn
lol, someone call the cops.....
It'll also teach you how hard it is to make a living without a boss caring for you and providing you with a job.
Very good argument. Leftists don't understand that you needs income to pay employees and that you can't just magically pay them money you don't have.
>but the owner is making so much more money
If he wouldn't make more money, he would go for a regular job himself and your job wouldn't even exist in the first place.
>but people are creative and want to create new business because they are passionate
So why don't you create your own business and pay yourself and your employees more money?
I'm just going to leave this here.
It fucks over everyone who has been making that much money in the first place. Why can't people live within their means? You can survive on minimum wage as long as you budget properly and work at least 40 to 44 hrs a week.
you raise the minimum wage, you raise the prices. in the end, nothing changes to the poor
>The best way to help low income earners is to not tax the first 20k people earn
I would agree with this, but 20k is arbitrary. It should be based on some % of GDP/capita or something that helps represent the buying power of the currency you are talking about.
>The minimum wage should be upped with inflation. Just like every wage and salary.
The minimum wage should be abolished, as it is a price floor that fucks up an entire market.
Raise it to a billion and I say we will all become billionaires
Does this mean the people earning $15 an hour now should get paid more? Should I get a pay rise of $40 an hour to $50?
Your system of gimmedats will end in ruin
Increased unemployment. Subsidizing automation. Crushes small business. Prices people who need those jobs out of the market. There are some employees that I can't afford to pay more than minimum because they literally don't produce enough. Now they can be jobless.
>However, a CEO or head of a company is entitled to their wage because they have a high ranking position. They worked for it.
Yessss! YESSS!!!! Excellent goy!
> not doing that anyway because it's only Chinese buying houses they can't afford
Oh the ironing.
Its too easy to hurt wire jackets. Prove it in court it wasnt a manufacturers error.
as a result skilled labor rates will go up, along with prices and then its like nothing happened.
Why $15?
Don't get me wrong, sounds like a great number. But where did they get $15 from? Why not $14, or $16? Did $15 sound good and they just went with it?
> People can't live on less than $15 an hour
False. People all over this country could live on less than $15 an hour. People all over this country do. Just because big cities are too expensive for you to live on $15 an hour doesn't mean that this is the 'livable wage' everywhere else. Making a national minimum wage makes 0 sense because people who have a $80,000 house don't need to make more than $10 an hour to rent/own that house.
> Raising the minimum wage helps Shawniqua feed her baby
Who packs Shawniqua's baby food? Who watches Shawniqua's baby when she's at the golden arches on a 10 hour shift? why, a wage earner who also makes $15 an hour, except she watches 4 kids instead of 1 at a time. The reality is that higher wages raise cost of living for everyone. This is a regressive tax which hits the poor the hardest and the rich the least
> It stimulates the economy!
Imagine if you took a 1 dollar bill.
Now pass a law that states that all 1 dollar bills are 10 dollar bills, and that nothing can be transacted with anything smaller than a 10 dollar bill.
Do you imagine that everything that cost a dollar before this law will be worth $1 or $10?
> It creates jobs magically!
Robots will replace you.
instead of increasing the federal minimum wage
create city/district minimum wages based on CPI for that city
and make the min wage greater then poverty level
>Did $15 sound good and they just went with it?
yes. that and they believe that $15 will be worth $15 when every other job wage increases as a result of the price increases that result from the $15/h. in reality when the economy unfucks itself and readjusts $15/h will be back down to being worth that 7.75 or whatever useless faggots at mcdicks make. unemployment and automation are the result of minimum wage.
le 20% face
If we unloaded the 40+ million illegals we have here we could pay $15 an hour and still have money to help with health care
I'm sure the bureaucratic clusterfuck that is the government will do a great job of adjusting that properly. They have proven to be extremely efficient in the past. Look how well the DMV runs.
Yes because price fixing usually works out great and doesn't lead to rationing.
>Shitters demanding 15 bucks minimum wage
And then they wonder why this happens
>They worked for it
Yes Goyim and the Pharaoh built the pyramids
no u guys r retarded
it's what the wage that make sense in bernie's state
>At best your gonna get a dollar raise.
You aint gonna get that. LOL.
Your skill required job @ $15-20/hour better think about competition from no-skill jobs. I would leave a $18 dollar/hour job to go work for "minimum" wage at $15. I can survive a drive through window at rush hour.
>Should also mention your unions are abysmal which means you can't fairly negotiate prices,
My union hall is great. I make almost $40/hour + medical + dental + vision + annuity + pension + vacation fund. Skilled labor is where it is at. No robot can do my job, and until they make a human-analog no robot scares me. >without a boss caring for you and providing you with a job.
I don't know what kind of economy you got there, but here in USA we don't give a fuck about how our boss treats us (unless we are total faggots). We show up to work, we do our job, and we go home. If you are worried about your feelings or your bosses, you are too weak to even pretend to have a job.
>Now they can be jobless.
There is nothing wrong with understanding economic viability. There is nothing wrong with seeking higher skilled workers.
>And then they wonder why this happens
Exactly. I love it. You can't hurt a touch screen's feeling. They will be better than an employee who cries and wants to kill themselves.
>comparing employees to pharaohs
you are seriously fucked up. just because someone is better of than you, doesn't mean he's a slave master
>minimum wage should not be raised to 15$?
implying ((Company)) gonna hire them
((Company)) Like already had counter tactic called "independent contractor"
They gonna fire all of you minimum wage fag
And Shout down traditional employment system
Jesus christ fuck your counter eugenics programs you mad fags.
>All states have same cost of living
texas literally already does this with property values
because it needs to be able to calculate property tax, its main source of income
no, it's really not a clusterfuck, the city tells you your property is worth X, you can challenge it, but it's a pain in the ass
example 2:
the city says the job needs X wage, company could waste a bunch of time challenging it, while other businesses actually pay the new min wage; they end up with a shortage of labor, business has no choice
I keep hearing this but it's bullshit.
Just think, even on a small personal scale. Your rent right now is $800 and you're having trouble scraping by to pay it on minimum wage? Suddenly minimum wage shoots up to $15 an hour and your landlord knows you're making at least 15 * 160 (four 40 hour weeks a month) why the fuck would they not raise the rent? Not only that, but now more people around you are making more money, which means more competition for your place. Someone will approach your landlord and say "hey I can pay a thousand a month" and bam, you get kicked out on your ass.
Not only that, but companies will raise their prices to offset the minimum wage increase. How could they not?! You really think companies are just going to eat that cost and go "well ok, fair is fair!"
didnt say bernie's logic is sound
just stupid you idiots dont understand why they put forward $15/hr
same thing goes for his plans regarding student loans/tuition
every candidate always puts forward policies that put their state as the highest priority
>uh oh i'm losing an argument
>better start to scream "jew" over and over again lol
>Can anyone provide a legitimate fact based argument on why the minimum wage should not be raised to 15$?
Because we don't need it.
i'm so much better of since i realized that socialism is completely evil. i critized socialism even when i was on welfare, because i knew i have to face reality, even if i'd "hurt myself".
if i wouldn't have had stopped my victim mentality i would still live on welfare.
you could argue that welfare helped me to survive, sure it did. but i was thankful for welfare and i didn't believe i deserved more or that i'd deserve it AT ALL.
that's why capitalists freak out. the kind of demanding mentality some poor people have and the total lack of appreciation.
some people also argue that being on welfare comes at cost of privacy and being a slave to the government ("they can force you into any job").
still better than living on the streets, eating from trash and freezing to death in winter (especially in germany).
The Texas government does not change property values.
>The same minimum wage in NYC should be applied to the whole country!
I've tried this. They'll just say "we'll get there." Or "that's the next fight"
Because it does nothing to curb the root of the problem, glut of unskilled labor and immigration. There's a reason why all your shit is cheap retard.
Alright champ, if you make $7.25 per hour, working 40 hour weeks, 52 weeks a year, that comes out to $15080 before any taxes get taken out. You tell me how to live off less than $15,000 a year, please go ahead.
Why shouldn't it be $1,000,000,000,000 an hour?
Legit question.
>We need to raise the minimum wage!
>Refugees welcome! #OpenBorders
How retarded do you have to be to argue for both of these?
I heard they pay even more in Zimbabwe, you should check in there