*sips tea*
*sips tea*
The first American chimp out?
Why did they throw all that tea way?
What do they teach you burgers in History class?
You guys took away all taxes except the one on tea but we were still pissed off beca use we liked tea and you all didnt give us direct representation.
They destroyed British property though not their own. Niggers are fucking retarded.
>Destroying your enemy's top import
>Same as destroying your community
That it was for the eternal anglo putting a cap in the ass of Crispus Attuks.
All that proves is that the "heroes" of the Rebellion were the same kind of mongrelized, destructive cretins that persist til today because we were founded by crooks and Whigs.
Because the 18th century equivalent of Al Sharpton got misguided intellectuals and literal criminals to fight a war against the greatest government yet seen in history so they could taste a little power and cash from smuggling themselves.
After they threw tea overboard they cleaned up the entire ship and shook hands with the captain's. No one was hurt.
See the difference?
those were indians that did that
It was because the crown made us buy tea strictly from the East India Company and taxed us on it on top of that.
weak bait
Yeah, who wants to pay a 2 cent tax to the legitimate King who was fighting a war on our behalf? Fukkin big gummint
Those were indians
It also started a war. I don't think that's a road leftists want to go down.
>2 cents
That's like a years wages in 1776 money
1773 : white people insanely taxed, chimp out
Every single year: black people not given enough gibs, chimp out in a flash
Better to be part of New France man.
desu regular British citizens were taxed way higher and they had to live in Britain
damn sucked to be them
Britain continually raised taxes on American colonialists over and over again
Stamp Act, Tea act, Paper tax, others im forgetting the name of etc.
You were taxing paper, ink, glass, all sorts of textiles, of course tea.
the Liberty Boys led by Sam Adams were pissed cause the Tea tax was a bullshit "hey we are getting rid of those other taxes haha but also heres a tea tax cause fuck you" and they'd had enough.
1773: Destroyed property relevant to the protest at hand
2017: Chimp out and destroy/rob random phones, cars, Starbucks glass windows, convenience stores, strategically assault people with bike locks then fade into anonymous crowd
except niggers aren't protesting anything tangible, just their idea of whats happening.
Fuck kings, limies get fucked
Maybe they should have left
Or also revolt...oh wait they did and last like ten years before the Monarchy came back
apparently, they didn't dump enough tea into the harbor if you're still sipping it
Britains heavy-handed lording over the colonies was mostly the reason anyway. We wanted to have our own elected officials and own laws and Britain kept sending over hoighty toighty limey cunts to rule over us so we said fuck it
critically underrated
yes i too remember in 1773 when they burnt down shops in boston to gain the support of shop owners
>nog can't understand what advancing your society means
That's why they stay in their mud huts or their ghetto equivalent.
[current year] regressive
“Stop burning down s– we need in our community,” Ms. Smithsaid in her extended remarks. “Take that s– to the suburbs. Burn they s– down. We need our s–. We need our weaves. I don’t wear it. But we need it.”
CNN + edit: Ms.Smith was "calling for peace"
I'll never understand this. Why didn't the Americlaps just steal the tea, instead of destroying it. It would have had the same outcome, except they also would have had some delicious tea to take home. Mmmm...tea.
Stealing would make us criminals. A guy was caught stealing so he was stripped naked and forced to walk home in the buck.
The American Revolution was a Extraordinary thing.
This. Stop blaming us for native crime.
Threw overtaxed expensive tea overboard that was priced way beyond market forces as well. Actually paid for the locks and reimbursed damages for the ships the next day. When have niggers ever reimburse anyone before?
Always judge history by today's morals
Might want to check a history book bro.
Glad to see the lesser races finally admitting they're 200+ years behind white-imposed law and sensibility.
If your enemies top "import" is revenue from taxes and business licensing, then destroying the community would make sense. Then again i doubt nigs have that much forethought.
I was literally just about to type this.
Fucking this
Wow how gay
Who are you referencing?
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