He is coming, prepare yourselves

They dont have much time left, they know he is coming. He is not a god, he is not the (((anti-christ))) he is just a man. He cannot be bargained with or bribed for he is just. The wicked fear the truly just. They cannot hide from him. He is coming.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for interest...

Trips of truth

I'll bite. Who are you talking about? How about some details instead of using typical larp cryptic shit

O shit! What's his name!


I can feel it in every bone in my body. The Happening we know is coming is too big to be anything we have seen in the news. It is the Happening we have been waiting for for over 2000 years.

the antichrist is a jew and he is ging to start a satanic world government.



If he denies Jesus he is an antichrist. If he denies Jesus and is revealed after the rapture of the Church, he is The Antichrist.

Escape the wrath to come. Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He is mighty to save and will return with fire and sword to depose the man of sin.

He is a failed artist who slept on park benches

this man is european, he is what all semites fear, you will all witness him soon, pray you are not one of the wicked he is coming for

A e s t h e t i c s


this. however, we shouldnt jump to conclusions. the degenerate sewer society has become is the same as it was when rome was on its last legs. look at the artifacts. faggotry, pedo, feminism and worse was accepted and encouraged but rome fell and gave rise to europe. its the cyclical engine of history and soon the world will enter a dark age and something great will happen after

The Anti Christ is from Czech Republic.

you will be praying to every god ever named if you are one of the ones he is coming for, he is a man and he is coming

Describe this man. By who's authority does he dispense justice?

Biblical prophecy is cyclical in type. I think human history follows that cyclical pattern too. Whether we are near the end, or not, I'm with Jesus.


I'm coming

Listen here, the Antichrist is already here and has been here for a while now, it is merely the JEW as an entity. the PUNISHMENT comes by the laws of Nature, but if Nature fails to correct this spiritual despotism, the Paraclete comes to punish the wicked.

I'm divin in I'm going deep
In over my head I want to be
Caught in rush lost in the flow
It's only Jesus I want to blow

he is not the (((anti-christ))) nor any religious figure, he is a man, no authority nor person will stand in his way, he cannot be bargained with, he cannot be swayed, he is coming for them and they know he is coming

>all this larp

He said a European

when? im getting really impatient for the omega-happening


me too. but i wouldn say jesus is coming back just yet. the world has seen far worse. the degeneracy of today is not yet bad enough to be worse than the last days of rome or the plagues of the middle ages




if that were true id be in heaven with jesus and discussing history with hitler right now.

>He returns
>removes half of Sup Forums from the West for being non-European
Take one for the team, bros.

And the world will see far worse. The last 3.5 years of the 7 year "70th week of Daniel" are designated as the Great Tribulation - I think that's when the greatest degeneracy, disasters, and suffering will be unleashed on the Earth.

>nazi estorericism
fuck off you fucking larper retard

any other clues as to who this man is?

hes Jooish, hes antichristian, leftist, multiculturalist, he will be loved for being so damn (((tolerant))). leftist tolerance is a facade to demonize christians

If he is as you say, it's only because God allows him C:

I'm still coming
>longest orgasm yet

His name is.... Ryan

I cum quicker than Catalan independence:(

He was in Denver visiting church after church supposedly. Lots and lots of people have seen him. He looks like an average guy but has a presence and and intensity like nothing else. Its very unnerving.

Or so I've heard...

We're all gonna make it boyos- wont be long now...


Looking forward to seeing my Sup Forums brothers in Christ in the clouds.

yes. hitler is there too. cant wait for that. i will then know the truth about everything

If you're talking about a "second hitler" being an incarnation of Kalki or whatever then that should make you as blasphemer, at least in my opinion. Because apart from fighting a shit tier ideology Hitler killed millions upon millions of Europeans and wanted to subjugate eastern Slavs and have them live as subhumans compared to their lavish colonies the nazis were supposed to make because eastern Slavs were viewed as second class citizens, and killing people living a peasant lifestyle who from the Christian viewpoint probably sinned much less than the little grey men in uniforms who were otherwise known as the occupants isn't something that is a "righteous" act in a supposedly just and righteous crusade tier war against bolshevism in my opinion. Why did the soldiers of righteousness rape an estimated 10 million women in eastern europe?

It doesn't seem right to me that Slavic peasants like I said who were probably more innocent before before God should have become a "dalit" slave class of people who were deemed inferior. Is that what Kalki would do? Do you also know what the Swastika represents? Or the soviet symbol of the 5 pointed star and hammer and sickle? Get educated before you announce your wishful thinking.

5+ years ago IO had several "dreams" where I was in a oarangish-reddish dust haze in a desert rocky landscape. I saw many men of middle eastern descent all, oblivious of each other's existence, all facing west, standing near each other. It made no sense to me

The second dream similar to this, the "haze" was even more intense, as if it was ready to ignite. Again, I had no clue my screwed-up subconscious was telling me.

The final and 3rd dream I saw the haze again, except it quickly instantly exploded into a white hot explosion, like a star going super nova. Again, I was like "WTF brain, what are you larping at me".

In all 3 dreams, I was atop a vertical cliff, laying down on my stomach, barely aware of the situation, with the devil himself, laughing happily. No sound could be heard in all of these

Lately, my brains crazy dream larps have been about individual fighting like martial arts, in downtown cities, with one of the 2 having small black feathered wings like decoration of their street clothes. As soon as they spot me, the black winged individual immediately stops fighing (facing me), and walks to the right (i assume the east) trying to act nonchalant. There have been many dreams like this.

I assume now, that the flash dream was a prediction of a world crisis that could erupt suddenly( like war)

1 or 2 dream larps you think they were crazy arse dreams.... but what you think when you have dreams the 12th, 13th, 14th... time that come true?

i hope not. this world sucks. imagine life where we can share our knowledge and skill with the greatest men who ever lived and not have them used for evil thanks to christ

How do we know he's in heaven? I don't mean to be antagonistic, just want to be sure that we agree on what salvation is based on.

Long it was yearned for!

He will bring the great palingenesis

The fire is rising

The ice will break

and the righful king will mount his throne

we have a job to do, you are currently in queue.

Kalki the destroyer of wickedness will show no mercy. Only the Hindus got it wrong, he will not be born in India, he will be European.

Sounds like the antichrist to me, mane.

How will we know when (((he))) is here?

>the dutchman cometh

If jesus and hitler came back as the same person I will buy God a beer.


And if he doesn't deny Jesus?

Why did the Crusaders rape women of all religions during the Crusades, including nuns? Why did they sack Constantinople, Christianity's bastion against Islam? Lots of shit goes wrong in war. Don't forgive it, but don't assume that criminality can be separated from an awful lot of heroic figures.

Then he is not the antichrist. Confessing Jesus is Lord is the testimony of a saved person, not a 'man of sin' which is one of the titles of the antichrist.

the belief that jesus christ died for your sins and will give you eternal life. thats it.

im already here, nigger. and so are the rest of you, man up.

maybe it's of me mahbe?

You people are truly autistic

European is really stretching it, but ok.

hes not a he at all!!

fuck off

we try our best ... in one area of focus!

might be a tranny

Jesus Christ is a kike on stick and anyone claiming to be the seoncd coming of Jesus is a fucking retard LARPer.

Amen. I honestly hope Hitler was a saved man. I also hope that Che Guevera, Joseph Stalin, George Soros, Anita Sarkesen, and so many others (that I consider my enemies) are saved too. Eternity in hell is horror beyond compression. Utterly alone, isolated from God and all that is good, tormented by flames, hunger, thirst and myriads of other horrors for all eternity. Real talk, that is not a fate I wish on a single person.

Who is he coming for? Jews? Commies? Deviants? Who will he spare?

Kalki's fire spares no corner of the world user

the antichrist wants to destroy christianity, morality and innocence. if youre a flaming faggot or a commie youll be fine

Well, I'm neither. So be it. Better to die once a man, than a thousand times a coward.

the west is in it's weakest point in 2000 years, we stand up to defend it or we let it die in our arms.

If you think the anti-christ will be just you should reread Revelations.

Mother OF GOD!!!!!!!!!

We stand today or fall tomorrow.

he was a devout christian. the reason texts liek tabletalk exists is the same reason nobody knows about the real holocaust where 20 million christians died. (((they))) hate us and want us dead. himmler was a witchcraft practician so he wont be there. but hitler, goebbels and most of the 3rd reich will. imagine how great it will be to live among them under the loving care of jesus christ

Did all of you idiots miss this?

This is legendary get tier.

Aaaand heeeere we go

I follow him on twitter

I'm ready.

The final avatar, the manifestation of Woden on earth, the successor to Hitler's legacy was predicted to have been born in the 1990s somewhere in Britain.

It is said that Hitler led the chase, and his successor would lead the hunt and finish what he started.

Gets are dumb. I'm still waiting for LARPing OP to identify this guy so I can check him out for myself.

pic related

He is lurking in this thread as you read this message

The golden age is upon us. The end of the Kali Yuga is nigh.

me 2. i would rather get killed for believing in christ than renounce him like a pussy

100% brother. Besides, there's far worse reasons to die, and we're all going to anyways.

Jesus Christ is a kike on a stick. ANyone who thinks they are the second coming of christ is a retard and a LARPer

When you stab the devil in the back, he doesn't think it's personal, revenge is justice to him.

Nice divide and conquer tactic, Jew.

accuse the other side of what you are guilty

Something big is happening this week.

Blue Beam False Flag.


Just to you maybe, but you might be a aids infested faggot.

It's me