>Mozilla, maker of Firefox, has awarded $100,000 USD to fund the email for RiseUp.net. The email service used by Antifa -- a domestic terrorist organization within the United States. Multiple attempts to get a statement from Mozilla & RiseUp -- for over half a week -- have been met with total silence.
Mozilla gives $100k to fund Antifa
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh look, (((free software))) exposing themselves as communist plots once again, what a surprise.
Shut the fuck up you nazi retard.
>fuck capitalism
>please give us money
>t. antifa domestic terrorist
you don't know what that word means
Money is not capital though. Capital is a way in which money is used to exploit the work of other people through ownership. There was no capitalism in the medieval ages and in reality not before the French revolution either, but there was both money and employment.
Marx considered capitalism more advanced than anything else, but that it has some inbuilt excesses that inevetably will lead to communism according to marx. (he likely did not see that people are willing to live with pretty much monopolies and oligarchies as long as the government make "regulations"... He did not foresee that.)
Hello, Paul.
>tfw antifa is a decentralized collective
>tfw when someone is throwing money at a false flag
>tfw Sup Forums Sup Forums takes the bait
Stay in the loop, faggots. Antifa is no more an organization than Black Block, it's a collection of individuals with various opinions and platforms taking general action against certain entities with a spectrum of methods. That is to say that antifa as a group is non-existent.
Trump won cucks and he's anti free software, deal with it you fucking numales
That's not surprising.
Well, since current average Sup Forumstards are convinced that Sup Forums is their personnal army, it isn't surprising that they're that retarded.
I don't even know what Antifa is.
Are they good? Bad?
Too bad mozilla became too good since version 57. It also supposed to have CSD support on linux with native gtk buttons and colors etc in nearest releases, if not already in nightly(youtube.com
Bad. They're an Anarcho-Communist group that likes to damage property and beat people up for not agreeing with their shit. They're mostly in the U.S, but I imagine they might be elsewhere too.
Commies using also other email providers like ProtonMail, Tutanota or Mailfence.
Is there any real source? Not some YouTube celebrity?
Only the pussyshit antifa are in the US
they started out in europe though, at least they aren't all faggots
They're a spectrum, antifa is a decentralized movement. It's literally shorthand for anti-fascism, so take from that what you will. There are likely some constituents than have misinterpreted the credo and intention of the movement and are discrediting it. Likewise there are likely individuals and groups who have an interest in defacing the movement and have penetrated and are false-flagging under the guise of being constituents.
The purpose, though, is exclusively to destroy fascism, and has roots predating the Third Reich. I wouldn't trust either side to relate any defensible information given how inflamed both sides are.
kys commie
>The email service used by Antifa
what, that's it? better close down gmail, yahoo, outlook, protonmail, fucking everything used for online communication then
'Fascism' in 2017 being 'anyone with a differing opinion to mine'
It doesn't mention antifa anywhere, they're just left leaning like a lot of privacy oriented organizations. Newfags.
>the email service used by Antifa
What next? Is https the transfer protocol used by antifa?
ITT Op is mad he can't get a riseup email address
You can say the same about the word 'antifa' judging by the butthurt about this.
You need to get over your confirmation bias and actually read what the page says.
Mods need to do their fucking jobs more than once a day. Seriously
Hello, I'll be your helicopter pilot for today!
Goes for both sides really, everything is extremely polar right now. I don't think divisionism has ever existed as robustly as it does right now. It's strange how few people are legitimately moderate and those that are are immediately painted by both sides as an enemy. I don't know what to expect out of these next few political cycles but it's going to be interesting at the very least.
Not really. 'Fascist' and 'nazi' are thrown around a lot to describe anyone with even remotely conservative views but I don't see people who're self-confessed leftists being branded as 'Antifa' en masse. People who're actually affiliated with them usually wear it as a badge of pride openly
No, it really works both ways. Conservatives have an agenda against liberals and their ideals and vis a vis. The methodology of discrediting either party is going to vary slightly but overall the workings are the same. And let's not forget that a lot of White Supremes proudly carry their ideologies around with them too.
>Not really. 'communist' and 'antifa' are thrown around a lot to describe anyone with even remotely liberal views
I'll take a vanilla White Supreme, please.
I've seen people called commies more online and in real life than Nazis, antifa, fascist, etc.
>You may not engage in the following activities through the services provided by riseup.net:
>-Contributing to the abuse of others by distributing material where the production process created violence or sexual assault against persons
Your reading comprehension: 0
>broadening to 'communist' so your argument fits better
Cool story guys, but the discussion was about being labelled 'Antifa'
I just clicked your link op. Fuck you and fuck Bryan Lunduke.
I've never seen anyone who wasn't wearing a ski mask and/or breaking shit and/or assaulting people get called antifa.
Welfare queen, NEET, commie, millennial, BLM, antifa, punk, drain on society. Anything that can reduce the clout of a movement/party by degrading its socioeconomic standing and falsely associating it with similarly leaning but not necessarily connected parties. Conversely the left tends to apply oppressor buzzwords to the right, discrediting their ethics and morality.
And both sides are right, just not to the extent that the words they're using imply.
They're all over Europe but the biggest antifa hive is fucking Germany.
Wait Lunduke is THIS based? New respect
The discussion is retarded.
Riseup is not the email provider for antifa anymore than gmail or yahoo is the email provider for pedos
Does that mean that Mozilla is or is not supporting groups with extreme views?
Hmmm. I can't imagine why.
>get called out
>double down
>try to weasel out with a false equivalence
They're not explicitly supporting shit, and even if they were they don't have the means to enforce other entities from abusing the service without violating their ToS for user monitoring. That is to say the provider could be used extensively by nazis, terrorists, or conspiracy nuts.
Good. Fuck the right
Go back to Sup Forums and take this shit thread with you. Your fallacious line of thought is chock full of illusory enemies and a discordinate view of reality. Both sides are at each others throats and your failure to acknowledge that is exactly why we have the problems we do today.
This constant divisionist bullshit is separating us from legitimate and impactful issues.
Fuck off.
"maybe if I use big words people will think I'm right"
I agree though, this isn't Sup Forums
>I heard ISIS has twitter accounts, why does twitter support terrorism?
>I heard pedophiles use Tor, why does Tor support pedophilia?
>I heard some ANTIFAs use email services of this project Mozilla just donated to, why does Mozilla support ANTIFA?
>I heard pepe is a hate symbol, why does reddit support national socialism?
Pick one faggot, just because most of the people attending to their shit are brainwashed idiots doesn't mean they're not organized, i don't exactly praise the guy but look at what crowder exposed, even their own people started to doubt their intentions
Artillery strike levels Mozilla HQ when? I want to be there to pick the survivors out of the rubble and send them to the gas chambers.
>REEEEEEEE why they don't answer my mails!!!!
>I'll show them
>I'll cause a MASSIVE political flamewar
>that'll make them respond!
>(please respond)
this. someone give lunduke a very large (You)
>meanwhile sweating ceos of every organisation worldwide remove lundukes mail adress from its spam filters
You fuck off cuck, this belongs here
>implying you would defend them if they gave the money to a group of nazis
>Sup Forums Sup Forums
Hey mods. Do your fucking job more than once a day you lazy sacks of wasted space. Fuck, these threads pop up at least three times a day and you let them get to, or close to, the bump limit before deleting them. Stop jerking off into your hot pockets
Get fucked numale, this is a technology thread
>Shit flinging, divisiveness, and fallacies are technology now
>B-but communism was supposed to win!
You know nothing, at all, about my political, economic, social, moral, or any other beliefs. You just proved the point I made in the post you responded to, you fucking moron
>Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression
That fragment sounds like something the EFF or FSF would do
So make everyone a favor STFU and Install Gentoo
Anti means against. Fa in this case stands for fascism.
So, for those who are pro-fascism, they are bad. This includes pretty much all of Sup Forums
>I've never seen anyone who wasn't wearing a ski mask and/or breaking shit and/or assaulting people get called antifa.
On a thread where such thing literally happened on the OP.
They're one of the best things to ever happen to fascism. Assaulting random white people in coffee shops is a convincing argument
I'm not defending shit, retard. Frankly I don't care, I don't pay Mozilla and where they invest their money is their prerogative. This is how the world works, if you don't like it boycott it but the reality of all of this is that it's a total nonissue.
You first shitlord. Sup Forums is a containment board built to hold idiots and topics that the rest of the site wanted gone, somewhere you evidently belong.
Thank you, based mods.
When was the last time you've seen a thread moved on this website?
Which board was this thread moved from?
now you fucked up
Bed time, nazi scum.
But riseup is a really good email service.
Sup Forums safespace
>Sup Forums is a containment board
Nigga, don't nothin' stay on this board an you knows it
They are a bunch of splinter cells who have no central organizations.
They are controlled by the same kikes who control 'Isis' and are responsible for what happened in Vegas, which isn't staying there.
Antifa will suffer the same fate of feminism. Not enough people who are actually against fascism are going to agree with their rhetoric and ideals and are inherently going to be against Antifa because they're a ravenous, violent and unreasonable reaction to being unsuccessful cucks in a Capitalist society.
People don't identify with feminism for the same reason; it's a movement lead by misandrist, lonely, bitter whores with no real understanding of politics or basic logic.
Soros owns mozilla. Why is this a surprise?
>Antifa will suffer the same fate of feminism
I didn't notice feminism suffering any fates yet. If anything I'm only seeing more and more bullshit relating to it.
I never go to Sup Forums. Is it a board about who can stick the most dildos up their ass? This thread reads like it would come from such a place.
you can use the email service too retard
that's like saying people who donate to Sup Forums are right wing Sup Forums tards...
FUCK!!! i downloaded brave browser and the only thing stopping me from using it, its not supported by ccleaner. I hate how Firefox makes my pc slow.
not surprising.
mozilla has been pozzed for a long time now.
I hope people stop using it.
it's affecting judaism now so one or the other will have to go
Why is there no pepper flag?
You mean Sup Forums Technology.
Even if moz://a was literally killing nazis (which would be awesome), this thread would still belong on this shitty board and not on Sup Forums.
Politics != Technology.
Makes sense. The fired the Pres after it was found out he donated to some anti guy thing
Is it just me or does Firefox border on unusable now? I get massive lag and a lot of websites don't work properly on it anymore. Using opera most of the time now but I don't really like it.