why are we failing to acknowledge that this is what BASED really means?
Bitches And Sex Every Day.
Can you imagine the stank on his hang.low from all the huours?
why are we failing to acknowledge that this is what BASED really means?
Bitches And Sex Every Day.
Can you imagine the stank on his hang.low from all the huours?
Yeah, there's so much censorship on Sup Forums it's not even funny.
Sup Forums is the way it is because of heavy handed biased "moderation," not because of the people!
BASED Tarantino: I fucked this guy.
Not. Bet $1000 Harvey made T suck his cock.
>Bet $1000 Harvey made T suck his cock.
Made his girlfriend/wife do it and forced him to watch.
Lol wow and these stupid fuckin whores let it happen to get muh career stats. The absolute state of hollyjew
even better Harvey, even better sir.
But I'd one-up ya: I'd make T eat the creampie.
>stay quiet for decades and make millions
>come out with the news when it's trendy
Roasties gonna roast
Nice to see them come forward and admit their complicity in allowing Weinstein to continued abusing for a few more decades.
he's not really fucking these girls. just cornering them in the kitchen of his restaurant and jerking off to them into a houseplant.
Are you agreeing with me or are you fucking with me?
No, it's real. I've just had a thread of mine removed while shitter threads remain untouched
We need to talk about this and uncover more!
This. They were all too happy to suck n' blow when the paychecks were rolling in.
Now that their free meal is ended they're going to complain about the service.
>suck n' blow
I understand the suck part, that's obvious.
But what is the blow part?
We are talking about it now.
The Weinsteins of Sup Forums will not let us change anything though, they're too powerful!
Money and power can mask evil. Behind his infinite sins are thousands exactly like him. He is not alone in his transgressions. The elite must be purged.
I'm happy to see Hollywood crash and burn, but telling a chick you'll give her a role if she fucks you isn't against the law.
"Three women—among them Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans—told me that Weinstein RAPED them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal SEX. "
Fuck off. How do we even know most of this shit happened? You retards believe anything if more than 5 people say it and it's on the mainstream news. Stop being a retarded roastie enabler.
I have to say the ejaculating into a house plant is stuff of legend..It's a visual worthy of a movie..
what about facebook meme pages?
fake twitters to trend an ashtag?
Normies on the kekistan republic?
There are numerous groups we can post this.
Because the Jewish-owned Media is taking up the call and burying Weinstein when on any other day they'd be defending him and calling his accusers anti-semites.
The Jew does not turn on his own idly or cheaply. He always gains more than he loses in the transaction.
>He got to smash this ass
We are obviously doing something wrong here. Let's all become rich, so we can force hot women to look at our erect dicks.
>But what is the blow part?
Slang for taking drugs in exchange for sexual favors.
Its very likely true to some degree. Its Hollywood, everybody knows that sex is a very good career accelerator for young beautiful women. Its Film and Media in general. And of course drugs like hell.
I wouldn't want to abuse white women even if I was rich, because I'm not a soulless kike.
Because it wasn't just grown women. It extends to children and then they promote degeneracy to all of America.
Jews turn against their own all of the time. That doesn't mean this stuff took place.
Of course it is. I'm not denying the sex, but the rape and "harassment" stories coming out just sound ridiculous. It seems like a bunch of roasties want to cash in on moral gud gril points for crying wolf. I bet they all let him fuck their asses and enjoyed it.
>all the time
This isn't your everyday Nose competition.
This is the Elder Shekelgrabber of Hollywood that's being turned on like a wounded shark in a feeding frenzy. The entire media is snapping and clawing and biting and scratching for their tiny piece of his hide as a trophy.
This is a systematic destruction of a single man, a man that for decades has been literally the most influential man in Hollywood and pointman for so much propaganda.
To turn on and sacrifice such a man in a single night implies they gain more through his expenditure than they lose. We'd have never heard about it otherwise.
This is why white people lose wars.
>I gotta be fair to my enemies or they win
Shill. Be aware that they do this to men as well and little kids of both sexes. They are probably letting this out because they don't want the really disgusting stuff out
Also, you guys are being too naive. This isn't some ooohh hollywood exposed moment. This smells like an inside thing. Weinstein must have fucked up or is being used for something if the tribe wants him gone. These same celebrities coming out as "brave" and "tough" for revealing this stuff is only happening because they're ALLOWED TO. The MSM has these same celebrity dogs apologize 5 minutes after any comment they deem as inappropriate.
Weinstein might be a scumbag, but he's just one insignificant Jew in a world of Jews (Hollywood). If they didn't want this shit out there right now, it wouldn't be. Let me know when the Jews in Hollywood are all under a legitimate investigation. Otherwise, this is just another controlled narrative.
Yeah maybe to hide pedophilia
He's the sacrificial goat. They tossed him to the sharks so while everyone busy feeding on his corpse they have time to cover the serious shit.
But we can use this to show the world that jews control the media and name the jew
To be fair, most of the post on Sup Forums lately are shit posts done by trolls.
There's no more money and power for him to pay off / threaten off people anymore.
That's literally all it takes. He doesn't have the funding, he doesn't have the clout. We destroyed the magazine industry. We destroyed Old Media.
He can't control shit anymore. He can't pay things off anymore.
We, each in our own small way, we did this to him.
And it feels great
You're wrong. This is the result of 'Weinstein-types" trying to seduce a generation of feminist actresses who feel empowered enough to speak out. Most of what feminism has turned into has been bad and I hate the state of SJW /feminist/ as much as the next Sup Forumslock, but one good thing it didn't was create an army of stupid internet robot women who cling on to stories like this and will rocket her into fame and ruin Weinstein regardless of if he gets prosecuted or not.
That's just my 2cents. The bad side of this is, even outside the acting world, companies are afraid to have 1 on 1 conversations with women employees because they're afraid of false accusations. Male CEOs can't relax around woman and have a one on one talk in the office or close the door for a private meeting. Some companies have made policies of having a secretary sit in on all one on ones to prevent sexual harassment lawsuits.
Angelina has not aged well: she can no longer fuck her way into roles and she is bitter about it.
women are fucking cowards, it's the main reason why rapists are so fucking successful at getting away with it, it took for Weinstein to be fired before these two over-paid idiots mustered the courage to speak up. Jolie's career is over as an actor anyway and Gwyneth is almost over the hill (she still has her tits, at least)
Just gives you an idea about the power of the Jew
You will see scores of actresses accuse Harvey over the coming weeks. It is better PR to be seen as a victim than an apologist. A major male actor will role on Harvey next week even though he is guilty of the same behavior.
This is really old news. The whole 'casting couch' and that all actresses and most actors are complete whores has been known almost a century.
I mean, think Marilyn Monroe and Katherine Hepburn.
They pass out the "catalogs" of these "actors" to the Globalist for them to fuck. It's all whores and cocaine. That's why all the movies coming out of late suck.
This too is true.
And when a rich guy is accused decades after the fact of "rape", women do a monkey pile hoping to get a share of the loot.
Inb4 ben
It's actually funny, do they think this will make them look good?
Do you actually think for a second that anyone or going to think anything else but
>Fucking dirty whores
>Golddigger sluts
>Trading pussy for Fame and fortune
Lol, they "made it"!
Of course they fucked this guy
While you fucked him in the ass
They can smell Sacred Victim Status in the air. Intoxicating.
Of course op. But as mollymew would say, this is just a much needed scalp.
What if it's worse case and they put Anita jewkisian in his spot
Notice how nearly all the discussion on these actresses who 'did it' is how they did it for fame and fortune- focusing on the positives.
The shills don't want you to think about the horrible negatives that kike harvey could put in someone's life. This guy choked out a reporter at a party, then contacted every newspaper and magazine that might report it and told them that if they did, he'd never let them get a dollar of advertising from anyone affiliated with him, ever again.
And they caved.
You think he never did this to an actress who turned him down? Told everyone to ignore her, never publicize her ever again or anything she appears in?
Ever noticed how some people in Hollywood just seemed to vanish for no reason?
And that's not even considering the fact that he probably had people he could use to set people up with drugs in their cars, staged DUIs, etc.
>It's all whores and cocaine. That's why all the movies coming out of late suck.
That's why movies in the 80s rocked- higher quality blow.
Definitely a part of it
That's all OK with me, a deal's a deal. Although it's rough on the other actresses who don't spread 'em and don't get roles, but that's showbiz.
But now for them to come back, after making millions in showbiz, and complain that the guy was mean to them? Bitches, just bitches, no better than dogs.
Gwyneth with her silky smooth tight pussy
and Angelina with her roastie deluxe
Bullshit feminists don't care they only do as they are told or else every country isn't Western Europe Australia and North America would be targets. This is being done for a reason that has very very little to do with SJW bullshit. In the end they may put Someone in his place that is more hardcore SJW and quadruple down on stupidity. While it could be the Chinese wanting to push him out of the way. Lots of different reasons but none that have to do with actual justice that goes against everything Hollywood stands for.
And if she consents then, and afterward you don't give her the role, her consent is still legally valid.
So these sluts have zero to complain about. NY DA didn't charge him because there's nothing illegal there. Nothing I've heard anyway.
The Las Vegas massacre has virtually disappeared while everyone focuses on the rare occurrence of a producer trying to get laid
LMAO, both roastie washed up whores without men. TOP KEK
Yeah she looks horrible for her age she has to have a major drug and drinking problem to look as bad as she does
I am not aware of any allegations of jailbait sex by Weinstein.
Others yes, but not him as far as I know. These were all adults, and they were probably all consenting adults.
Saint Paddock the purifier of the Strip is too good to be mentioned in the same thread as (((Weinstein)))
They've been keeping it under political wraps for a while. Maybe a political enemy let it leak.
Once it's out there it cannot be slowed. All the actresses were forced to respond, the Obamas were forced to respond.
There's no win for Dems here, and Hollywood is permanently damaged by the proof that most of the A list bought their status by sex with Weinstein.
Why do you think he just ran to Europe?
Underage sex allegations are coming. Those are the ones that he covered over with much much more money, and darker threats if people went public. But his power is fading
And he can't get people 'car accidented' anymore.
Underage sex stories will come out in the next 14 days. Screencap this post.
Posting on proxy.
I have something for you all, I can not disclose too much because it deals with medical records.
why a brother threw his brother under a bus so publicly?
The brother has had a recent diagnosis of Stage 4.
He is going to Europe for radiological treatment not therapy, yes?
will he be deceased before ever seeing a day in court?
Make of this what you will.
Nah, "the Jew" isn't all powerful, not even Weinstein. Nothing beats the bitch imperative. Women complaining, from misogyny (i.e. nothingburger) on up.
Some woman felt the bitchiness outweighed her Jewish solidarity and started the fun. It exploded from there, unstoppable, because of the bitch imperative.
OK, maybe so, we'll see.
We're witnessing the beginning of the unraveling of the Jewish Mafia.
Pedo allegations don't exist let alone proof.
Rape is not when a woman agrees but then isn't happy afterward. That is not rape, not a crime at all.
>Pedo allegations don't exist
They will before Halloween.
Why would you throw your brother under the bus bc he had terminal cancer?
This is true, and it's better marketing to be a victim then a whore who defends him and sucks his dick for money.
You do know that that paper has been bought and run by a Beaner billionaire, right?
Why you think they were so Anti-Trump with all his tough Mexican stance, for example?
Time to start thinking past WASPs and kikes and start realizing there's new blood now.
Holy fuck, a turbo beaners owns essentially the most influential newspaper in the US, whowouddyythunkit.
Women are going to finally destroy the system of control through sex in Hollywood and politics.
WTF I love femanism now.
It is amusing to see their golem malfunction and do them harm
this isnt politics you queer. it deserves to be banned along with all you faggots unironically posting in them
Influential Newspaper
Pick one
It's always funny how this occurs. Women use sex and sex appeal to get to the top then when they're old and crusty and it no longer works they engage in scorched earth and kick the ladder down for any roasties hoping to rise like they did by sucking cock. Truly the most evil seeded creations on earth. Zero integrity
Harvey's a scumbag no doubt and the roastie ass bitches who fuck for fame are even lower.
And yet here we are making Taiwanese embroidery threads about it.
Owning NYT is immensely powerful especially now all the regional competition is gone and they are the news source for an entire nation.
All it takes is one trip down to the police station and an earnest effort to get him incarcerated. The allure of money is too sweet however. Anybody who went through this and took money and/or covered for money has zero integrity.
What I notice is that no one wants to talk about the zero integrity whores and roasties that use sex and sex appeal to rise to the top all across corporate America but have you hold no punches about the scumbag men fucking them. They're all trash that has zero integrity. The shills don't want you to focus on the women who are even less than these scumbag men.
>All it takes is one trip down to the police station and an earnest effort to get him incarcerated.
You really have no comprehension of the sort of power Harv had in his heyday, do you?
Those people existed. And they got DUIs, fatal car accidents, and overdoses. The police reports are gone, or never were even allowed to exist in the first place.
How do you forcibly perform oral sex? Can't they just move their flaps out of his face?
This user gets it. This is part of an across the board attempt to tarnish and slander institutions all across America. They've done so to football. They're going after hollywood now and there will be many more left. Everyone knows hollywood functions on scumbags and whores but a tight lip was kept until an all at once blitz of confusion and finger pointing. They're not after Harvey or the whores who compel and fuel him. They're after the institutions he and others represent.
Always take note of who goes untouched in these blitzes. Notice zero critique of the large number of whores and roasties who form this deplorable industry but the huge focus on the men who've grown accustomed to their facilitation of their base desires. Wiemar level kiking.
>It's all whores and cocaine. That's why all the movies coming out of late suck.
Actors generally play themselves. Movies are retarded because the actors are retarded, they are about partying and drinking because that's all they do.
Fucking Iron Man was a huge drug addict before he got that role, his eyes are still glazed over in every movie.
Too much E or Coke.
This really does explain why Hollywood is shit. It's driven by a society or drugs, sexual abuse and partying. They just assume that's what everyone else wants, and they sold it well.
>American institution
niggerball isn't an institution, you boomer cuck
back to /r9k/ with you, kissless virgin manlet
I want to see what they did to get their roles
True, in fact one could easily make the case that (((Harvey))) is the victim, if you truly know what women are like.
For example, the fat Jew kid all grown up can't believe all these beautiful shiskas throwing themselves at him for a part in a movie just because he and his brother were successful a few times with a half decent track record. No wonder the poor schmuck is high tailing it to Europe for sex therapy! Look what they did to him!
But now, these women still benefit from a positive social standing whereby they will always be seen as the poor lambs taken by an ebil fox.
Fuck you for being a degenerate kike pervert and fuck you for being a shallow dumb whore who opened your legs but failed to open your mouth to prevent this from happening to the next person. Fuck Hollywood for being afraid to speak out against one of their own but have no problem attacking President Trump.
We don't have to choose sides, we can torch them all. Hollywood leftists are the target, no survivors.
Very odd the amount of people defending Weinstein. I think there is a shill campaign in effect in which shills weaponize our woman hate. We hate Jews more than we hate women. And as I previously stated it will come out that children have been abused.