Gays did not do wrong. Why do you hate them? In ancient Greece, there were many gays and they contributed to the society.
Why do you hate Gays?
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A few good apples doesn't ripen a rotten tree
Ancient Europeans were gays. Gay subculture is a part of European culture.
Thats why greece rules the world now right?
I consider spreading aids and raping children to be wrong.
I hate FAGS
not GAYS
get it?
>raping children
Heteros rape girls
Enjoy the apples and ignore the tree. Put the good apples with all the other good apples and leave the rest of the tree. Fuck, man.
What is difference?
It gives me the creeps seeing 2 guys kiss and act feminine. It's really disturbing and brings auto anger. This is just to say that gay is a form of cringe.
I suppose something along the lines my son can bring home a gay as his boyfriend and have dinner with us, but if he brings home a fag I'm disowning him and never want to speak to him again.
What's there not to hate? Why do you love them? What did they do to deserve special treatment? Why do you want to promote their sick lifestyle?
What homosexuality is really about is dominating weak and spineless males. Chomo's prey on low ranking beta's for their sick fetishes.
There's literally nothing their lifestyle contributes to humanity. So, there's no reason to promote it, as the media is doing. You really have to question why these things are being promoted before you condemn anyone who criticizes this lifestyle.
The same difference as black men and niggers
Nice meme
Gay and faggot are same meaning, aren't they?
Not at the rates homosexuals rape boys. ~2% of the population is committing 2/3rds of the child rape.
Because they are usually overly emotional leftists. Also because they want to adopt, which will inevitably bring more niglets into our countries.
>In ancient Greece, there were many gays
Tired of this retarded fucking meme. In ancient greece, rich people fucked whoever they wanted and got away with it, just like every other society ever. Homosexuality was not widely practiced or condoned among the public.
Because just being able to be gay/have gay sex/marry other gays WASN'T ENOUGH.
They want it in everything. TV, classrooms, movies, books, magazines, INTERNET, everything. They want it completely normalized. They want ANAL SEX to be taught in sex-education. They want the 11-12 year old students to think that it's totally 100% normal to like to fuck, suck, and like ASS HOLES.
I could care less what other people do, but why the need for constant social engineering. Anal sex is not normal, and bears lots of health risks that normal sex doesn't.
Kids shouldn't be taught that garbage but its already happening.
Gay means light and happy. Faggots have the highest rate of STDs, drug addiction, mental issues, etc than any other group....hardly what I'd describe as light and happy.
There is a perfectly rational legitimate argument to be made for actively disfavoring non-procreative lifestyles for the purpose of strengthening a society and its culture.
What saddens me is that isn't what we get. What we get are kiss-less virgins who end up being man children that wont marry, dont even try for a gf, never breed, geek out on porn and sex robots, never get off the couch to say much about 1.2 million abortions in the US per year, are fine with birth control and mainstream hetero sodomy...
And then think they deserve man-points and moral praise for bitching about 3% of the population when their 97% wont breed to save themselves.
Even gays tend to avoid leftists, and even gay leftists wince at a lot of leftist ideas when confronted on race and trans.
Theres plenty to loath about leftists. But that isnt what you hear here. You just get dull banter about buttsex from social retards who cant get laid period.
Worse, the right is battling the topic on leftists premises. They cant even have the right arguments because they are already operating on idiotic notions like 'identity', gay genes and moronic notions of 'gay marriage'. Moreover, they dont even know how to argue for procreation because they arent sincerely interested in it themselves, so the whole discussion comes down to yapping "well, I dont like dicks so there".
I get the feeling this has happened in every century its been argued outside the church. The fact is that there are so many character flaws constantly at work in normal family oriented society that they wanna deflect from like broken homes, orphans and single moms that they have to yap about gays to feel morally valid at all, and have lost all credibility to do so.
fucking a guy is disrespectful to masculinity.
bros before hoes, but if they really loved each other, they would humiliate women
Nobody does. It’s all memeing. Men make friends with men with the full intention of discovering penis. You know it’s there. You dont come talking to me expecting vagina. I dont care what you do but two men is “something else”. You wanna bore me, then go talking about Maria.
Look, you have gays, and then there's fags. I'm perfectly fine with having gays as neighbors as long as they pay their taxes. When you see 2 gays in public, they act like any other couple, and I barely notice it's actually 2 guys. Goes to show it's just straight privilege. I'm poo boner blind to gays. Then there's fags . . they spread aids to society and skip straight to anal sex any chance they get. Fags suck any guy's cock and do it in public even. Fags spread their feminine accent on television throughout the country's family rooms and force everyone else to let them marry and have special access to bakery customer service. We can ship all fags back to Sweden for all I care.
I don't love gays
>why these things are being promoted
Because modern heteros do not murder innocent gays anymore
So by your math, you are asserting there are more raped boys than girls?
Or is it that the majority of the population are in fact the ones committing more of the rapes, and yet you have to narrow the focus down to the smallest population to make the raping majority seem moral by comparison.
The fact is that heterosexuals produce the majority of rapes because they have the most rapists. Physician, heal thyself.
This picture is probably one of the least degenerate pics of gays you can find.
It's quite touching actually.
Ancient greeks were not gay in the way we think of gay today.
The gay greeks, who were mostly the social elites or soldiers, would still take wives and have children. Being homosexual wasnt a concept.
Guys sucked each others dicks because they spent long periods of time away from women. But they knew the importance of marrying and having kids.
If gays today did that I wouldnt care as much. But no its about destroying society as much as possible.
>~2% of the population is committing 2/3rds of the child rape
>no proof
>Even gays tend to avoid leftists
Shut the fuck up, you god damned faggot. Every single one of you votes blue every year and you will continue to until the end of time. And it was your insufferable whining and "rights" movement which opened the door to post-modern sexual revolution and thus the end of western civilization.
Additionally, the fact that you don't breed is a non-issue. It's the fact that you spread toxic ideas among children and also literal physical pathogens among yourselves, and then expect the world to pay to keep you alive, and still treat you like you're something other than a hedonistic sack of filth and disease. Just the other day, the californian government just made it so that knowlingly exposing someone to HIV is no longer a felony. Disgusting, revolting creatures, attempting to pass pointless lust as "love".
Because they are sexual deviants that recruit children into their fold by teaching them 'consent' before raping them
I don't think about gays.
I don't give a shit what people do in private. I care about political and social ramifications of faggots and their bandwagon of freaks who commit 37 instances of public indecency every hour
>which will inevitably bring more niglets into our countries.
What's wrong with this?
This place is so satanic it isnt even funny. Wizards and ouija boards. Ribbit. You probably all run your own sex dungeons. Bye!
He's wrong about the 2/3rds figure, it actually "only" one third of child molestations which are same sex.
Marxists ruined the gay community by turning them into pozzed up pedophile degenerates.
Disease vectors.
Because if they obtain power and become majority, they'll be worse than homophobics.
Fuck them. They were still faggots. Stigmatized future generations. Thats why they were conquered. Goddam degenerates.
>in ancient Greece
Yeah, the Romans too... and they all loved sodomizing little kids too. What's your fucking point?
Fuck you CIA nigger. I'm a gay conservative. I knew Trump would win in Feb 2016. Go to hell
While I understand your frustration, this isn't true. I'm gay and I voted for Trump. Theres plenty of us who take one look at the Jew driven angry lesbian, pro-tranny, and shitskin infested side of the left and run screaming in the opposite direction. You can't even be a white gay male in leftie-land without being shat on anymore.
It's OK to be gay.
Just don't be a faggot about it.
Neuroscience has proven straight males have a "gay panic response" when shown male homo-love.
>one man is fine
>two men and truvada kills my memes so imma repeat em anyways. Completely fucking illiterate and ignorant. Blinded by pussy. Cuck. Larping kike
>drug addiction, mental issues
Smile has definitely faded in the pozzed fag
Nope. They love gay porn more than gays love vaginas. You call hetero porno gay
Always sex when it come to the deviant gays , the actually believe everyone else is just as much a deviant as they are
Fuck off child rapist
And guess what, the Greeks of that time don't exist anymore, why? Degeneracy like that.
Yeah and you have a bunch of stormfags here who think straights have a corner on morality and common sense.
>married old males to old bags are happy
Why are all male animals pretty and the females are brown? How can you choose to surround yourself with a female for your WHOLE LIFE? Even their voices are shit. Too many people think they are adam and eve. That’s NOT a good thing obviously. Muh excuses. Muh lies
Why is it okay to have gay pride? Good job you like sucking dick or eating pussy why should that be a defining characteristic
You allow bankers and bibi netanyahu to openly rape you. You support molech and do nothing but make yourself feel better by whining about other penises. Projecting onto here all your own fucking stupid jew bullshit. Go back to isis you cunt. Pagan whore
AIDS will do that to you ,also his boyfriend is looking for younger tighter ass now
Good job your smelly worm infested tuna partner has deserted the office with her smells that melt through titanium. Good thing she nags you to death. Does nothing but steal. And charges you alimony
So if you fight off a gay man trying to rape you, you're in the wrong for beating him but he's ok for wanting to rape you?
Youre a larping memeing shitbag jew
Look as the deviant injects a strawman into the argument
You need atripla friendo :^)
Wat. Are you crying about this right now let alone thinking about it? You poor thing. Come cry on my shoulder ill cry with my dick on your face
I'm not a jew, so calling me a jew doesn't make me recoil in pain
> Gay do not do anything wrong
Kill yourself
>Theres plenty of us who take one look at the Jew driven angry lesbian, pro-tranny, and shitskin infested side of the left and run screaming in the opposite direction.
A tiny minority of the whole. But more importantly, it was your fucking group that opened the door to the rest
Theres a huge difference about being gay and being a faggot. Nothing wrong with sucking a few dicks or getting fucked in the ass.
I fucking hate it when people use their sexuality for attention tough. "Hurr im so gay. Look at me. Hurr. PENIS. So special - muhh parade". NO!
Talk to yourselves. Jewesses and myself dont mix well
Because it turns the morons into a voting/fundraising/cultural warfare bloc.
Wait, is this proper English? Does "few" count as a single entity?
Stop laying vaginas it’s gross and caused original sin
>there were many gays and they contributed to the society.
Spreading STD's and raping children is not contributing to society, no matter how much you want it to be
Trump too? Ray gun’s franklin scandal too? Your local synagogue of satan as well? What about the frog bastard? The “guy” who started the frog mascot?
You are the one that fell for the jewish gay meme, deviant
There's not enuf of them tho
LIES! Women have more dick cheese. It sounds wrong. But it’s true. Yours sounds wrong. And is wrong. Walking queef
>So by your math, you are asserting there are more raped boys than girls?
Yes. Boys are far less likely to admit it because of social stigmatization. It's the per capita that liberals keep ignoring and dismissing. You consistently lie in this regard to promote a political agenda.
Pic somewhat related. It shows the disparity of prison rape.
I don't hate gays, I hate faggots.
Jew and gay and oxymoron. Im Christian. Male figures tell me as much. Jews go to women. Accuse everybody and everything of being a woman or a kike. No thanks. We banned all your shit too
>Nothing wrong with sucking a few dicks or getting fucked in the ass.
Yes there is. STDs and damage to the rectum, most immediately, but anything which works against normal family structure works against the good of society.
>Gay subculture is a part of European culture
if this is true, then how about keeping it a *subculture*...
They're very self entitled and they don't understand homosexuality.
As a former fag myself, I've met a lot of arrogant, pretentious, shallow queers, and rarely ever did I meet an actual "decent" guy, and when they were nice and decent, they were all shy and weird like actually traumatized from being bullied or something, I feel bad for those people, but almost every gay person you come across, male or female is gonna be self entitled, think they are better than you, and hold incredibly high standards, even if you are gay.
Femboys -- Traps -- Probably the biggest reason I'm no longer gay, these people had no personality, no interests, no goals, nothing to show or give, their only thing was "i can post picture of myself online and garner attention watch! look at my instagram followers!" these remind me of most degenerate women nowadays.
The homosexual community has come to annoy me and drive me crazy. I liked men, in a romantic, and sexual way. Around 2013, things started to sink. I started seeing people getting offended just because someone said "Fag" or just because someone doesnt support or like gays. I've always disagreed with the SJW part of things and as a result gay people just stopped liking me or hanging out with me. They were disturbed that I didn't care whether straight people liked me or not, and they were disturbed I didn't protest and revolt with them.
In 2015 I met my first GF and we've been dating well ever since. Things in my life have been a lot better, I'm happier. I see that side of life, with the gays, and it's still a part of my past but it feels so dark and evil compared to my life now where I'm always thankful and happy. I think in the end, I wanted to have a family, more than a husband.
Am I the only one who has been in close proximity (unwillingly) to several homosexual men and smelled feces? I seriously think their assholes are gaping in their pants and it emits a foul odor.
Theres all sorts of mother fucking diseases and damages inherent to women and to your screwing their tear ducts. Aids is dead. But not for you. But you dont like gays making vaginas cheap for you. Nobody likes vaginas
the bible
Statistics counter that argument ,endless amount of statistics
You are 4000% more likely to get an STD from sodomy then vaginal sex
Wrong place for you to get into a "merits of homosexuality" argument, some of us have been arguing this shit for years
>this triggers the korean
I wouldn't even go as far to say that, because 'being gay' suggests a lifestyle choice of exclusive indulgence in non procreative sex. Im not saying its morally wrong either, but isnt necessarily the best choice in all contexts. I think it depends a lot on what idea of society you subscribe to if you in fact see one to begin with, and I dont think most people, including straights, do these days.
The act isnt especially relevant, much more than visiting a prostitute or masturbation. Making any of them a habit can be problematic, however. It becomes a bigger problem when such a pattern is advocated.
Indulging in the act isnt really meaningful. But making it a pattern and advocating can become a problem. Among them, is that sexuality of any kind is promoted to the most sexual population, which also happens to be the family making years. No one really cares what you tell people over 40 and no one under about 25 is really held responsible for sexual indiscretions. No one really takes anything anyone under 20 does seriously anyways because its assumed they'll grow out of it, "male youthful exuberance".
"straight" men have to make restrictive choices all the time. In fact, 'heterosexuality' really has less to do with preference and more about self discipline (or rather it did once, until now where abstinence from homosex is as low as the bar gets". A straight may prefer blonds but the mother of his children may not be, so he has to abstain.
Life priorities arent always about what we want. We all have to decide how much we serve our self versus how much we trade for society. For many today, there is no society or the society they do perceive simply isnt worth the sacrifice.
Thats fucking impossible. What’s with that iron like period smell? You ate a box of used tampons this morning. You tell us. Vagina mouth. Just become one! Listening to homophobes (all this means is you’re a jewish feminazi who hates only men) you’d think men are walking nasty ass zombies. That’s your problem. Also women’s. But you ignore that. It’s physically impossible. The lies! Women piss on you. You call it an ejaculation. Enjoy
White Nationalism thanks you for your contribution but simply doesn't need your services at this time, faggot
I see the herpes has rotted your fucking brain. No, aids is not dead, nor is it the only disease which fags have at much, much higher rates than normal people. Aids is simply no longer the death sentence it once was, thanks to cocktails of drugs paid for by the taxpayers. I say we ought to just let you fags melt into the cancerous blobs that you naturally become without medical intervention, that way your outsides can reflect your souls.
Grab em. Hi fags take my daughters. Before or after truvada? No wonder you dont understand the sodom story. You think epstein and your daughter are one in the same. Go pedo putin! Shill yourselves on a pedo site
They started getting uppity.
65 million americans already have STDs - mostly Stacies
>damage to the rectum
only if you are doing it wrong
>anything which works against normal family structure
How many children do you have? And how does the gayness of person A stop person X from having a "normal family"?
You never stopped sucken dick and lyin about it though
This is what happens when SJW try and troll Sup Forums
Let the exact same insults and defensive attitudes of the last over 9000 people that tried before commence
Christ, slow down so I can understand you. I'm saying I smelt shit when I was near several faggots. I'm not a Jew, I resent that allegation.
How many threads have we had on this? How many times do you refuse to listen? How many anti vagina threads do we have? I make more sense than you do. Too bad
Gift giving
Bug chasers
Crypto gays ruining their wife and kids' lives by coming out later in life
High frequency of domestic abuse among gays and lesbians
Acceptance of public indecency when gays do it
Frequency of child abuse among gay adoptive parents
Victim complex
White washing of gay culture
Also pic related mentality
Finally, degeneracy
Give me some reasons not to hate them
Right, that's the classic.
>don't like gay pride parades dingling penises in front of children, and sporting erections when 10-year-old sexually-abused boys dance half naked and give seductive looks.
Must mean I'm gay.
I know what you were saying you fucking troglodyte. You lie and are a punk ass bitch though. Why do you eat period blood? Why can i smell it from here? You cant smell me i guarantee it