

> (((someone))) defaced a gothic sculpture in the national cathedral/burialsite of St, Olaf in Nidaros ("Trondheim, Norway") - investigation pending.

Was it Varg? (Who I will NEVER forgive for burning viking churches when Norway is full of baptist shacks and post-modern state churches) or maybe a millenial "blackmetal" copycat?

Back in 2001 I was a complete sjw apologist, what turned me was the defacing of the buddha-statues in Afghanistan. Not the suffering of the little girls or the twin towers (I was honestly hoping the whole 9/11 thing was a chilean NuChe on coke revenge-plan for the events of 73), nor the 1500 years of attacks on our culture by the islamista - (I had a minor in history so I was not blind to history - I only really honestly thought that the multiculturalism would stop a third world word blah-bluh-blih).

I used to haff a softspot for antifa - but any kind of iconoclasm just really pisses me off.

Anyone else who have fought to stay neutral or even leftist/anarchis finding themselves on the alt right side of things under this occupation of our political principles?

tldr; Anti-immigration socially conservative economicaly social democratic party NAOW!

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Not a shill thread - where are the /pollacks with a softspot for the "nordic model" and with hate for what's happening to great nations like Swedistan?

Oldschool social democracy (pre Olof Palme) is really national socialism in disguise. I'm I not even gonna get a nazibump?

So, some of us, sanctioned the war on the taliban as a reaction against their iconoclasm more than anything else.

And our allies are turning out to be our enemies. Tearing down civil war statues, defacing religious art... I'd fucking love to hear from another leftie turned rightie... of to deal with the mental dissonance?

Muslims probably

I'm asuming as much... Other than the antf-fa-shit have you gringos had this kind of thing?

Most of Europe seems to have underreported occurences... like pussyass teenage vandalism jihad or somesuch.

how in the fuck did you heart about this? it's not even a major news story here
they don't even know if it was done by people who wanted to desecrate the building


Cutting the extremes:
>Islamsk Råd Norge (Islamic Council Norway) has been pissing off the powers that be lately - the tipping point likely beeing hiring a fucking burkawearing pr representative.
>They have now lost their gubirment gibs.
> As a sacrificial lamb there goes HRS - Human Rights Service - another gibsorg but on the other side of things.

Their excuse for stopping the support of HRS is their new campaign to photodocument the changing face of multicultural Noway.

Æ e norrlænning bror.

kom hjem, hvite mann

en veldig paranoid en
>but not as ideologically paranoid as Sup Forums

jaja, man må vell bo i bolivia for at utdanningsystemet her skal klare å gjore deg til en conspiracy theorist


På vei - 7 år i America har ikke gjort meg 'openminded' heller tvert om.


>(((Muslims))) probably


One would asume, but then there is Varg (May God fuck him in unpleasurable ways).

Not one centrist murrican who lost it at the leftist iconoclastism?

Not one of you, like me with the islamists, who at the defacing of history just went... 'well, now I don't like you -and while I'm ridicilously open minded once you pass that line YOU ON MY HITLIST!!!'-bumpstock mothafuckas around?

Oh, Freud! Oh, fuck!

That was a typo.

I obviously meant SHITLIST and not hitlist. I would never threathen anyones life online - nor in real life.

I'll fucking seduce you and cut your throath while you cum.

Hatespeach illegal and gravy, no, I mean, grave! I am's law abiding when it comes to any norwegian law with penalties involving jailtime.

I'm not even sarcastic - I have afraids of the internet police.

Those numbers need to be checked
Praise KeK

May he always ridicule devil and angel equal!

May he keep attaciktissis stupidity wether it be atheists, biblethumphers, nazis or commies.

That Kek plooxz grants me some more norway memes so that with his force we can awaken norwegistan like insh-allah-suecistan is awakening to the international ridicule.

May Kek praise you for your honorable bump brother!

Praise Kek!

Won’t you come with me

Elaborate as I am, in my mothers words: 'very intelligent but not so smart'.

No, we don't have nearly as much cool old shit lying around.

Thus yr civil war statues are even more valuable? I would be equally pissed, by the way, if the right took down Martin L. King for the niggerthing or the left took him down for the homothing.

History is there - and while Imma leftist gone right almost all history should be preserved if practicable - and while I struggle to find good arguments and feel a littlebit like a REEEboy I do get triggered more by iconoclasm than, you know, mass shootings, atomic bombs, aleged holocausts and so on.

On all the jew-hating conspiracies here the only one that actually triggered me is the one about smashing up pre civilisation wisdom in antartica.

Really? I'm crazier than I thought?

Varg was right in burning those churches they were desecrated by christcucks with there shit. jews insulting his people. You wouldn't leave a jewish synagogue up would you? KYS.


While I hate the fucking romans and their 'catholisism' as much as the next guy, and make fun of whining 'american/indigenous' ppl about the mistreatment of their ppl by pointing out that whatever they had the last 500 years we had for 12 hundred years.

I went through more than 15 years of public education, including a minor in history, and I grew up close to the center of the first scandinavian kingdom - AND FUCKING /POL HAD TO TEACH ME THAT I BELONG TO THE FIRST KINGDOM, that we lost our crown to treachery and CATHOLIC ARMS.

But those churches are not only made in ways that modern craftsmen cant replicate. They are, like most contemporary works full of the true religion of Europe and in all manners the blood of the people and the artist no matter what if it's a Thor-looking Jesus or a Mohammadlooking Martin L. King.

The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God.
Deuteronomy 7:25

Mmm, yeah, that it does say. But if you are not, you know, like a witness, all sin againt this.

I find that most 'graven images' wheter it be arabic caligraphy, christian iconography aluding to non-canonical truths or reindeer hammered into stone all takes one closer to God - even if only containing a grain of Logos.

Seriously brother? Would you destroy ALL gravings of godly nature - or is it a sliding slope where crosses are good and Marias are rubble?