post your iq scores and your political affiliation
Post your iq scores and your political affiliation
95, national socialist
I don't know my IQ but I am taking Econ with a minor in Math and Fin so it should be pretty high
the test I took stops at 145 but that's what I got.
I don't vote because it's admitting defeat to myself. We are masters of our own destiny. I always put my own name in the box if there is one.
Online tests aren't accurate
Jill Stein
Green Party
national socialist
Nationalist Capitalist, Radical Nihilist
Life is fun, love who you are, make dosh, party hard; but be smart about it.
Master Race.
800, Militant Dumbledorian.
Again 163, individualism
High iq
Political affiliation I agree with
Low iq
Political affiliation I disagree with
There I summed up the whole thread
144 mensa
136 American Imperialist
this is how a cunt posts
150, tested in clinical setting by psychologist
I am an anachro-primivitist
131 IQ
radical centrist
>White Nationalist
68 communist
i have one of those turntables
143 -- Conservative/Fascist
140 traditionalist minarchist
>Me on the back wall
That was a L.S.H.I.S. Moment.
32, notional socialist
>data mining thread
Fuck all of you for replying to this shit.
119 fash
am i actually retarded???
87, dindu nuffin'
>claiming an iq score from an online test
Shiggy diggy
144 Trumpism
'bout tree fiddy
muh loyalties belong to da Egyptian multi dimensional dynasty.
A: yes i'm retarded.
shareblue employee
83, Christian conservative
literally every single person on Sup Forums
1488, OPEC party
Barron 4000
Green Bay Packers -27
Your mom 6
>68 communist
2 billion, quantum technocrat
>whig party
>Modern Whigs are neither Conservative nor Liberal and do not wish to be confined to the traditional left-right political spectrum. In fact, in a purely historical or classic context, we can be considered Conservative Liberals. Really! In our current political reality, this seems like nonsense doesn't it? It is, however, patently true. How? To borrow a slogan, slightly altered, from President Clinton's campaign, "It's the system stupid!" Over time, the two party system has morphed into an IMPEDIMENT to a proper functioning democratic Republic, including its need to parse down important debates to two simplistic opposing viewpoints, or false binaries.
no, most of these people barely reach average intelligence
Legit 130-135 (two tests taken), Independent
If you think this thread is data mining, you are retarded.
I watch Rick and Morty
How can you be a nationalist and a socialist?
That's like saying you're a conservative liberal.
200 iq
I can visualise 4d movi g objects as well as recite every number of pie
>american education
Burgers, everyone
Leftist Libertarian monarchist
How did you know I voted for Sellout Sanders?
Liberalism is the healthy middle ground between the left and right spectrums you potato.
117, Independent
140, Theocratic Anarchofascist.
Trump MAGA
137 and same
wew lad
Nihilist (I watch Rick and Morty)
mandatory suicide for everyone. No exceptions.
Lead by example
Pay denbts
>start a party dedicated to suicide
>promote the idea
>win election
>everyone an heros
Dosent work if i go first ya goof
vivla spainn
Holy shit burgers.
100 centre right
mustache party
Fuck off shareblue.
132. National Socialist.
>he still believes in democracy
>he thinks that most voters aren't sheep and won't just vote against their interests anyways because their family and friends did too
Many such cases!
IQ : 82
Affiliation : Canadian Nationalsozialist
130, traditional conservative (although probably a liiiitle bit further left than most of Sup Forums). Registered Independent, although I've been both a registered Democrat and Republican in my life in order to vote in primaries as I go policy, not party.
187, anarcho primitivist
131. Political affiliation is for plebs.
IQ: I took da test five timz, but I don't understand score. It just sez HIV. Help me Sup Forums
PoliticaL: Marxist
Over 9000
218, hyphenation
Im too smart for political parties
125, right-wing libertarian.
I hate all your affiliations.
Stupid independent nationalist.
Humans are too flawed for any political system, we're greedy, selfish, lazy, opportunistic, hedonistic, rats. An abomination, a fluke of nature & physics & biology.
However for shits and giggles...
Democracy is a lie that continues to be perpetuated by the Róttschíld controlled shadow one world government.
We deserve this and we're lucky that they've given us such a nice world with nice living standards & life expectancies and all that shit.
There's one of two scenarios.
1. NWO benevolent and they've given us the life expectancy, modcons, medicines, tech of 21st century because they want the best for humanity.
2. NWO is completely self serving but needed a fast paced global economy to bring technological, scientific, medical & other advances that will benefit them, and would dispose of most of the global population if it ever became a hindrance to them.
I'm leaning towards 2 because all I see around me is malevolence.
FYI I'm not a religious person & I think Christianity was thrust upon the West with an agenda to make us much more docile, with all the forgiveness & turn the other cheek shit that came with it. I can tell you that ancient Christian missionaries got chased the fuck out of Irish villages as early as the 3rd century and had to live on shacks on the coast line, yet some time later it became dominant, even having people killed for heresy and making people believe out of fear. Who funded this so much to so completely subjugate the West? Every conclusion my mind comes to tells me this was part of some greater plan. A religion that kept getting rejected suddenly got embraced by the whole of Europe? Romans rejected & persecuted Christians for a long time then suddenly Constantine is a Christian emperor? And the laughable thing is Sup Forums (considers itself some bastion of white european culture) reveres this semitic desert religion that had no place in Ancient Europe. You're all so brainwashed that I've lost faith in humanity.
Conservative Centrist
My man
I didn't want to pay 20 for the test I took so I went with a free one. Placed me at 122. Libertarian with nationalist tendencies.
Fucking nazi
Libertarian Reactionary
0 iq
OP is a fagism
130 natsoc
135-150(two different informal tests)- constitutionalist I guess.
over 9000
sayajin prince