Can I get a quick rundown on why America really fucked with Vietnam?
The french, rubber and opium
Heroin trade mostly under the pretense of preventing the spread of communism. We also tested a lot of experimental weapons we had designed from scientists extracted from Nazi Germany in the 1940's that we never really got a chance to test out (Agent Orange, HARP, aggression stimpacks, not to meniton a lot of really twisted shit relating to MK Ultra)
too little agent orange
Supported France in keeping Vietnam as a Colony, Viet Minh turned to the commies for help overthrowing the French, France GTFO, and the US was left with the mess of commies + Domino theory
weapons testing
For social, political and economic reasons.
We wanted to stop the spread of communism; internal State Department documentation indicates that Kennedy et al. had no interest in Vietnam for resources or for a military alliance, but that they were alarmed by the infiltration of insurgents from North Vietnam.
Get Some
poor excuse
>The french, rubber and opium
And ostensibly to contain the spread of communism to southeast Asia.
Everyone knows that man; we wanna know the real story lol
This. Tell us about the Jews benefitted.
In short, the war couldn't be won because the potential consequences of invading North Vietnam were too great.
That is the real story. Vietnam was peripheral to the White House until 1964 with Tonkin Bay, and even then LBJ wanted someone else to handle it (thus delegating it out to disastrous effect.) After that, it was a matter of maintaining the prestige of the United States.
The real story is we went there thinking the Vietcong would shit their pants at our mere presence and had no real plan for winning the war. Add to that the fact that the USSR and Chinese were arming them like crazy and the VC had home field advantage (and a cause they genuinely believed in) and that's really all there is to it. We got our asses kicked (despite having total air supremacy) by our kryptonite: backwater farmers with guns.
Is that the helicopter that flew behind the Mandalay Bay?
We kinda wanted to go there and show commies not to fuck with us.
It went downhill and was a waste of American lives. They fought hard against the charlies though
quit stealing memes for spam posts
It was just for the lolz
the south vietnamese government was corrupt as fuck, they barely helped out at all despite having more people than north vietnam, and their good soldiers and generals were fucked over by their terrible soldiers and generals.
They cared more about themselves than their people or democracy, and when you're half of a country that's in civil war, that's not a good thing.
French people are also terrible fighters, they lost to the fucking ALGERIANS for gods sake.
I don't believe that. Why was it the USA of all countries that is the sole reason we lost Indonesia as a colony in the late fourties when you go out of your way for France to keep Vietnam in the seventies?
France and the US docked dicks constantly up until 2003.
Because you aren't our oldest and greatest allies. French are American bros, they helped us throw the shackles of the United cuckdom
>despite having more people than north vietnam
The DRV had 14 million people to RVN's 11.
Suharto was a fellow traveler, but he was never an outright commie like Homo Chi Minh, at least not in the 40s.
This is so boring even reading a few paragraphs about it. Going to delete the 20 hour Vietnam war documentary series I recorded now.
If the Indonesian opposition were communists being supported by the Soviets it would be a hugely different story.
We lost due to political pressure at home. While we were there we were absolutely massacring them. Yes we took losses, but our k:d ratio was good. Blame the boomer protestors and cunts like Jane Fonda that helped kill morale and shit.
the problem was you can kill all the ants you want but it don't mean shit if you can't kill the colony
I've read about 10 books about Vietnam, personally known about 10 coworkers that were there and told me stories. And, I still have no idea what the point was. Good luck on your quest. When you find out "Why did the US fight in Vietnam" please report back. Even in the movie "Once we were soldiers" they fought like hell to seize a hilltop... many dead, and then they just walked away from it two weeks later.
That was definitely a part of it and yes, we were massacring them (statistically, as you point out) but they had the will to hold out and like I said, there was no plan to actually win the war (bring it to a successful conclusion). Clark Clifford said as much and so did McNamara.
Go watch "Fog of War" and it'll tell you what you need to know and then some.
I spend my days surrounded by vietnamese subhumans, and the more I know them, the more I wish america would have had the balls to drop an atomic bomb.
different leadership. indochina and vietnam were basically the same situation, leadership in the 40s saw it with more clarity. JFKs admin basically lied to itself over vietnam and let it get completely out of control, as well as the corruption among the south vietnamese government as other anons have mentioned.
The Best and the Brightest is a really good book on this, but huge.
And destroy such a beautiful language
only nazi allies get the special treatment
Domino theory: Nam falls to the reds, so Indochina falls to the reds, and so on, until the US would be overwhelmed with communist countries trying to incite revolution. The original end goal of communism was the worldwide communist revolution.
Got any good linkz so I can further my knowledge on this
tl;dr version. Heroin.
It was important for there to be a slow burn where lots and lots of bodies kept coming back stateside. In those caskets were heroin. That is why Vietnam lasted as long as it did and why there was never any real attempt to win.
That was one of the reasons JFK was murdered. (Israel wanted nukes, JFK said no and also JFK started printing the money instead of the FED and those were the main reasons he was killed
Same thinking went into the invasion of Afghanistan. The Taliban actually were burning the poppy fields and destroying heroin. That was why they had to be overthrown.
Same slow burn took place in Iraq and Afghanistan. Importation of heroin once again could flow with an added bonus of picking up ancient technology found in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Drugs is always behind everything. This goes back to the same families (Sassoon of India for example who were Rothschilds) that grew opium which caused the Opium War with Imperial China.
Beautiful? I hope you're being sarcastic. I swear to god one day I will have enough and I will take my katana and cut the throat of the next subhuman who speaks in vietcong. They're everywhere in Japan.
They are all so repulsive. Short, brown, huge heads, annoying language, stink, guys are extremely feminine, my god, I wanna see them all dead.
Y'all should watch Ken Burns "The Vietnam War" 10 parts documentary on / torrent
calm down nip you're basically indistinguishable
Probably. I expected to see thousands of shells and rug burns from all the casings but those leaked pictures showed a rather pristine floor. I wonder where all those shells went....
not sure if troll. You think a spent casing would leave a burn mark on a carpet?
France. Also anti-Soviet Proxy war.
As a member of the indigenous people the US recruited to fight in the war, here’s all I know from my side of the story. My people were rural farmers, usually squatting on unwanted government land and planting crops in remote areas where officials didn’t go or check up on. This sometimes included opium. Once the communist took over, this would come to an end, since all the landed we were squatting on would be turned over to be used to feed the communist regime, and we could get with the program or leave. Seeing that our people were stuck in a rut, the US government contacted our de facto leader at the time, a major general in the Thai army, and convinced him to gather our people and fight against the communist. Of course, he didn’t do it for free. General Vang Pao was a big time opium grower, and the US could supply him with the helicopters required to move his supply lines. The US would in turn, get fighters to disrupt the Vietcong supply lines and a cut of the money from the opium sales as well, all without the stigma that came with selling opiums to young men fighting a war. In exchange, a majority of the able men from the villages were recruited and trained for guerilla warfare, used to attack and disrupt highways and jungle routes where supplies from China and the USSR were being moved into Vietnam.
>burn marks
no guns detected
how is it you have the only correct answer? Lots of retards today.
The women can be hot. Unfortunately their language sounds like a dying cat
Same as Korean war: Needed to deny coastline to communist China so America could maintain naval hegemony over the Pacific.
You can't have an empire unless you control the water that connects different societies. Empire is all about taking shit from one place and selling it at a higher price in another place that otherwise doesn't have access to it.
if the ussr didn't fall apart it would've won the cold war since america lost the vietnam war, which was a really big part of the cold war
Yeah well, 2 out of a hundred are cute, but the average vietnam girl is ugly as fuck. They love white cock and let you fuck them pretty easily, but they crave western countries' passport, so they become really annoying once you throw them into the trash.
LBJ demanded that he approved every bombing target while simultaneously created a mandate for a certain amount of bombs being dropped a month. Because he couldn't approve targets fast enough it led to areas that were already bomber being bombed again to meet quota. One of the biggest criticisms to LBJ handling vietnam was his lack of delegation.
We were definitely starting to win under Nixon but at that point political will and pressure at home pushed the US out of the war.
>t a quick rundown on why America really fucked with Vietnam?
Every generation needs a war, besides, gooks. Jew war or not, fuck gooks.
The only thing to come from that movie was the realization that we had a massive pussy as the Secretary of Defense.
>we wanna know the real story lol
Pope told JFK to save the catholic ownership of Vietnam from the atheist communists.
>no real plan for winning the war/ they had a cause they genuinely believed in
Yeah Vietnam was the first real post-civil rights war America fought. Since they started integration and multiculturalism it is impossible for America to actually achieve its objectives. It can blow up anything, but an army full of niggers can never be a force of good. And there's no real cohesion among a diverse platoon full of people resenting each other because of their race or sex.
The next korean war will be even worse than Vietnam/Iraq. You've got a few hundred thousand random races, trannies, fags, and a few white people vs millions of pure north koreans fighting for their homes. How you think that's gonna play out? I'd get the fuck out of the military right now if I were a white.
If I lived in South Korea I would get the fuck out of there now. Media leaked that President Trump is going to taunt rocket man in Korea. It looks like someone pulling the strings wants war.
This. The Chinese were holding down the fort in North Vietnam while all other resources were working southward. We could bomb the north, but an invasion would be Korea 2.0 - not to mention the Russian response.
>conveniently forgetting about afghanistan and the soviet fuckup there
Don't do it bro. There's a lot of good shit in that documentary.
lbj's wife was on the board of bell helicopter
Cuz why not?
Fucking French.
Prevent Communism from consuming indo-china and retain the free world in Asia
They were just trying to help.
They failed
>"Once we were soldiers" they fought like hell to seize a hilltop...
That's kinda wrong, but whatever.
Drugs, u ever watch American Gangster? Similar to Afghanistan now
what conspiracy is needed nigga? They wanted to stop the spread of gommunism in south east Asia. Considering Cambodia and Laos were taken over by gommunists once south Vietnam fell, the concern was valid.
now if the US had just not gone full retard and supported the vietnamese anti colonial sentiment and supported nationalism they could have had a quick ally but MUH RED SCARE fucked them up
oh and once LBJ was in a position of power he saw an opportunity to escalate war and make his family rich, his wife's family owned Bell Helicopters which made most helos used in nam. So he had Kennedy killed them escalated tensions.
>the Socialist daily Pedoman, one of Jakarta's leading papers
>one of Jakarta's leading papers
This rabbit hole runs deep, anons
That was the air war, where he was very nervous about causing a Chinese reprisal. But he let people like that autist McNamara and Westmoreland come up with idiotic methods for fighting the land war, like body count and free-fire zones.
France finally forced the US to pay its debt from the Revolutionary War
>LBJ demanded that he approved every bombing target while simultaneously created a mandate for a certain amount of bombs being dropped a month. Because he couldn't approve targets fast enough it led to areas that were already bomber being bombed again to meet quota. One of the biggest criticisms to LBJ handling vietnam was his lack of delegation.
And this lack of delegation and micromanagement partly stemmed from his fear that a B-52 would accidentally drop a bomb on Chinese territory and risk a much larger conflict that would include China. I get the impression that Johnson wasn't entirely trusting of the Air Force, which might have resulted from his experience in the Cuban Missile Crisis (LeMay wanting to bomb and invade Cuba).
Yeah if the French didn't forgot they were French and just let Vietnam go then viet kong wouldn't have eventually gotten a partnership with communism
To prevent the spread of communism in SE asia