What do you think? Good shoot? Wrongful shoot?
Better question is would Mr or Mrs john Q Public face charges after such a shooting... and if they would, why would a cop not be?
Video with no gore: instagram.com
What do you think? Good shoot? Wrongful shoot?
Better question is would Mr or Mrs john Q Public face charges after such a shooting... and if they would, why would a cop not be?
Video with no gore: instagram.com
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Pretty damn good shot to land a kill on a moving dindu behind tinted windows.
You call it gore, i call it reality , This nignog got his life comped
Was actually a she. Law student who according to most reports was "one of the good ones" who got too drunk and decided to drive...
Look, I like getting comped like another other non taco bell shit smear on society does, but I think I may want something other than just sushi. Is this acceptable.
Non Instagram source? I'm it signing up for this shit.
She used lethal force and hit an officer with her car trying to flee the scene of a crime, which is a hit and run which is a felony.
1) They can legally match lethal force, so properly used after she hit the officer and several other people
2) She was fleeing the scene of a crime. In most states you can shoot a fleeing felon in the back even if they are unarmed.
So, I don't see anything immediately wrong with this.
Don't need an account to view the video.. I ain't got an account there either
Huh it wanted me to sign up wtf
Agree that is how things read and how it is typically applied. But do you really think if you or I was on a street.. shot and killed someone about to hit us with a car that we would not have cuffs on us quick until the "sort out the situation"? Or.. wait for a Prosecutor to decide if charges are filed?
Just a double standard.. one "rule of law" for Officers and another for society as a whole.
tried to find a non ig sauce for it but couldn't.
Fair, next
“She was just loving life and having a good time.”
You know who else was just looking for a good time.
You probably would not get cuffed if the cops saw that you were defending yourself. You probably would get cuffed if the cops didn't see why you shot them, and then you would get uncuffed when you explained it. Handcuffs aren't punishment, they're a safety measure.
>got too drunk
Not an excuse especially since she was fucking driving while intoxicated putting everyones lives at risk and then plowed through them.
Shouldve walked up and shot her again after she crashed.
I get ya there but any vehicle coming at you represents a "direct threat of bodily injury".. so shoot any car about to hit you and your in the clear?
nigga got the bullets comp
Lethal force was arguably justified, but extremely unwise. If this officer doesn't at least get a brief suspension that's a problem. More people could have been hurt by that car when it crashed.
Really tough call. The guy deserved to die, but that doesn't mean it was a good time to kill him.
The one dindu sheeboon
>bet get outa way way if she go
She knows her people
Jesus christ, why are there so many fucking niggers?
You can't treat cops the same because they are statistically more likely to be involved in a shooting than your average citizen by a large factor and make up a small fraction of the populations. Stations would be understaffed in a few days and empty in a week. The only real solution would be to have the PD bail them out, which is just government money changing hands, and them continuing to work until the case can be heard by a judge...
Which is identical to the current setup but with extra unnecessary steps.
Got ya, but there was no telling how many others her drunk butt would have run over if he had not fired as well. So definitely risk on either side on that front.
I see a different side of that coin honestly man. I mean an Officer signs up for a certain amount of risk when they choose to protect us all.. the common person does not sign up for additional risk. So we should have a lighter standards on us than they have on them when it comes to deadly force... or at least the same standard.
Shower party at Hitler's place!
Guess who cause those risks?
So who should be held to a higher standard ... Citizens (risk factor) or Cop (risk manager)
I would think the Cop as they sign up for that risk.
user brings up a good point.
This country would be much safer if Joe Six-pack was permitted to go around shooting down feral nogs with the same long leash we allow our LEOs.
>open video
>bunch of nignogs just standing right on top of the accident scene
For what purpose? Get the fuck away from the scene of the accident you dumb fucking niggers
Lmao I fucking love the nigger commentary in the background in all these videos. They act like they do in movie theaters
not the point I was trying to make.. but.. errrrr
The timing was kind of weird. He shot her AFTER she had finished running over his fellow officer, while she wasn't trying to run him over. It really seemed like a "fuck you" shoot more than anything. Also shooting the driver seems like it could make an escaping car more dangerous, not less dangerous. I know if i got shot by a cop while driving I'd just slam the gas pedal and not worry about whatever the fuck happened after because I'd be dead anyway.
I'm going to have to lean towards no. That was not a wise move on the cops part, but he'll be fine.
Agreed.. I mean NOBODY was in front of her after the officer bounced off her hood so no "eminent threat" at that point.. no way he could have known she was drunk at that time either though so I guess he could have been thinking "terrorist" or something along those lines... which could be an eminent threat to anyone she ran across later one
>hmmm no pun intended there
I literally laughed out loud...
It'd be like Stevie Wonder hitting Hellen Keller on a blind horse while playing his stupid piano.
You tottaly disregarded my reasoning for exactly why we CAN'T hold them to the same standard, even if we wanted to.