Would you say the concept of whiteness is an evolving concept, Sup Forums?
Would you say the concept of whiteness is an evolving concept, Sup Forums?
I would say that all jews and non-whites deserve death, do you agree OP?
No, that's rude.
There is no concept of whiteness. It is confused for Western culture and values.
Out with you.
But it's a pretty legitimate look into it.
I would say that "white" as an ethnic moniker is actually more akin to an abstract concept than anything tangible, genetically speaking.
Whiteness is a quality of character and physiological and neurological classification. To be "white" you have to look white, act white, think white, contain within yourself the ancestral memetic and genetic ties of whiteness to the renaissance, the enlightenment and the industrial revolution and to modern white culture.
Which is to say; everything that makes a human being worth the name is associated with whiteness.
You cringe at the thought of calling inbred hillbillies white. Because they aren't. They've been ejected from the walled garden.
You can is it tell by looking at someone whether they have the qualities that make them white.
white=european (heritage)
what's so hard about this?
Because it's never been that simple. You ever heard of the race studies done in the 19th century ?
You think Adolf Hitler considered the Slavs as whites when he wanted to exterminate and enslave them?
Only in a social context and only because of both liberals and racists from Sup Forums who will hem and haw over what degree of European descent you need to be considered truly white or whether all Europeans are white or whether Arabs can or can't be considered white and so on
In factual legal terms a person who was able to pass as white was considered as white by the government for most of American history, with certain regionalisms such as the one drop rules that existed in Southern states to keep octoroons and quadroons from calling themselves white as well as the late 19th century debate over whether Arabs and Indians should be considered white, which was settled at the time by reasoning that Italians, Arabs and Indians look similar enough that allowing Italians to be legally white and not Arabs/Indians was bullying.
Now if you're asking yourself whether all whites are created equal just remember that historically the goal of American immigration policy tended to lean heavily towards the goal of keeping most Americans Northern European Protestants out of a distaste for Catholics and Jews and Muslims and Hindus and to that end immigration from Asia was banned and immigration from non-Protestant Europe was sharply banned.
Because that law was later changed to allow non-Europeans to also be white, and it also creates a question of whether European-originating Jews are white.
Hitler never wanted to exterminate Slavs. There was never any plan to do so
The Nazis had a very well documented plan called Generalplan ost. They did plan to starve off the Slavs and enslave the survivors. IIRC they wanted to exterminate over 80% of Poland.
europe is a different story, but even in that case, "western european heritage" would be a pretty good definition.
most americans are a mixture of western european heritage, so rather than considering themselves german, irish, french, etc. they call themselves white. what do you get out of muddying the waters and trying to convince whites they are raceless?
"White" is already watered down. It's like saying "brown". There are Mexicans, Brazilians, Salvadoranians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Puerto Ricans, ect. Different cultures, ideologies, beliefs, practices and not to mention they hate the living Fuck out of each other. Calling them """hispanic""" is watering down all those facts and suggests a one "brown" race.
My sources refute Generalplan Ost. All of my sources are about that. Please look at them before responding to me with an argument I literally just provided refutations to
90% chance that this "Gordon" is Jewish
this is really interesting and i think we're seeing this again these days. as the country becomes less statistically white, people who used to be considered white niggers like italians are being held in a more respectable light. why? because, ultimately, they are white. and any whiteness is better than what every white man is seeing coming for them.
we are starting to realize that racial in-fighting is only acceptable once external threats are eliminated. once niggers and spics are gone we can start our european civil war shit again
Only in the sense that outside interests are trying, and succeeding, to subvert our cultural and racial identity and history to disenfranchise us in our homelands.
In a purely biological sense, Europeans are able to be genetically clustered close together. They are all closely related compared to other races. It's a bit sketchy around the edges but that's not a big deal
I would say the original concept of the generic "white" person as Europeans immigrated to the US and moved eastward is in some ways similar to the current "POC" definition being propagated in culture now where "minorities" all lump in with one another for cultural/political gain. It's simply an evolution of tribalism.
Also, the idea that the "mainstream" culture is dominated by "whiteness" is utterly absurd. Particularly in the modern United States as culture just continues to become a derivative of itself and borrowing heavily of sub cultures that typically have a gestation period within "creative" people with high openness traits where one could often see people not defining their "tribe" by a racial ideology but the common interest that binds them.
What's the point? Seems pretty universal with blacks and Hispanics too.
no new friends nigga
Why is a different ethnicity or sub group of whites quoted as "races"?
Pic related had a great take on it. I think he was right. For all the fun we have on Sup Forums debating who is and isn't white, the concept of "whiteness" being somewhat elastic is interesting. Irish, Italians, Jews (when it suits them) took up "whiteness."
This is probably why the US will remain demographically a white majority nation. There are three subgroups of "hispanics." First, Europeans. Second, Euro-Native mutts. Third, descendants of native Aztecs and Mayans. The first group, Europeans, will immediately assimilate and consider themselves "white." The second group, the mutts, will mix with our population to create delicious brunettes. The third group will likely turn into a new underclass similar to blacks.
Sorry, meant to post Patrice O'Neal.
Cool Story bro.
i dont even feel like looking into this but i know its going to be the most egregiously incorrect (((interpretation))) of historical events since hte holocaust
It really isn't. It's actually a pretty interesting read.
well duh, in a crowded ass NYC with all its ethnic ghettos, of course nationality would be more important. Out west, there simply weren't enough people for that to be a factor, so things divided along racial lines much faster than they did in the cities
they were still white kids, it just didn't matter as much out there where they would be forced to become american, instead of their grandkids being forced to become american once suburbanization mixed all those white ghettos together
ive been looking for supreme court case but cant find it. do you know it?
Aren't these the "people" that claim that middle class asians and feral negroes should unite under the banner of people of color? Perhaps they are projecting their own racial strategy?
yes they sure are
they never cite the fucking court case in all of these shitty articles about this so called historical book
typical of revisionist history
yea, jews can be both white and POC, and there are now "white Hispanics" and Sean King. Luckily DNA testing has now advanced to the point where we can easily separate the wheat from the chaff
cant find the court case can you
i bet tc is the author of this shitty book and has disappeared because i called her out