what do you guys think of this idea? also, what's your general view of the homeless?
What do you guys think of this idea? also, what's your general view of the homeless?
>not having a ceiling plate that falls and crushes them like a thwomp
fuck the homeless. 99% of them chose to do drugs and steal from their friends and family instead of trying anything difficult that pays off and then they cry about how hard they have it. We should literally grind them up and use their bodies as fertilizer to grow corn.
A lack of humanity is a great way to address homelessness.
That's because many of the homeless aren't capable of living in civilization. They have neither the desire nor the ability.
Get rid of them.
Why not just take away all state welfare, so that homeless people can't be bred from a stock pedigree?
Taxpayers shouldn't have to fit the bill for subsidising individuals lifechoices
The homeless should be hunted and killed for sport.
>can be defeated with a wooden plank, or any other debris homeless have ample access too
u 1 hardcore niqqa... tell us more about who you are, your day to day life etc
I live in Portland and I say fuck every last one of them to death. I work as a restoration tech for local parks around the area and I just turned in a 5 gallon bucket of used needles I've picked up. It took three months to fill.
Homeless should be culled
People aren't fucking pigeons. They'll deface property and break into things in order to lay down. They're animals with the intelligence of a higher ape.
>be small business owner
>invest a lot into starting your company
>finally find a spot to rent to do your business
>taxed heavily because its in a city
>barely making a profit
>homeless people show up and deter customers
>your kids are going to go hungry if you don't get any patrons
>put rocks/spikes around your crevasses so bums fuck off to a homeless shelter
>you're the bad guy
which is why education should be paid for in full by the parents.
It's a stupid solution, you can simply put a wooden/plastic/metal board over it and sleep in it, it'll keep you protected from bugs and such, and you won't freeze to death either.
Who's the retard that came up with this idea?
>back in the 50's and 60's they would commit people with mental health issues into insane asylums
>whiny lefties tell us that it's inhumane
>close down insane asylums and give mentally ill people a bus ticket and turn them loose
>no option but to be homeless
>now whiny lefties are telling us that it's inhumane
Because putting a roof over their heads and feeding them was so much worse.
We used to have poor houses. Those were done away with because they were cruel.
Now we kick homeless to the street. Soon to the ocean.
or just do what I and the furniture store owner next to me used to do and beat the shit out of them with axe handles and throw all their shit into the canal out back. We never had problems from the same homeless twice.
“solve the problem”
of mentally deranged pants-shitting lunatics
99% of these people are not homeless because they fell on hard times. A vast majority of them are either mentally ill or drug addicts.
>dont want to solve the problem
if people dont want to work to survive, then why the fuck should others have to house, feed, cloth those worthless scum? most are alcoholics, drug users, or just people who refuse to work 8-5. If they don't want to work, then get the fuck out of my way pleb.
are you serious? go visit some homeless for a chat.
go outside faggot
Interacting with them on a nearly daily basis. I got meningitis from these disgusting monsters touching me asking for fucking gibs. Hard to live in any metropolitan area without these degenerates swarming you.
I used to feel differently, but then they keep asking me for money.
Most of them are drug addicts that commit crimes.
While there are some unfortunate guys that end there, most are scum
I'm not trying to be hostile, I just want some statistics. Hell, I agree with you all, I just want to use something a little more secure than "user told me so".
All of the homeless in my area have said the same thing too. However, in arguments, people demand statistics and numbers.
It's lower than 99%. Not sure how much or if it's even a lot lower but saying overwhelming is a bit of a stretch. You could get sick and not have a good support system and fall through the cracks pretty easily. Social safety net is pretty shit right now, especially if you're not a dirtbag.
I work retail in a city with an incredibly large homeless population. All they do is steal, fuck up our dumpsters, sleep on the sidewalk near the store, scare customers, leave trash and needles near the loading dock, and destroy the bathrooms. Fuck the homeless.
I don't care that business owners do this privately, but it's questionable when the city/province does it.
I don't know what the solution for homelessness is, or if there even is one, but this is not it.
Thank you.
There's really no excuse for them to be sleeping anyfuckingwhere though. With all the shelters and welfare housing it's not like they don't have options, but usually those places have basic rules such as no shooting up and that is literally too much to ask of a homeless piece of shit. Leftists act like billions of dollars haven't been spent trying to get these people off the street, but you cant help people that don't want to help themselves.
Back in the day we just kept them in nut houses but apparently it was too cruel.
Seriously though, just exterminate them already. They contribute nothing, are an eyesore, and only serve to waste resources.
>However, in arguments, people demand statistics and numbers.
People actually hate statistics and would prefer to continue in their disillusion
>but it's questionable when the city/province does it
When you have homeless people living near highways and then just wandering into traffic, potentially killing others and thankfully themselves, you need some kind of solution. I'd prefer clubs, dogs, and flamethrowers, but anything beats pussy footing and hand wringing like you suggest.
haven't you heard? statistics are racist user we can't use them anymore
>need some kind of solution
why? it's a self-healing problem just buy insurance
>I'd prefer clubs, dogs, and flamethrowers, but anything beats pussy footing and hand wringing like you suggest.
All I said it that I don't know what the solution is. But if we're talking about stupidity, thinking your solution will even get considered by the general public is just embarrassing.
>why? it's a self-healing problem just buy insurance
Some people sadly have sympathy for these parasites and will swerve out of the way, thus killing themselves to save a homeless piece of trash.
>massive homeless problem
>lets import more people
Piece of plywood on top of spikes= air gap under bed=maximum comfy winter bum sleeping.
Here in Hawaii it's hellish. They are everywhere. My fiancé told me at lunch on her break that some old homeless man eyed her out followed her to speak gibberish to her for like twenty seconds then walk off. It's so common to experience that sort of random incident. There's little villages under our highways. They migrate around along the beach residential areas. Democrat run for over 50 years.
>But if we're talking about stupidity
No, you're right. We should just continue to allow them to run rampant through our cities. Shitting on sidewalks, breaking into people's homes and cars, ruining parks, leaving needles all over the place.
This is one of the most Jewish things I've seen in a while.
Aren't a lot of homeless also veterans?
why do you treat bad your veterans amerilards?
I was stationed on Oahu for 6 years, it is truly a hellhole filled with these disgusting fucks. Everyone of them has disgusting feet that look like giant scabs because they refuse to wear actual shoes. Everyone of them babbles and is missing all their teeth from the copious amount of meth they do.
Those spikes under the bridge could easily kill someone if they fell on them. Lawsuit waiting to happen.
This seems a tad bloodless, but there are homeless addicts that refuse the help of society. We should take those people and put them in rehabilitation camps, whether they like it or not. As for other homeless people, we should house them and provide them with therapy if they need it.
But homeless people are jews themselves
all they do is go around collecting change
Why the fuck do you have to justify your opinion user? Do you think Ethos Pathos or Logos will sway the SJW? Save your breath, let them help the homeless and learn firsthand. Faggot.
>put a bit of plywood on top of the spikes
>have protection from water
>Anglo morals
Here in Germany we would have found them somewhere to sleep with food to eat and get them help so they don't have to go back on the street and find a job for them so they can be independent and a productive member of society who pays tax. We don't look down on people, instead we help them up.
Fuck ground spikes. We should be handing out anthrax-covered dollar bills.
>meme flag
>We should take those people and put them in rehabilitation camps, whether they like it or not
Sure, because the government would never use this to effectively jail people that speak agains't (((them)))
>Here in Germany we would have found them somewhere to sleep with food to eat and get them help so they don't have to go back on the street and find a job for them
I live in one of the most progressive cities in the United States. We have a huge homeless problem. There is an unending amount of resources for them to get on their feet, and countless fucking jobs starting at 15 dollars an hour. Do you know what I continue to see? RVs where they choose to live instead. Homeless people just laying in parks and on sidewalks drunk/high. Tents and trash on every off ramp These people absolutely refuse to get their shit together because they know they don't have to.
My city do it too. But the typical homeless does not want help
I know your country is a joke but some people hold your flag in high opinion, I think it should burn
>put them in rehabilitation camps, whether they like it or not.
That's not how rehab works. You cannot cure addiction unless the person in question wants to stop. If you force them to stop, they will simply relapse the second you turn your back. The amount of time and expense it would take to brainwash them to such an extent as to change their mentality (which is only a part of the problem, because they are also genetically inclined toward addiction and we can't change that yet) is far more than anyone would be willing to pay. Physical removal is simple and easy.
>we should house them
You can house them right now, if you want. Don't put your hand in someone else's pocket to finance your philanthropy.
>jobs starting wage 15
Where do you live?
There in germany, you put up signs and hand out pamphlets that say "don't rape" instead of just jailing and torturing the immigrant slime that commits the acts. Ohh but punishing those responsible would be islamophobic! They only raped her cause they didn't know any better! :'(
Seattle. Minimum wage is 15 an hour. More than enough to rent a room or commute into the city on the bus.
Degenerates 99% of the time, kill them and move on
Outlaw bridges
1) get a board
2) put board on spikes
3) sleep on board
>Wanting homeless to roam.around all over your city
It's because in America it's just thrown at you, there's no actual human-to-human help involved, these people need more than just a job, they need to be re integrated and I know that sounds expensive but when they are back in society and paying taxes again it is profitable over all
DESU being homeless in Brazil and some places in America isn't even that bas, the weather is warm and food is cheap and plenty of fruit and animals you can eat if no money
Bridges don't kill you if you trip.
gas em
We can't have an honest discussion about homelessness without also having an honest discussion about the severely mentally ill.
Murrcan logic tho
>vets deserve support
>unless theyre homeless in which case theyre subhuman filth
Do you believe anything that you read? America doesn't use torture to nor does any first world country. Rapists and terrorist and violent people are punished btw
To any dumbass preaching tolerance or "they've just fallen on hard times"; you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Try living in a highly populated city and actually dealing with the homeless on a regular basis.
They CHOOSE to be homeless. If you took away every asset I had and left me on the streets of any big city (Seattle, LA, new york, etc) I could be back on my feet with a job and an apartment in less than six months.
There is a DISGUSTING amount of money allocated to helping the homeless.
I'm talking about:
>soup kitchens
>homeless shelters
>womens/childrens/youth shelters
>reassimilation/job placement programs
>hundreds of various community outreach programs
>church-funded outreach programs and shelters
The list goes on and on. You know why homeless people stay homeless? Because all of those programs require you to stay clean and report to their facilities at a certain time (usually bedtime curfew when they lock the shelter doors). These junkie fucks literally CHOOSE sleeping in the street just so they can shoot up.
Fuck every last one of them.
And fuck anyone who defends them. They could easily fix their situation. There's SO much help out there.
>It took three months to fill.
Sounds kind of like a long time, but I guess your job isn't picking up needles so wtf do I know.
>grind them up and use them to grow corn.
I laughed hysterically, and then I stopped, looked myself in the mirror and thought "I've been on this board for too long", wiped the smile off my face, looked back, and laughed even fucking harder.
At least your homeless actually clean up trash and don't beg like useless niggers. Is there anything not perfect about your country? youtube.com
It costs more to keep them homeless than it would to just put them in housing.
But we've got to make sure people get what they deserve, amirite Progressives? Gotta make 'em show they've earned them dats before you gib 'em.
Spikes and other deterrents are necessary otherwise they start to form "towns" where they sleep, fuck, shit and do drugs which then turns into a massive public health hazard. Long eradicated diseases reemerge and spread like crazy,
The absolute state of Merkelstan
>be homeless
>see spikes where you usually sleep
>find sheet of plywood
>lay it down on spikes
>you now have a raised bed that stays drys as rain flows beneath you
IA) Crazy, elderly and nobody caring for them: These should be locked up and put into a mental institution or some care home.
B) Drug addicted or alcoholic: Police should do their job and test all homeless people for drug related issues and imprison them and handle them in drug rehabilitation programs.
C) They are just poor or lazy. If this is the case the government should give them manual labor jobs like fixing roads, repainting graffiti homes, cleaning garbage, etc...Nobody should just be sleeping outdoors like a homeless person in a city or suburb. Pay them a small amount of money, enough to get by.
D) If you are caught repeatedly on the streets homeless you should be thrown in jail.
>>vets deserve support
There are countless support non profits and government programs to help homeless vets. They choose to be what they are. You don't know what you speak about fag.
Failed humans should be gassed. Life is hard, no time for shitstains.
lol, you read my mind.
This is exactly it. I make an effort to keep my establishment nice. I should be able to deter nothing-to-lose fuckers that shit in my doorway.
These deterrents apply to skateboarders, too. Some of them feel it's okay to wreck any window ledge, curb, flowerbed, or other edge.
Yeah lets make crime rates shoot up into the ceiling.
Which then will cause prison populations to skyrocket.
Which, in turn will increase our prison costs and we will end up paying more than we would have originally in welfare.
Its almost like the people who make laws think of these things on a professional level or something, instead of shitting half baked idea out onto Sup Forums.
i think sticky traps would work better
non-tax paying druggies and crazies.
Gas them like lost dogs and cats.
Now get back to work goy.
>Why the fuck do you have to justify your opinion
Because people were seemingly hostile.
>Do you think Ethos Pathos or Logos will sway the SJW?
No, It's nearly impossible to sway someone's views when they're already die-hard set on it. However, it does help to prove to other people watching the argument that you have the numbers on your side.
>mentally ill or drug addicts
AKA hard times
Turn them into diesel
In America the only way to be homeless is to be insane (should be helped) Run away kid (should be helped) or be a hard core druggie so bad that you cant evven get on welfare (should be shot) So for the most part I dont agree with this.
Also you can be homeless by choice, saw a youtube video about one of those, just didnt want to work anymore so he wondered around doing odd jobs. Im fine with that.
"restoration tech" aka garbage collection aka you're doing your job. But I appreciate your hard work user. Sugarcoating it with stupid titles is dumb
>Trying to paint the Democrats as the reason mental health has fallen apart in the US.
Nice revisionism you fucking idiot.
Conservatives have been clawing at our public health systems for decades and you try to shift the blame to Democrats?
It's a fucking great idea. We need more of this. Much more.
We need to make it much, much more unattractive to be a city bum.
>I don't want piss on my doorway
>This makes me evil
Used to work downtown. One alcove always had someone sleeping in it, the door to a shop. Eventually they dangled a hose off the roof too high to reach and had it trickle water, enough to flow into and puddle in the alcove. Fix'd.
That isn't falling on hard times you fuck stick. They intentionally put themselves in those positions rather than getting help.