How much lower will she sink?
How much lower will she sink?
Is Bill /ourguy/?
Bill always knew that Hillary's campaign was fucked and probably had some suggestive criticisms, but she had drank too much of her own Kool-Aid to accept it. I seem to remember gossip that indicated he wanted a more traditional campaign that didn't malign working class whites, but of course Hillary had to have it her way.
They were only ever together as a political pair. If there is nothing left to gain from politics there is no reason for them to carry on the charade.
*constructive criticisms
Bill was a good president.
>Bill was a piece of shit POTUS
No, he wasn't. In any way.
how is this related in any way to trump
We can't talk about how hilariously pathetic Hillary Clinton is anymore? Glad to know.
Bill misses his son.
He could have been the Billy Bob Obama that our country needed.
>>Bill was a piece of shit POTUS
Doesn't matter, he gets the Chad's pass so he's all good.
Explain why you think that.
Heads up, this image got like 15 thousand upvotes on reddit. This is what they ACTUALLY, UNIRONICALLY unanimusly agree on. This isnt one of those fringe false flag cringe ocs.
He was a decent President senpai, started his reign with a deficit and ended with a surplus. He did fuck up a lot, but in terms of fiscal matters (besides NAFTA) he came out alright.
Not everything is about trump you fucking mong
Bill was a moderate Democrat under the foot of a Republican Congress and arguably has the greatest political instincts of any politician in the 21st century. He's also probably a rapist. Had Hillary listened to him, she would have easily won the election.
He's the greatest political asset one could have, yet the dumb, arrogant witch had to Hillary it, thankful for the American people.
If you actually listen to Bill Clinton's speeches you'll see he could talk yo the working class with perfection. He got away with praising the nonwhites future in the 90s and kept their support.
I think so
What in the FUCK are you talking about? This article nor post have a damn thing to do with Trump. You've gone full retard.
haha holy shit faggots STILL can't handle people shittalking Hillary. goddamn
She literally screamed into her pillow on election night
everytime I want to kill myself, I'm always stopped by the pleasant thought that I'm not Hillary Clinton
>being able to scream after you pass out after getting black out drunk
Stop crying faggot. Hillary lost and Trump won, so deal with it.
we're not talking about Trump niggger. Trump's a zionist anyway. fuck nigger
Bill Clinton was a good politician overall, I'd take him any day over Hillary or Obongo
haha holy shit faggots STILL use undertale reaction images at the end of 2017
I agree with you but come on dude
oh, thats from undertale? I honestly just saved it because it looked funny
btw i honestly could not give less of a shit. faggots post images from old video games all the time you crybaby
Damn it breaks my heart to see such a beautiful marriage fall apart.
>Is Bill /ourguy/?
t. too young or not even born when he was President
He was a fucking awful President on so many levels.
>also a dumb frogposter
>Burned a bunch of women and children alive at Waco.
>Banned "assault weapons" and 11+ round magazines.
>Raped interns in the oval office and got caught.
>Increased taxes.
>Lucked out with an internet bubble fueling the economy that popped when he left office.
>Didn't kill Bin Laden when he had the opportunity.
>Relaxed lending rules, pushing lenders to lend to minorities, even when not appropriate, fueling housing bubbled and collapse.
>Pussied out, pulling Americans out of Somalia after the Battle of Mogadishu, showing the world that America will pack up and leave when you bloody her nose.
Great president, lol.
Bill literally warned them about the Blue Wall crumbling down. Hillary and her campaign staffers wrote off his desperate warnings as attempts by a doddering old man to remain relevant. THAT is how fucking stupid they were. The incompetence of her campaign will be dissected for generations just to figure out how to never repeat their hilarious mistakes.
b-but muh surplus
go jerk off to traps you stupid cunt kek
haha so he can dick a bimbo's mouth while working as president but if he tells her she should rewrite her apology book thats grounds for divorce
>I can't defend Obama so I'll bring up Bush
They should get a divorce, it's the liberal thing to do.
FTFY Hillary
He damaged her precious and fragile ego. She was writing that book probably to prevent herself from going an hero.
First time she's screamed into a pillow in decades I bet
She’s going to become a crazy bag lady wearing a piss stained pant suit. She’ll never recover from getting a dirty sanchez from Trump.
Well at least now they can finally divorce now that they both know she will never be elected. The wheels are falling off the bus now.
>Hillary it
O I am stealing this one.
hillary (v.) - to shit the bed in an extremely public and dramatically ironic manner
>Man, I really hillaried that one. Maybe I'll write a book about it.
Why are you posting the life of an ordinary citizen as if they were celebs? This is Sup Forums not Huffington post
It sure is fun watching the democratic party implode.
At this rate they'll have to rebrand themselves as the Wigg party or something.
>1 post by this ID
You've earned many (You)s my friend, so I feel like you've earned yet another one
Damn, he does look like him
Should of been trumps running mate
This I bet they haven't had sex since the 90s
>started his reign with a deficit and ended with a surplus.
I give the dude credit for that, however, his list of "achievements" also include:
-expanding roles for females and faggots in the military, which in turn made our military weaker, and started the downturn that lead to where we are today
-destroying the human intelligence assets of our intelligence agencies, which directly lead to 9/11
-exporting military tech to China
-exporting manufacturing to China
-implementing NAFTA so that 3rd world S. American can exploit our wealth
-conducting shitty military campaigns for the wrong people and quitting when shit got tough, which made us look like complete pussies. See: Caving in to Somalian niggers, Supporting Muslim scum in the Balkans
-kissing minority and feminist ass to the point that now they refuse any government that isn't leftist
-disgracing the white house by fucking some skank whore their, and then lying about it like a bitch.
He should be hung by the neck until dead, along with the last 2 POTUS scum we've had.
>youll never drink haitian new born blood while arguing with bill
>while he's raping an aborted black fetus
>dumb frogposter
back to Sup Forums, fagola
oh, I thought dumb frogposter was an [s4s] meme
Bill just does not GAF and can you blame him?
you forgot
>knew every little thing that happened during the Rwandan Genocide but still let it happen because muh Mogadishu
I remember my ex-military dad telling me about the global situation reports they'd get daily, one of them detailed a village full of Rwandan women taking their kids down to the river and throwing them to the crocodiles before jumping in with them because it was a better fate than what was headed their way.
>First time she's screamed into a pillow in decades I bet
None needed. Bill was just a cool guy. Sad that he had a sexual assault addiction
I've always associated Sup Forums hate with Sup Forums, since they're all such enormous fags, but Sup Forums, /s4s/, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are all just as bad, if not worse. /lit/ sucks too.
/ourguy/ probably not, but did indeed handle himself gracefully under fire. The GOP of the 90's wouldn't let this guy catch a breath, but he handled himself well without splitting the country in two, unlike fucking obama
Your dad sounds like a giant pussy.
This whole site is cancer, but at least it's not reddit.
Digits and she offs herself
Watch and be amazed
>hand wringing election book
Is this bitch still using a typewriter?
Close enough.
> she had drank too much
it's the least bad internet forum with a decently active population and no shitty rules
I was glad when he gave H. W. the boot on the way in. Does that count? Also, that it was reported that the "W" keys had all been stolen from the keyboards in the Oval Office. Now that's trolling
This just confirms that their marriage was a sham and they were only together for the political power.
Bill is the brains of the couple. He knew how the book would be perceived by middle america and tried to stop tone deaf hillary, but she is too stupid to take his advice.
Bill's definitely been having sex just not with that shriveled old prune wife of his
>believing a serial liar and her rapist husband
>falling for the bush is dumb meme just because media played up his speech errors every day for a decade.
6 feet under
sorry meant for post above yours
At least he's a good sport.
Is Bill based?
Bill was our last good and sensible President until now. If there weren't term limits he would probably still be President.
Lel best one